What Does Nothing Really Mean in the Context of the Universe?

In summary, without the laws, there would be nothing. Can the universe come into being without the laws? It is said that universe might come out of a quantum vaccum, but that( quantum vaccum) itself is a laws, a generalization within the universe. Can we apply the laws of nature outside the universe? Is there such a thing as "nothing"?
  • #71
heusdens said:
What do you mean?

You imply that it could be just an illusion, but then what is the reality behind the illusion? And for that reality too,how do you know it's not also an illusion, and what is the reality behind that? And so on.

So if we have to take the remark seriously, then it is like stating that nothing can be known about reality.

I'm not denying that a reality wouldn't need to be behind the illusion, only that it's plausible that whatever reality that turns out to be, it might not include planets and stars.
So again, when you say that without human consciousness stars and planets would still exist, that's an assumption, not a fact.
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  • #72
heusdens said:
How does that relate to information without material reality?[/

The information involved in non-local effects,as recorded in many EPR-Bell experiments,transcends causality. It "travels" instantaneouly, and, apparently, without the medium of material substances. Freaky stuff:bugeye:
  • #73
-Job- said:
I'm not denying that a reality wouldn't need to be behind the illusion, only that it's plausible that whatever reality that turns out to be, it might not include planets and stars.
So again, when you say that without human consciousness stars and planets would still exist, that's an assumption, not a fact

Reality can be viewed as a unified whole, indeed many QM experiments demonstrate this to be the case. When we (humans) label things - planet, star, chair, whatever - we artificially fragment that unified whole. The rational mind separates, classifies and categorises reality, but in reality this separation does not exist. Without human consciousness this separation (or labelling) would not occur, so it can be stated that without human consciousness stars and planets would cease to exist. To insist they would exist once again shatters the unified whole of reality. On a more basic level, it cannot be proved that stars and planets will exist without human consciousness. It can only be assumed. An educated guess still qualifies as a guess. We do not 'know' how the universe works, we guess how it does. Some people cannot seem to grasp that science does not describe reality, it guesses about it.
Just as everything written above is a guess!
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  • #74
mosassam said:
Reality can be viewed as a unified whole, indeed many QM experiments demonstrate this to be the case. When we (humans) label things - planet, star, chair, whatever - we artificially fragment that unified whole. The rational mind separates, classifies and categorises reality, but in reality this separation does not exist. Without human consciousness this separation (or labelling) would not occur, so it can be stated that without human consciousness stars and planets would cease to exist. To insist they would exist once again shatters the unified whole of reality. On a more basic level, it cannot be proved that stars and planets will exist without human consciousness. It can only be assumed. An educated guess still qualifies as a guess. We do not 'know' how the universe works, we guess how it does. Some people cannot seem to grasp that science does not describe reality, it guesses about it.
Just as everything written above is a guess!

Exactly, thank you.
  • #75
mosassam said:
heusdens said:

The information involved in non-local effects,as recorded in many EPR-Bell experiments,transcends causality. It "travels" instantaneouly, and, apparently, without the medium of material substances. Freaky stuff:bugeye:

But you are wrong. There is no spooky action at a distance, since there is no exchange of information or energy instantaniously.

You are erroneous on that.
  • #76
-Job- said:
I'm not denying that a reality wouldn't need to be behind the illusion, only that it's plausible that whatever reality that turns out to be, it might not include planets and stars.
So again, when you say that without human consciousness stars and planets would still exist, that's an assumption, not a fact.

But you are right.If one defines 'existence' as that what is known to the mind, then for sure,planets and stars didn't exist before there was a human mind.
Then the stars and planets were -so to say- created by the human mind.
You can have it your way,if you want that.

Just that for the material sciences, this makes no sense at all.
  • #77
kant said:
That is perhaps the biggest 2 question for the whole of existence.
Without it, there would be no sciences, no human, no anything...at all.
Can the laws come into being without matter/universe? Can the universe come into being without the laws? (It is said that universe might come out of a quantum vaccum, but that( quantum vaccum) itself is a laws, a generalization within the universe. Can we apply the laws of nature outside the universe? Is there such a thing as "nothing"? By "nothing", i mean the non-existence of everything.

If by "nothing" you mean non-existence, and by non-existence you mean absence of objective relations, then the universe (all of existence) equals nothing.

There is no outside and apart of the universe, which means there are no objective relations in which there is a separate reality for the universe,and the universe is a separate reality to something else.
  • #78
heusdens said:
But you are wrong. There is no spooky action at a distance, since there is no exchange of information or energy instantaniously.

You are erroneous on that

Please enlighten me.
  • #79
mosassam said:
Please enlighten me.

Well it seems to be that two independent measurements on entangled quantum entities influence each other, yet there is no possible way to exchange information in that fashion, because you need both measurements to conclude that there is a correlation.

Perhaps look up some specific threads on this board in Quantum Mechanics that explains this further.
  • #80
heusdens said:
Well it seems to be that two independent measurements on entangled quantum entities influence each other
In what way?
  • #82
heusdens said:
Perhaps read this Wikipedia article on EPR paradox

I stand corrected. Many thanks.
  • #83
heusdens said:
But how can there be just being? Being would be just as changeless and featureless as non-being.
I disagree. “Being” does not necessarily imply “changeless being”. Being and becoming are both necessary properties of a cognisant universe. We should not confuse “nothing” with “change”. Being and becoming are two empirical facts of our universe (= “something”); but a universe of “nothing” has no sensible meaning.

heusdens said:
The whole issue which makes the question unanswerable is that the question presupposes that being and non-being are only separate notions.
The question is not unanswerable – I’ve provided an answer.:smile:

heusdens said:
The absolute seperatedness of being and non-being presupposed makes the notion of becoming impossible. To become means things come into being, in which both being and non-being are moments of becoming.
A boy “becomes” a man, but there is no requirement for any change in the constituent elements of the universe to do this – only a reconfiguration of those constituents. There is no creation of any new elements in such a case – at an elemental level the universe simply continues in a state of being, but at a configurational level different configurations come into being, and disappear. But this has nothing to do with the question of whether a universe of “nothing” has any meaning.

heusdens said:
The laws of motion can not be separated with matter and motion itself, to the extend that the question then reads: where does matter come from?

That of course has no answer.
There is no "of course" about it. We perhaps do not know the answer at the moment, but it does not follow from our present-day lack of knowledge that the question has no answer.

  • #84
heusdens said:
If by "nothing" you mean non-existence, and by non-existence you mean absence of objective relations, then the universe (all of existence) equals nothing.

There is no outside and apart of the universe, which means there are no objective relations in which there is a separate reality for the universe,and the universe is a separate reality to something else.

I don t think you understand what i mean by the universe. My "universe" is the continuos space-time physical universe that had it ` s begainning 13 billion years ago.

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