Why at the south hemisphere the sun rises from the west?

In summary: In that case, the stars would be moving from east to west, just as they would if you were at the equator.
  • #1

I wanted to ask why at the south hemisphere the sun rises from the west?
We know that Earth rotates reversely than the watch pointers(this happeness to both hemispheres),so all the "sky" (the stars etc..) goes to the opposite direction.

If someone could explain me..

Thank you!
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
ggeo1 said:

I wanted to ask why at the south hemisphere the sun rises from the west?
We know that Earth rotates reversely than the watch pointers(this happeness to both hemispheres),so all the "sky" (the stars etc..) goes to the opposite direction.

If someone could explain me..

Thank you!

The sun does not rise in the West in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • #3
That's ridiculous! So you're one step north of the equator at sunrise and you step over to the south. What's the sun going to do?? Disappear and appear in the West?
  • #4
What might be confusing you is that the stars do rotate in the opposite direction in the south but that's because you, or your telescope, is facing the south pole intead of the north.
  • #5
What might be confusing you is that the stars do rotate in the opposite direction in the south but that's because you, or your telescope, is facing the south pole intead of the north.

Yes..it confuses me.I can't visualize this.
I say,that it doesn't matter where you are,all the "sky" rotates from east to west.
  • #6
Welcome to PF!

Hi ggeo1! Welcome to PF! :smile:

Just to confused you further :confused: :cry:

in the Northern hemisphere, outside the Tropics, the sun rotates clockwise, but in the Southern hemisphere, the sun rotates anti-clockwise. :smile:
  • #7
ggeo1 said:
Yes..it confuses me.I can't visualize this.
I say,that it doesn't matter where you are,all the "sky" rotates from east to west.
That is true -
But if you lay on your back at the north pole (watch out for polar bears) the stars are moving from left to right.
If you lay on your back at the south pole the stars are still moving east to west but east is now on your right side so the stars appear to be moving in the opposite direction, from right to left.
  • #8
ggeo1 said:
Yes..it confuses me.I can't visualize this.
I say,that it doesn't matter where you are,all the "sky" rotates from east to west.
To visualize this.
Find a oneway street and stand on one side with trafffic passing left to right (for east to west).
Cross the street where inorder to view the traffic you must now turn around just as you do when you turn south.
the traffic is now moving from right to left.
From your POV a change; not a change for the traffic.
  • #9
If you are standing at the equator, you can choose to face either the north or south pole...
  • #10
It's a coordinate system thing. Facing the north pole, the sun always rises to your right, align with the south pole, it rises to your left. You can do that anywhere on earth, except at the poles. At the north pole, the sun rises at your left [west] because you are always facing south [and vice versa from the south pole].
  • #11
russ_watters said:
If you are standing at the equator, you can choose to face either the north or south pole...

That works even when you aren't at the equator...
  • #12
Thank you all for your answers.
I understand what you say but i can't understand this:

[URL=http://img444.imageshack.us/my.php?image=northvh6.jpg][PLAIN]http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/8218/northvh6.th.jpg[/URL]http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php [/IMG

Why the man has to had the head up and not down and the reverse.
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  • #13
ggeo1 said:
Why the man has to had the head up and not down and the reverse.
He does not have to face in any direction, just take into account what the POV used is and how that View affects what he sees - reread post # 8.
  • #14
Ok,thank you all.

I understand what's happening but it confuses me a little.I'll find it!

Thank you!
  • #15
chemisttree said:
That works even when you aren't at the equator...
Well, yes, but if you are in the souther hemisphere and looking toward the north pole, you're looking at the ground, not the sky.

FAQ: Why at the south hemisphere the sun rises from the west?

1. Why does the sun rise from the west at the south hemisphere?

The sun appears to rise from the west in the southern hemisphere due to the Earth's rotation and its tilt on its axis. As the Earth rotates, the sun appears to move across the sky from east to west. However, the Earth's tilt causes the sun's path to appear higher or lower in the sky depending on the hemisphere, making it seem like the sun is rising from the west in the southern hemisphere.

2. Is the sun's movement different in the southern hemisphere?

Yes, the sun's movement is different in the southern hemisphere compared to the northern hemisphere. This is because of the Earth's tilt and rotation, which affects the angle at which the sun's rays hit the Earth's surface. In the southern hemisphere, the sun appears to move higher in the sky, causing it to rise from the west and set in the east.

3. Does the sun always rise from the west in the southern hemisphere?

No, the direction of the sun's rise and set changes throughout the year due to the Earth's tilt and its position in its orbit around the sun. The sun rises from the west at the southern hemisphere during the summer solstice, but it will appear to rise from the east during the winter solstice.

4. Is the sun's path the same in all parts of the southern hemisphere?

No, the sun's path in the southern hemisphere can vary depending on the specific location. For example, in the tropics, the sun may rise and set almost directly overhead, while in more southern regions, the sun's path may be lower in the sky, making it appear to rise from the west.

5. Can we see the sun rise from the west in the northern hemisphere?

No, the sun will always appear to rise from the east in the northern hemisphere due to the Earth's rotation and tilt. The sun's movement and path are opposite in the two hemispheres, so it will never rise from the west in the northern hemisphere.

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