What is the Force at Point A in a 3-Dimensional Cable System?

In summary, the Homework statement asks if the weight of the boom is negligible compared with the applied load of 45-kN. The cable tensions in T1 and T2 are calculated to be 71.1512 kN and 60.749 kN, respectively. The forces at point A are difficult to calculate, but the attempt is as follows: ƩFx = 0, -T2 + T1cos(θx) + Ax, θx = arccos(9/15.81), and θy = arctan(15/9). Finally, A is determined to be 58.278 kN.
  • #1

Homework Statement

If the weight of the boom is negligible compared with the applied 45-kN load, determine the cable tensions T1 and T2 and the force acting at the ball joint at A.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I have successfully calculated the tensions in T1 and T2 to be 71.1512 kN and 60.749kN respectively.

But I've been having a lot of difficulty calculating the forces at point A. My attempt is as follows:

ƩFx = 0

-T2 + T1cos(θx) + Ax

θx = arccos(9/15.81) where 15.81 is the length of the cable T1

Ax = 60.749 - 71.1512cos(55.304)
Ax = 20.2481

ƩFy = 0

θy = arctan (15/9)
θy = 59.036

0 = t1cos(59.036) - 45 + Ay
Ay = 8.393

ƩFz = 0
θz = arctan(10.2956/12) where 10.2956 is the length from A to C.
θz = 40.62857

0 = Az - 71.1512cos(40.62857)
Az = 53.999

A = [itex]\sqrt{}20.2481^2 + 8.393^2 + 53.999^2[/itex]
A = 58.278

It says my answer is wrong and I don't see where I'm going wrong. Help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • #2
Hi Northbysouth! :smile:

(try using the X2 button just above the Reply box :wink:)
Northbysouth said:
ƩFx = 0

-T2 + T1cos(θx) + Ax

θx = arccos(9/15.81) where 15.81 is the length of the cable T1

Ax = 60.749 - 71.1512cos(55.304)
Ax = 20.2481

yes :smile:, but there was no need to find the actual angle

all you needed to know in -T2 + T1cos(θx) + Ax was cosx) …

which you know is 9/15.81 ! :wink:

i don't understand why you then used tan for the y and z directions, instead of the cos you used for the x direction :confused:

try it the same way :smile:

(if it helps, you can visualise the tension T1 as replaced by forces of relative magnitudes 9:5:-12 along the x y and z axes)
  • #3
I'm not sure I completely understand what you're saying.

When I was calculating the angles I imagined that the origin was at point B. From there I then used trigonometry to determine what angle the force T1 made with each axis.

So, when I was determining θy I visualized a right angle triangle that went from B to C and then directly back to the y-axis at B.

Are you saying that I should use arccos instead of arctan when I'm calculating the angles at θy and θz?
  • #4
Northbysouth said:
So, when I was determining θy I visualized a right angle triangle that went from B to C and then directly back to the y-axis at B.

not following you :confused:

let's see what you did …
Northbysouth said:
θy = arctan (15/9)

where does the 15 come from?

(i can see a 15, but it's a hyptoneuse, and it's the wrong angle)

the unit vector along T1 is (9,5,-12)/15.81 …

the cosines are the individual coordinates :smile:
  • #5
I understand what you mean when you said that I didn't need to calculate the angles.

Using the unit vector of T1 = <9, 5, -12>/[itex]\sqrt{}250[/itex]

I multiplied the components i, j and k by the force to get the magnitude of the force in the x, y and z direction. From there it was simple to calculate Ax, Ay and Az

The answer I got for A is 61.9053 kN, which is correct.

Thank you for your help.

FAQ: What is the Force at Point A in a 3-Dimensional Cable System?

1. What is the "Sum of the Forces at a point"?

The "Sum of the Forces at a point" is a concept in physics that refers to the total force exerted on an object at a specific point in space. This includes both the magnitude and direction of all the individual forces acting on the object.

2. How is the "Sum of the Forces at a point" calculated?

The "Sum of the Forces at a point" is calculated by adding together all of the individual forces acting on an object at a specific point. This can be done by breaking down each force into its components and then using vector addition to find the resultant force.

3. What is the significance of the "Sum of the Forces at a point" in physics?

The "Sum of the Forces at a point" is an important concept in physics as it helps us understand and predict the motion of objects. According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, the net force acting on an object is directly proportional to its acceleration. Therefore, by calculating the sum of the forces, we can determine the acceleration and subsequent motion of an object.

4. Can the "Sum of the Forces at a point" ever be zero?

Yes, the "Sum of the Forces at a point" can be zero. This means that all of the individual forces acting on an object are balanced and there is no resulting acceleration. In other words, the object will remain at rest or continue to move at a constant velocity.

5. How does the "Sum of the Forces at a point" relate to equilibrium?

The "Sum of the Forces at a point" is directly related to equilibrium. When the sum of the forces acting on an object is zero, the object is said to be in a state of equilibrium. This means that there is no resulting motion or acceleration, and the object will remain in its current state unless acted upon by an external force.

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