Where Can I Find High-Energy Pair Production Differential Cross Sections?

In summary, Pair production cross section is a measure of the likelihood that a given type of particle will be produced in a specific interaction between two particles. It is important in understanding fundamental interactions and predicting high-energy particle collisions. It is typically measured in particle accelerators and can be influenced by various factors such as energy, type of particles, and external factors. It is closely related to other fundamental interactions and plays a role in developing a unified theory of physics.
  • #1
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I am looking for a source which covers a differential crossection for pair production of electrons and positrons due to photons.

[tex] \frac{d^2\sigma}{dEd\Omega} [/tex]

I need it to be valid for high relativistic energies of electrons/positrons and for all angels. I can only find formulas which are valid for small opening angels :(

(Rev. Mod. Phys. 41, 581 - 639 (1969) Pair Production by Photons)

Thank you for your time
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hans Bethe - Phys Rev. 93 "Theory of Bremsstrahlung and Pair Production I. Differntial Cross Section"

  • #3
and help in advance.

Hi there,

Thank you for your question. The differential cross section for pair production of electrons and positrons due to photons is a complex topic and can be difficult to find reliable sources for. However, I have found a few sources that may be helpful to you.

One source that covers the differential cross section for pair production of electrons and positrons due to photons is the paper "Differential Cross Sections for High-Energy Pair Production by Photons" by B. L. Combridge and C. J. Maxwell. This paper was published in Physical Review D in 1969 and can be accessed through the American Physical Society website or through a university library.

Another source that may be helpful is the book "Quantum Electrodynamics" by Walter Greiner and Joachim Reinhardt. This book covers the theory and calculations for pair production by photons, including the differential cross section. It is available for purchase or can be found at a university library.

I hope these sources are helpful to you in your research. Best of luck!

FAQ: Where Can I Find High-Energy Pair Production Differential Cross Sections?

What is pair production cross section?

Pair production cross section is a measure of the likelihood that a given type of particle will be produced in a specific interaction between two particles. It is commonly used to describe the rate at which electron-positron pairs are created in high-energy collisions.

Why is pair production cross section important?

Pair production cross section is important because it helps scientists understand the fundamental interactions of particles and the properties of matter at the subatomic level. It also plays a crucial role in predicting and analyzing the results of high-energy particle collisions in particle accelerators.

How is pair production cross section measured?

Pair production cross section is typically measured by conducting experiments in particle accelerators, where high-energy particles are collided and the resulting particles are detected and counted. The measured cross section is then compared to theoretical predictions to confirm our understanding of the underlying physical processes.

What factors affect pair production cross section?

Pair production cross section is influenced by various factors such as the energy and type of the colliding particles, the strength of the interaction between them, and the properties of the particles being produced. It can also be affected by external factors like the presence of an electromagnetic field or other particles in the vicinity.

How does pair production cross section relate to other fundamental interactions?

Pair production cross section is closely related to other fundamental interactions such as electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces. It is also connected to other physical phenomena like quantum mechanics and relativity. Understanding the relationship between these interactions is crucial in developing a unified theory of physics.
