What is the true nature of electromagnetic waves - particles or fields?

In summary: At least any thinking person of some realistic profundity can say that a particle is something as also a wave is something, as opposed to 'a nothing'.In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of wave and how it is understood differently by different individuals. Some view wave as a collection of particles while others see it as an abstract concept. The conversation also touches on the relationship between waves and particles, with one participant arguing that waves are the fundamental concept and particles are just a medium through which waves travel. The conversation also mentions the use of the word "particle" in quantum mechanics and how it can lead to misconceptions. The conversation concludes with a suggestion to focus on the mathematical understanding of waves and particles rather than trying to visualize them in familiar
  • #1
I always feel confused about the concept of wave. I don't know why we have to develop a term called "wave"? To me, wave made of particles oscillating up and down periodically.
Is wave just a collection of particles or is wave an identity independent of particles?

For example:
Light a collection of photons
Sea waves a collection moving water molecules
Seismic wave a collection of soil particles
Wave on a string is a collection of string particles

But why do we say that electromagnetic wave is a collection of oscillating electric and magnetic field? Why not say that it is a collection of some particles? To me, field is an abstract idea(cannot be seen/touched) whereas particles exist in nature.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I've always considered the wave to be a description of the physical dynamics. The particles are just the medium through which the wave is traveling. Also, not all waves (electromagnetic, for instance) require a medium of particles.
  • #3
kntsy said:
But why do we say that electromagnetic wave is a collection of oscillating electric and magnetic field? Why not say that it is a collection of some particles? To me, field is an abstract idea(cannot be seen/touched) whereas particles exist in nature.

I'm not sure what is more abstract an idea: fields or point particles which exist in 3 dimensional space and have no mass. I am more comfortable with the former. In the words of Feynman,
You can't say A is made of B or vice versa. All mass is interaction.
. This kind of reasoning points to the field concepts as being the more fundamental.
  • #4
That may be what it is "to you", but that's not what it is.

Light, for example, is not a bunch of photons "oscillating up and down periodically" - if it were, it wouldn't travel in a straight line. It would travel in a wavy line.
  • #5
Vanadium 50 said:
That may be what it is "to you", but that's not what it is.

Light, for example, is not a bunch of photons "oscillating up and down periodically" - if it were, it wouldn't travel in a straight line. It would travel in a wavy line.

But each photon has a wavelength & move up & down don't they? And overall it still travels in a straight line?
  • #6
You can always second-quantize a wave, and end up with particles. Particles for sea-waves aren't going to be molecules of water, though. They'll be phonons of some sort.
  • #7
Dav333 said:
But each photon has a wavelength & move up & down don't they?

No. A photon's wavelength is a statement about how the electric field changes over a distance, not a statement that it is bouncing up and down.
  • #8
This subject comes up so frequently and I blame the first person to use the word 'particle' for the Quantum after we moved from the 'corpuscular theory' (which really did treat light as consisting of little bullets) to waves. The wave description makes extremely good sense as it can explain all classical light phenomena.
Quantum theory says absolutely nothing about particles, as such. It merely stipulates that em energy exists in quanta. Using the idea of particles just creates the sorts of misconception that this thread contains. Just how big are they supposed to be and where? The 'two slits' problem gives so many people a hard time simply because they feel they have to visualise little bullets going (or not going) along certain paths. Is the concept of a wave so very hard in itself? QM really just says that the em wave can only carry or interact with integral numbers of characteristic quanta of energy or momentum; no bullets.

The question / statement that should be banned from all serious Science discussions is one involving the words "what it really is", when describing a phenomenon. All we can say is what best describes something in terms we already know and love.
  • #9
Ok. any links for noobies like me on how to further understand this?

Some sites just show you that its a particle & travels up/down.

  • #10
The word 'wave' comes from waves you have on the ocean or a pool of water. Later it was adapted to other things like sound waves.

No concepts we have every day words for can be used to describe anything related to quantum mechanics or particles. Those obviously aren't things you can experience.

There's only math. Any word you use is merely an analogy.
  • #11
Dav333 said:
Ok. any links for noobies like me on how to further understand this?

Some sites just show you that its a particle & travels up/down.


"Some sites" need to be treated with suspicion!
It is very true to say that (transverse) waves traveling through a medium (seismic waves, for example) will involve lateral oscillations of particles and that the oscillations are longitudinal for longitudinal waves. For surface waves (e.g. sea waves and the seismic waves that radiate outwards for a short distance from an earthquake) the motion of individual particles is in a circle - which is not what the majority of School books say. You can verify this by watching (from the side) a can floating on the sea or even by getting in there, near a jetty and watching the way the world moves in a circle when you are floating on a large swell (not necessarily at Monte Carlo LOL).
BUT, the wave is merely 'carried' by the interactions between the particles; it is not the particles themselves. No particles at all are involved when em waves travel through space. However, when radio waves travel through the ionosphere, individual electrons do actually move from side to side as the fields around them vary. That, of course, is NOT photons moving from side to side.
  • #12

At least any thinking person of some realistic profundity can say that a particle is something as also a wave is something, as opposed to 'a nothing'.

Then describe what that something does in the way of contributing to the operation of the observable and known to man universe (oaktmu) which includes the nose in the face of man.

Always go to the determination is it something or it is nothing absolutely nothing.

If it is something even just a word, then determine what is its contribution to how the oaktmu world works including the nose in the face of man.

Otherwise no one has the business of telling people that:

Above #8:

'The question / statement that should be banned from all serious Science discussions is one involving the words "what it really is", when describing a phenomenon. All we can say is what best describes something in terms we already know and love."

So, scientists here and would-be scientists and also of course science enthusiasts, have a bit of philosophy, here:

1. First determine whether a something really is something as opposed to nothing, even just a phrase like "flying spaghetti monster."

2. Then determine what contribution it makes to the operation of the oaktmu (observable and known to man universe) world of man and his nose.

3. If two things make the same contribution, then look for their what philosophers of old call accidental qualities which can be absent and yet the thing still should continue and does continue to contribute to the operation of the oaktmu world of man and his nose.

There, now you will not anymore abandon a thread when the development is pointing to that direction, owing to your fear of philosophy.

Remember science is a tool for knowledge not a pseudo reason to abandon the quest for knowledge because of your pre-self-dungeoned world whereby you already put yourselves inside a dungeon outside which you dare not go because otherwise you would be a what? heretic!

  • #13
Yrreg i don't think you understood anything that sophie was saying in that post.

FAQ: What is the true nature of electromagnetic waves - particles or fields?

1. What is the wave-particle duality?

The wave-particle duality is a concept in quantum mechanics that explains how particles can exhibit properties of both waves and particles. This means that particles can behave like waves, with characteristics such as interference and diffraction, while also having a discrete mass and position.

2. How can something be both a wave and a particle?

This concept can be difficult to understand, but it is based on the principles of quantum mechanics. In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a definite position or velocity until they are measured. So, before a measurement is taken, a particle can exist as a wave with a probability distribution of possible positions, and after measurement, it is observed as a particle at a specific location.

3. What evidence supports the wave-particle duality?

There are several experiments that have provided evidence for the wave-particle duality. One example is the double-slit experiment, where particles behave like waves and display interference patterns when passing through two slits. Another is the photoelectric effect, where light behaves like a stream of particles (photons) when interacting with matter.

4. How does the wave-particle duality impact our understanding of the world?

The wave-particle duality has revolutionized our understanding of the microscopic world. It has led to the development of quantum mechanics, which has allowed us to accurately describe and predict the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. It also has implications for fields such as technology, chemistry, and biology.

5. Are there any particles that do not exhibit wave-like properties?

No, all particles exhibit wave-like properties to some extent, but the degree to which they do so depends on their mass and speed. For example, larger particles with slower speeds, such as humans, have a negligible wave-like behavior, while smaller particles like electrons have a more pronounced wave-like behavior.

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