What is the origin of mass(both fermions and bosons)?

In summary, the origin of mass for both fermions and bosons is the spontaneous broken symmetry of the Higgs field, as explained by the Higgs mechanism in the standard model. This theory has been supported by experimental evidence, but its extension to include leptons and quarks is still uncertain.
  • #1
Please teach me this:
What is the origin of mass of both fermions and bosons?Is it correct that the origin is the spontanious broken symmetry of Higgs Field?(I know that Higgs mechanism is the origin of mass of vector boson W and Z in weak interaction).
Thank you very much for your kind helping.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yes, in the context of the standard model this is exactly the origin of all masses. The Higgs field is decomposed as "vacuum expectation value + fluctuation"; the vacuum expectation value couples to all fields and induces mass terms; the fluctuations are interpreted as particles (which are hopefully identified at LHC).
  • #3
We don't, of course, know for sure whether this is actually correct yet - the SM is exactly what it says on the tin, namely a model.

The way the SM derives weak vector boson masses is convincing and matches experiemental results very well, but it's less clear whether or not the extension of Higgs interactions to the leptons and quarks is the right theory.

FAQ: What is the origin of mass(both fermions and bosons)?

1. What is the Standard Model and how does it explain the origin of mass?

The Standard Model is a theory that describes the fundamental particles and forces of the universe. It explains the origin of mass through the Higgs mechanism, which proposes that all particles gain mass by interacting with a field known as the Higgs field. This interaction slows down particles, giving them mass.

2. How did the Higgs field come to be and why is it necessary for particles to have mass?

The Higgs field is believed to have been present in the early universe, shortly after the Big Bang. As the universe cooled, the Higgs field underwent a phase transition, causing it to acquire a non-zero value. This gave rise to the Higgs boson, which interacts with particles and gives them mass through the Higgs mechanism. Without the Higgs field, particles would travel at the speed of light and have no mass.

3. Are fermions and bosons affected by the Higgs mechanism in the same way?

No, fermions and bosons are affected differently by the Higgs mechanism. Fermions, which include particles such as electrons and quarks, gain mass through their interactions with the Higgs field. On the other hand, bosons, such as photons and gluons, do not interact with the Higgs field and therefore do not gain mass through the Higgs mechanism.

4. How does the discovery of the Higgs boson support the Standard Model's explanation of the origin of mass?

The discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012 provided evidence for the existence of the Higgs field and its role in giving particles mass. This supports the Standard Model's explanation of the origin of mass through the Higgs mechanism.

5. Are there any theories that propose alternative explanations for the origin of mass?

Yes, there are some theories that propose alternative explanations for the origin of mass, such as supersymmetry and extra dimensions. These theories suggest that there may be additional particles or dimensions that play a role in giving particles mass. However, the Standard Model with the Higgs mechanism is currently the most widely accepted explanation for the origin of mass.

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