What is the Amplitude of a Particle? Understanding Photon Waves and Displacement

In summary, in quantum mechanics, the amplitude of a particle's wave function corresponds to the probability of finding the particle at a given location. In classical mechanics, the amplitude of an electromagnetic wave corresponds to the magnitude of the E-field and it does not apply to a small number of particles or single particles.
  • #1
If a photon can be graphically demonstrated as a wave with amplitude x, what does the amplitude correspond to on a particle? Is it, it's displacement from its mean position at a given time?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
In quantum mechanics, the amplitude (at some location) of the wave that represents a particle corresponds to the probability of finding the particle at or near that location. More specifically,

[tex]P(x) = \Psi^*(x) \Psi(x)[/tex]

where [itex]\Psi[/itex] is the wave function, which is generally complex, and P is the probability density.
  • #3
Ok, on the quantum side that makes sense. So what about the classical?
  • #4
You need to know that the 'wave function' is not truly oscillatory like for example y=sin(x).

The wave function JT refers to is the solution of Schrodinger's 'wave' equation, which is not really a wave equation at all it is called that because it is similar to the true wave equation which has an oscillatory solution y=sin(x).
  • #5
Classically, the amplitude of an EM wave is the magnitude of the E-field (by convention).
  • #6
Simon Malzard said:
Ok, on the quantum side that makes sense. So what about the classical?

Classical Mechanics is designed to work with only a large number of particles. It does not apply to a small number of particles or a single particle.

When developing classical physics we worked with objects like apples, large metal objects, people, etc. All things which are a large collection of particles. Even in QM the expectation values (which describes classical results) do not give accurate information about a small number of particles.
  • #7
Simon Malzard said:
Ok, on the quantum side that makes sense. So what about the classical?

Classical physics doesn't contain the notion of "photons." In classical physics, light is purely a electromagnetic wave phenomenon. Nor does it contain the notion of particles having wave-like behavior.

FAQ: What is the Amplitude of a Particle? Understanding Photon Waves and Displacement

1. What is the amplitude of a particle?

The amplitude of a particle is a measure of its maximum displacement from its equilibrium position. It represents the magnitude of the particle's oscillations or vibrations, and is typically measured in units of distance, such as meters or centimeters.

2. How is the amplitude of a particle related to photon waves?

Photon waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation that can exhibit wave-like behavior. The amplitude of a photon wave represents the strength or intensity of the electromagnetic field at a particular point in space. This amplitude is directly related to the energy of the photon, with higher amplitudes corresponding to higher energy photons.

3. What factors can affect the amplitude of a particle?

The amplitude of a particle can be affected by various factors, including the force acting on the particle, the frequency of its oscillations, and any external constraints or damping forces present. Additionally, the material properties of the medium through which the particle is moving can also impact its amplitude.

4. How is the amplitude of a particle different from its wavelength?

The wavelength of a particle refers to the distance between two consecutive points on a wave that are in phase with each other. In contrast, the amplitude of a particle represents the height or magnitude of the wave. While the wavelength is measured in units of distance, the amplitude is typically measured in the same units as the particle's displacement.

5. Can the amplitude of a particle change over time?

Yes, the amplitude of a particle can change over time due to various factors such as changes in the applied force or the presence of damping forces. In some cases, the amplitude may also decrease over time due to energy being transferred to other forms, such as heat or sound, through the process of damping. However, in the absence of any external influences, the amplitude of a particle will remain constant over time in an ideal, undamped system.

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