What is your Afterlife Back Up Plan?

  • Thread starter Tim Brewer
  • Start date
  • Tags
You can talk about pretty much anything. There are a few subjects that are banned, but they are mostly illegal things. Religion and politics are allowed as long as they are not inflammatory. And even then they will just move the thread to the Basement, a forum that is not indexed by Google and is not seen by the general public.In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a "dead man's switch" and how it can be used to tie up loose ends and inform others of one's demise. The conversation also touches on the topic of life after death and various beliefs surrounding it. The forum is described as being open to discussing a variety of topics, including religion and politics, as long
  • #1
Tim Brewer
What is yours?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
My lord and saviour, Christopher Hitchens.
  • #4
Get a CET, what ever scans I can of my brain and store them in a disk, and have them stored underneath my cryogenic chamber. Hopefully cryoprotectants will be effective enough to save my brain from the damage that is usually done in the process of freezing and warming.
  • #6
Absolutely not. I'm just going to croak and be done with it.
Well, any functional organs are mandated to carry on without me in someone who can make better use of them.
  • #7
Danger said:
Absolutely not. I'm just going to croak and be done with it.
Well, any functional organs are mandated to carry on without me in someone who can make better use of them.

Agreed. Although I expect that most of my organs will have been to well used to be of any service after my death.
  • #8
Well, yeah... there's not much hope for my liver. And the lungs, of course, are the cause of my demise. Smoking and drinking aren't the best life choices, but I just love them so much... :redface:
  • #9
Tim Brewer said:
Do you believe or feel, that there is such a thing, like life after death?

No, I don't. I don't believe in anything supernatural.

But I totally believe in things that are natural :smile:.
  • #10
lisab said:
But I totally believe in things that are natural :smile:.
I really like Evo's idea of the Tibetan vulture funeral, once the innards are harvested.
  • #11
What's an "Afterlife Back Up Plan"?
A plan in case afterlife fails?

I don't know what it is, so I cannot answer.
  • #12
Bacon and tomato sarnies with brown sauce.
  • #13
wolram said:
Bacon and tomato sarnies with brown sauce.

That sounds more like a cause of death, rather than an after the fact picnic.
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  • #14
rootX said:
What's an "Afterlife Back Up Plan"?
A plan in case afterlife fails?

I don't know what it is, so I cannot answer.

Good statement rootX!

Am I allowed to post images here?
  • #15
Danger said:
Well, yeah... there's not much hope for my liver. And the lungs, of course, are the cause of my demise. Smoking and drinking aren't the best life choices, but I just love them so much... :redface:

We need to get together to shoot some billiards before too long Danger. I'm afraid neither of us are likely to last all that long.
  • #16
Tim Brewer said:
Good statement rootX!

Am I allowed to post images here?

Juct check the advanced options. There are tag options and you can also upload images.
  • #17
TheStatutoryApe said:
We need to get together to shoot some billiards before too long Danger. I'm afraid neither of us are likely to last all that long.

I like the idea, Stats. You have to come here for it, though; remember that I'm not allowed over the border. (Besides, it would be amusing for me to see you experience Alberta weather. :biggrin:)
  • #18
I'm not so bad in the cold. Will my fedora and trench coat be good enough?

I've been meaning to get up there eventually. One of my favourite bands is out of BC and I have a few friends in Alaska. I was supposed to get up there for their wedding but I've been too poor for travel.

If I do ever get up there I promise to find you and get schooled on the big felt table. :-)
  • #19
I plan to travel.
  • #20
TheStatutoryApe said:
I'm not so bad in the cold. Will my fedora and trench coat be good enough?

Depends upon your tolerance. We were sitting out in our T-shirts having beers on the lawn yesterday, watching the last of the snow melt (but there's more coming). A friend told me several years ago about a time when his in-laws were visiting California. They found a nice deserted beach, went swimming, then were tanning. A couple came strolling up wearing parkas. The woman just looked down at the baskers and said, with a wry expression, "You're Canadian, aren't you?" When they asked how she could possibly know that, she said, "Who else would be out on the beach in this freezing weather?" It was at least 18°C. :rolleyes:
Of course, it also depends upon when you're here. In winter, it can hit -45C. We tend to wear heavy coats in that weather.
Anyhow, if you're ready for Alaska, you shouldn't have any trouble here.
  • #21
Tim Brewer said:
Do you believe or feel, that there is such a thing, like life after death?

Nope, I'm an Aquarius and we don't believe in stuff like superstition.
  • #22
TheStatutoryApe said:
Juct check the advanced options. There are tag options and you can also upload images.[/QUOTE]

Thank you The Statutory Ape,

Where do I find this advance option at?

How liberal is this Forum, to more meaningful conversations, about possible afterlife communication options ?
  • #23
Tim Brewer said:
Thank you The Statutory Ape,

Where do I find this advance option at?

How liberal is this Forum, to more meaningful conversations, about possible afterlife communication options ?

When you hit the quote button or the reply button you get a text box with several icons above it. If you don't get that you might want to check your settings under, I think, "My PF" and tell it to display advanced options when you are posting.
The paper clip icon will allow you attachments to your post though they must be approved by a mentor before they will show up. Most of the Moderators are in the US so if it is late here there may not be someone on to approve it for a while.
There's also an icon that looks like a small picture frame below the attachment icon. It will bring up a box that will ask for the url of your image and then will insert the tags and url for you. Its probably easier though to type the tags yourself.
[ img ]imageurl.com[ /img ]
Just take out the spaces.

And on the matter of afterlife communication you may be able to start a thread here as long as you don't mind it not being taken very seriously, as you can see.
There is also the Skepticism & Debunking forum. I have not looked in there for a while and am not sure just what is and is not acceptable any more. Topics that have been discussed to death (so to speak) are sometimes closed when they are posted again. Per the general guidelines you will definitely have to stay away from overly religious lines of discussion and I believe that S&D discussions must be scientific in nature preferably with acceptable sources for any claims made. So if you wish to discuss personal experiences it is probably not the place. If you are looking for information on scientific studies you may be able to find some already posted there.
  • #24
TheStatutoryApe said:
When you hit the quote button or the reply button you get a text box with several icons above it. If you don't get that you might want to check your settings under, I think, "My PF" and tell it to display advanced options when you are posting.
The paper clip icon will allow you attachments to your post though they must be approved by a mentor before they will show up. Most of the Moderators are in the US so if it is late here there may not be someone on to approve it for a while.
There's also an icon that looks like a small picture frame below the attachment icon. It will bring up a box that will ask for the url of your image and then will insert the tags and url for you. Its probably easier though to type the tags yourself.
[ img ]imageurl.com[ /img ]
Just take out the spaces.

And on the matter of afterlife communication you may be able to start a thread here as long as you don't mind it not being taken very seriously, as you can see.
There is also the Skepticism & Debunking forum. I have not looked in there for a while and am not sure just what is and is not acceptable any more. Topics that have been discussed to death (so to speak) are sometimes closed when they are posted again. Per the general guidelines you will definitely have to stay away from overly religious lines of discussion and I believe that S&D discussions must be scientific in nature preferably with acceptable sources for any claims made. So if you wish to discuss personal experiences it is probably not the place. If you are looking for information on scientific studies you may be able to find some already posted there.

Thank you The Statutory Ape,


You give me a lot to think about.

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  • #25
Wow! Bleacher seats to watch all the death and suffering!

Now THATS heaven...
  • #26
robertm said:
Wow! Bleacher seats to watch all the death and suffering!

Now THATS heaven...

The only suffering in the afterlife.

Is not being able to communicate with humans!
  • #27
Tim Brewer said:
The only suffering in the afterlife.

Is not being able to communicate with humans!

Is this something you have verified?
  • #28
robertm said:
Is this something you have verified?



Please fill free to check out this thread below!

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  • #29

So did you win the million?
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  • #30
Tim Brewer said:
The only suffering in the afterlife.

Is not being able to communicate with humans!

There is no suffering at all when one does not exist anymore!
  • #31
robertm said:

So did you win the million?


Still waiting on media attention, before I give it all away, except for any taxes I must pay.
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  • #32
BoomBoom said:
There is no suffering at all when one does not exist anymore!


Is this something you have verified?

How about emotions?
  • #33
robertm said:
Wow! Bleacher seats to watch all the death and suffering!

Now THATS heaven...

HAHAHAA! man that was good comedic timing!

(This thread is stupid. Please refrain from posting this kind of stuff here, we don't do hokus pokus. We do science. )
  • #34
Tim Brewer said:
What is yours?

This guy's afterlife plan probably didn't go as he had planned.

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  • #35
I'll just stick with my original plan, I don't have a back-up.

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