What's your Valentine's Day memory?

  • Thread starter Moses
  • Start date
In summary: Couple, been together for 4 years, broke up 2 years ago.Couple, been together for 4 years, broke up 2 years ago.
  • #1
"Yeah, I have 6 wifes"
Chill, this qoute is not by my, but could be an answer to the question i will ask in the next line:

Are you a single? if not, what are you [married, coupled...etc]

Could be expanded [if you are willing to] to how much partners were you had before now.
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  • #2
Starting with myself, I am single now...and i just had one girlfriend for two years. We'd broken up for a short time ago...
  • #3
single .. not looking .. 2 parents ...
is that enough?

btw moses .. your name mean "*****!" in my area ! :)
  • #4
I just got out of a four month relationship. She ditched me for my next door neighbor.

So that makes me single.
  • #5
franznietzsche said:
I just got out of a four month relationship. She ditched me for my next door neighbor.
Cheer up Franz, my previous relation ended up the same way after four years. Even more. I hope you too had an unusually lucky neighbor, or does it often happens ?
  • #6
humanino said:
Cheer up Franz, my previous relation ended up the same way after four years. Even more. I hope you too had an unusually lucky neighbor, or does it often happens ?

Well actually, it shouldn't have been that surprising,she ditched her alst boyfriend for me.:redface:

In a way i guess i had it coming. I was pretty broken up about it, until she called me tonight and was generally nasty and made it very clear she didn't care. that, plus the fact she was quite a liar made me feel a lot better about it. She's his problem now. :cool:
  • #7
Single, never had long term relationship, but I'm young so there's no pressure.
  • #8
Smurf said:
Single, never had long term relationship, but I'm young so there's no pressure.

But youth is the time not to waste :wink:
  • #9
Which is why I'm not tying myself down :-p
  • #10
Oh, when you said no long term relationship, i guess i mistakenly thought "no relationships." Carry on then.
  • #11
Where is Cow Poly? Does it exist? is it in your head? or is there a town called that somewhere in california or something?
  • #12
Smurf said:
Where is Cow Poly? Does it exist? is it in your head? or is there a town called that somewhere in california or something?

No, its a joking term for Cal Poly--California Polytehnic. There is a large agriculture program, and a few thousand acres of cows, bulls, and other agricultural learning environments.

Its in San Luis Obispo, on the California Coast.
  • #13
Smells of Animal Cruelty
  • #14
Smurf said:
Smells of Animal Cruelty

Actually around 6 PM the winds tend to shift, and it smells of animal manure. Hence the nick name.
  • #15
Really, we have a similar phenomena here, at 6:30PM on friday and saturdays the air suddenly smells of Marijuana
  • #16
Smurf said:
Really, we have a similar phenomena here, at 6:30PM on friday and saturdays the air suddenly smells of Marijuana

:smile: :cry: :smile: :cry: :smile: :cry: :smile: :cry: :smile: :cry: :smile:

Oh i tried so hard to stifle that laugh so as not to wake up my roommate. It really hurt. :cry:
  • #17
Who hath been defeated now eh?
  • #18
Smurf said:
Who hath been defeated now eh?

Yousa canuck, eh?

Makes me miss my Canadian relatives, they're fun.
  • #19
What aboot your Canadian relatives? they newphies by any chance?
  • #20
Smurf said:
What aboot your Canadian relatives? they newphies by any chance?

what are newphies?
  • #21
One of our provinces is called Newfound land. Crazy people up there.
  • #22
:-p Government Warning: Being single is hazardous to your life. (as the above conversation can testify).
  • #23
Smurf said:
One of our provinces is called Newfound land. Crazy people up there.

Oh no.The live near Winnipeg. Not surewhich provincethat is. Justnorth of Minnesota, where i have a bunch of other family.
  • #24
Polly said:
:-p Government Warning: Being single is hazardous to your life. (as the above conversation can testify).

Hey she was a psycho anyway. I just miss the idealized version inmy mind that never reallyexisted anyway, but lovedme back. Ok this is depressing me now.
  • #25
Winnipeg would be Saskachewan... I think.

no wait, I bet its Manitoba.
  • #26
Smurf said:
Winnipeg would be Saskachewan... I think.

no wait, I bet its Manitoba.

Yeah Manitoba sounds right. But i wouldn't know. Aaah, a different keyboard, so much better typing than the laptop keyboard.
  • #27
Well my four-year long distance relationship ended out of the blue, and I was not even properly notified. Men (Zantra excepted, he does not like generalisation).
  • #28
Smurf also excepted.
  • #29
Polly said:
Well my four-year long distance relationship ended out of the blue, and I was not even properly notified. Men (Zantra excepted, he does not like generalisation).

Yeah i wasn't notified either. I went back last weekend. We had some wild fun. Then earlier this week she reveals we had broken up a long time ago. Now being a guy, I've got nothing particular against being used, but i do remeber the words "i love you" at some point during that night. Women...
  • #30
:smile: :smile:
I wish I had something like that to share... but I don't :frown:
  • #31
Smurf said:
:smile: :smile:
I wish I had something like that to share... but I don't :frown:

I'm glad you think its funny. I wish i didn't have it to share. Well the second to last sentence is kinda humourous. But the situation sucks. Hence the booze filled weekend. Hard liquor is better than prozac.
  • #32

(thinking about him so don't know what to say)
  • #33
humanino said:
Cheer up Franz, my previous relation ended up the same way after four years.
Now you're stuck with me. :approve:
  • #34
My girlfriend posts here every now and then. Not often, though.
  • #35
Who is she, or is that a secret?

And post another picture without hiding half your face in a pillow! You're too handsome to be teasing us like that!

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