What Smiley's would you just LOVE to see?

  • Thread starter Les Sleeth
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In summary, Les suggested we have new Smileys, and Greg granted those wishes. Les also suggested a smiley of a pretty girl throwing kisses up in the air, and Greg granted that wish as well.
  • #1
Les Sleeth
Gold Member
With my apologies in advance to Admin for whining, I’m going to come right out and say that too often I cannot quite find the Smiley I really need to put that special touch on a post. A few of those I need to articulate myself properly are:

Barfing Smiley. I mean really, how does one properly express nausea without a hurling little face?

Something-stuck-up-the-butt Smiley. We desperately need this one for anal retentive posts.

Being-electrocuted Smiley. Good for expressing one’s shock over the latest dumb idea posted.

Arrow-through-the-head Smiley. For that wounded feeling.

Swollen-head Smiley. For the BIG ego.

Gun to-the-head Smiley. I think I’m going to shoot myself.

Bulging-eyes Smiley. Your freakin’ me out.

Pounding-heart Smiley. Love ya.

Toasting-beer Smiley. I went to Tom’s Super400 site and they have a really cool Smiley toasting with a frothy mug of beer. Just what one needs after posting most of the above Smileys to say, “no hard feelings.”

What Smileys are you most in need of?
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  • #2
On multiple occasions, I've wished for the barfer or the beer-toaster.
  • #3
I want a smiley that shrugs. And since we have a devil smiley, I also want an angel, for when I feign innocence.
  • #4
Yes, yes ! I'd like the shrugger too. I've wanted so many...but nothing comes to mind now when I try to think...easier to let others come up with the ideas.
  • #5
Gokul43201 said:
Yes, yes ! I'd like the shrugger too. I've wanted so many...but nothing comes to mind now when I try to think...easier to let others come up with the ideas.
I like all the above, but we probably won't be granted any new ones. :mad:

Les, we have a bugeye smiley.
  • #6
Evo said:
Les, we have a bugeye smiley.

True (tho I was thinking of a more bloodshot look). Okay, replace that request with . . . 1. flies flying around what appears to be a dead head, or 2. what looks like a pounding headache.

I like Moonbear's idea for an angelic Smiley to act innocent. That's diabolical.
  • #8
Thank you Greg! :!) o:)
  • #9
He's like God isn't he.
Quiet, doesn't say much, and just when you start to think there is no such thing as a Greg B. BAM! Thunder and Lightning, angels singing, he shows up and grants a wish, performs a miracle. There's no discussion involved, he speaks, we listen. No wasted words, no adjectives, no verbs. Omnipotently succinct, then he vanishes into the ether leaving everyone standing around in awe.
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  • #10
Greg Bernhardt said:
Love :!) Angel o:)

Thanks Greg, I just realized you gave us two new ones! :!) I actually was only inviting everyone to be silly and think up weird Smileys. I wouldn't really want barfing, beer-drinking Smileys, you know that right? o:)
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  • #11
Yay! New smilies! :!) o:) Thanks Greg!
  • #12
Les Sleeth said:
Toasting-beer Smiley. I went to Tom’s Super400 site and they have a really cool Smiley toasting with a frothy mug of beer.

They don't have that one. They've enabled the [ img ] tags so that we can use any smiley we find on the web. Here at PF, I think the [ img ] tags are only enabled in the General Discussion Forum.

Greg, any reason we can't have that all over the site? That we we could stop bugging you for smilies.
  • #13
I would like to see a smiley smacking it's forehead for those D'OH! moments.
  • #14
And to carry my analogy another step forward. Look at the sheep, never satisfied. God works a miracle and what do they do? pray for more.
  • #15
tribdog said:
And to carry my analogy another step forward. Look at the sheep, never satisfied. God works a miracle and what do they do? pray for more.

Can sheep pray?
  • #16
Like you've never brought a sheep to its knees.
  • #17
I want a smiley of a pretty girl throwing kisses

FAQ: What Smiley's would you just LOVE to see?

1. What is the significance of "What Smiley's would you just LOVE to see?"

The question is asking for a personal preference of smiley faces, which can reveal interests and personality traits.

2. How do you determine which smiley faces to include in your list?

The selection process is based on a combination of popular demand, creativity, and representation of different emotions.

3. Can I suggest a smiley face to be included in the list?

Yes, we welcome suggestions and ideas for new smiley faces to add to our list. You can send us your suggestions through our website or social media channels.

4. Are there any cultural or regional variations in the smiley faces you include?

We try to include a diverse range of smiley faces that can be universally understood and appreciated. However, there may be variations in interpretation based on cultural or regional differences.

5. What impact can smiley faces have on our daily lives?

Studies have shown that using smiley faces in communication can improve mood, increase likability, and enhance the overall tone of a conversation. They can also be a fun and creative way to express emotions and connect with others.

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