Where Does Consciousness Come From? Exploring the Hard Problem

In summary, The conversation covers a variety of topics, including incredible anomalies and abandoned civilizations. The participants also discuss the hard problem of consciousness and its implications for psychology and neuropharmacology. They also mention the theory of gas venting as a possible explanation for ship sinkings in the Bermuda Triangle. The conversation ends with a request for ideas on the hard problem of consciousness.
  • #1
Re: first impression
Just glanced through the topics here, they all seem interesting, and I'll go through them all in detail later, what the about incredible anomolies awaiting credible investigation?

moon some sort of gamma ray or high energy particle interaction maybe?

Anasazi, this is probably not the only instance of peoples abandoning civilisations, this is precisely what happened to the Mayans who returned to the jungle tribal existence from whence they came after, it is suggested, widespread famine, very difficult to find evidence of famine. The Aztecs are reported to have sacrificed 50,000 people in one day to assuage the sun gods anger and return fertility to their lands.

The hard problem: where does conciousness come from: is a philosophical and theroretical nightmare for psychologists and neuropharmacologists alike, an example of the scale of the problem: Selective Seratonin Re-uptake Inhibitors(SSRI's i.e Prozac) take 3-5 weeks to have any noticible effect, but the brain chemistry of a depressed person on SSRI's and non depressed person without any medication after just a few hours are identicle, so why's it take 3 weeks to have any conscious effect?

as I said will comment more seriously when I've read them.

yeah that gas venting is a sugestion for the ship sinkings in the Bermuda triangle.

Thanks for this stuff, I like fringe, non fringe physics whatever you wanta call it
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Stuff and - nonsense?

Anyone got any ideas about the hard problem it's a subject that fascinates me.

perception is the clouding of reality surely :smile:
  • #3

First of all, I agree that all of these topics are very interesting and worth exploring in detail. As for the question of where consciousness comes from, it is indeed a complex and difficult problem to tackle. It seems that no matter how much we study the brain and its functions, we still can't fully understand how consciousness arises from it. The example you provided about the effects of SSRIs is a perfect illustration of this mystery. It's fascinating to think about how something as intangible as consciousness can be affected by something as concrete as brain chemistry.

I also find the idea of incredible anomalies and their potential for credible investigation intriguing. It's true that there are many unexplained phenomena in the world that could potentially hold the key to unlocking some of these mysteries. And the mention of the Bermuda Triangle and its gas venting theory is a perfect example of how even the most bizarre explanations can still hold some validity.

Overall, I'm excited to delve deeper into these topics and see where the discussions take us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and adding to the conversation.

FAQ: Where Does Consciousness Come From? Exploring the Hard Problem

What is the latest scientific development?

The latest scientific development can vary depending on the field of science. However, some recent breakthroughs include the discovery of gravitational waves, the development of gene-editing technology, and advancements in artificial intelligence.

What are your first impressions of the new technology?

As a scientist, I approach new technology with a critical and analytical mindset. I evaluate its potential uses, limitations, and ethical implications before forming a final opinion.

Is there any scientific explanation for the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon?

The Bermuda Triangle is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where several aircraft and ships have mysteriously disappeared. While some have speculated about paranormal or extraterrestrial causes, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. The most likely explanation is human error, natural disasters, or inclement weather conditions.

What is the significance of the ANASAzi civilization?

The ANASAzi civilization was a Native American tribe that thrived in the southwestern United States from approximately 100 BCE to 1300 CE. They were known for their advanced knowledge of agriculture, architecture, and astronomy. The significance of the ANASAzi lies in their cultural and technological contributions to the region and their eventual mysterious disappearance.

What is the hard problem in science?

The hard problem in science refers to the philosophical question of how subjective experience emerges from the physical processes of the brain. It deals with the mystery of consciousness and has been a topic of debate among scientists and philosophers for centuries.
