What gives particles their property?

In summary: Therefore, while two protons may have the same intrinsic properties, they cannot occupy the same quantum state, leading to a difference in their energy levels.Also, does a field arise by interactions of particles, or field already exists and particles are shaped by the already existing fields?In summary, properties like charge, mass and spin of particles are intrinsic and independent of external factors. While two protons may have the same intrinsic properties, they cannot occupy the same quantum state, leading to a difference in their energy levels. As for fields, they are already existing and particles are shaped by their interactions with them.
  • #1
Yes, the same questions as in the topic. What gives particles their property, like charge, structure, what to interact with, amount of energy and all the like?

And also another question, are 2 protons the same? From a visible world, me may easily conclude that no 2 things exactly alike. Even if they look alike at a first glance, when examining the positions of molecules, microscopic shapes, etc, they aren't alike anymore. So is it possible that even no 2 particles are exactly the same, and even if they're very similar, there's even a real tiniest difference in for example amount of energy they have has etc.?

Also, does a field arise by interactions of particles, or field already exists and particles are shaped by the already existing fields?

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  • #2
heartless said:
Yes, the same questions as in the topic. What gives particles their property, like charge, structure, what to interact with, amount of energy and all the like?
Well, properties like charge, mass and spin of elementary particles are instrinic by nature and it is independent of external factors.
And also another question, are 2 protons the same? From a visible world, me may easily conclude that no 2 things exactly alike. Even if they look alike at a first glance, when examining the positions of molecules, microscopic shapes, etc, they aren't alike anymore. So is it possible that even no 2 particles are exactly the same, and even if they're very similar, there's even a real tiniest difference in for example amount of energy they have has etc.?
Yes, two protons are same in terms of their intrinsic properties. But protons belong to a class of particles called Fermions. As a result of the antisymmetric wavefunction, fermions obey Fermi-Dirac statistics, whose consequence is the Pauli exclusion principle - no two fermions can occupy the same quantum mechanical state at the same time.
  • #3

Particles are given their properties by their fundamental nature and interactions with other particles. These properties can include charge, structure, interactions, and energy levels. These properties are determined by the fundamental forces and laws of nature that govern the behavior of particles.

To answer your question about whether two protons are the same, in the visible world, it may seem that no two things are exactly alike. However, at the microscopic level, particles such as protons can be identical in terms of their properties. This is because they are made up of the same fundamental building blocks and are subject to the same laws of nature. So while there may be slight differences in energy levels or interactions, these differences are not significant enough to make them fundamentally different particles.

In terms of the relationship between particles and fields, it is a bit of both. Fields exist in space and particles interact with these fields to create forces and determine their behavior. At the same time, particles also shape the fields around them through their interactions. It is a continuous cycle of particles and fields influencing each other.

Overall, the properties of particles are determined by their fundamental nature and interactions with other particles and fields. While there may be minor differences between individual particles, they are fundamentally the same in terms of their properties and behavior.

FAQ: What gives particles their property?

1. What determines the mass of a particle?

The mass of a particle is determined by its interactions with the Higgs field, an energy field that permeates the universe. This field gives particles their mass through a process called the Higgs mechanism.

2. Why do some particles have electric charge while others do not?

Electric charge is a property that arises from a fundamental force called electromagnetism. Particles that interact with this force, such as electrons and protons, have electric charge, while particles that do not, such as neutrons, have no charge.

3. How do particles acquire their spin?

Particle spin is an intrinsic property, meaning it does not arise from an external force or interaction. It is a fundamental property of particles, similar to mass and charge, and is an essential component in determining the behavior and interactions of particles.

4. What gives particles their color charge?

Color charge is a property that only applies to particles that interact with the strong nuclear force, such as quarks. It is a characteristic of how these particles interact with one another, and it plays a crucial role in the formation of protons, neutrons, and other subatomic particles.

5. How do particles obtain their flavor?

Particle flavor is a property that distinguishes different types of particles, such as quarks and leptons. It is an intrinsic property and is not dependent on any external factors. Flavor is an essential aspect of particle physics and helps scientists understand the fundamental building blocks of matter.

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