Why is gravity assumed to be a wave

In summary, gravity is not a wave, but there are solutions to general relativity where gravitational waves occur. It is believed that these waves propagate at the speed of light, similar to electromagnetic waves. Gravity itself also propagates at the speed of light, which means that if a mass suddenly appeared in space, it would take some time for its gravitational effects to be felt by other masses. However, there are limitations to this concept and it is still a topic of ongoing research and study.
  • #1
apart from the fact gravity propogates at the speed of light, what leads people to assume it is a wave? if it were wouldn't even gravitys line of propogation be bent by proximity to mass, after all refraction and defraction occcur to waves, this would mean the moon would bend the suns lines of gravity propogation.
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  • #2
Gravity isn't a wave, and neither is electromagnetism. In general relativity gravity is a psuedoforce and electromagnetism is a force. And just like electromagnetic waves (ripples in the electromagnetic field) can be produced (light), there are solutions to general relativity where gravitational waves (ripples in spacetime) are found. Gravitational waves are a phenomenon that is believed to occur, but they've never been observed so we're not even entirely sure they exist. Taking the analogy further, everything we've ever analyzed through quantum mechanics so far that has at one time presented itself as a wave to us has been capable of being described as a particle also. It is because of this that the graviton has been proposed. Since we can find instances in Einstein's equations where gravitational waves occur, it is believed there should be some way to also describe these waves as particles.. gravitons.
  • #3
As a rough anology to compare E&M to gravity

mass (more accurately, energy) in GR is like charge in E&M. It's the "source" of gravity.

The gravitational force between two masses is like the electrostatic force between two charges (the coulomb force).

Moving masses cause frame-draging effects known as "gravitomagnetism", just as moving charges cause magnetism. Gravitomagnetism is, however, very weak. Gravitomagnetism has been detected already in a few experiments, however the best and most accurate test, Gravity Probe B, is currently underway.

Gravity waves are analogous to E&M waves, but instead of electric and magnetic fields gravity waves have gravitic and gravitomagnetic comonents. Note that E&M waves are related to, but different from, the coulomb force between two charges. The same thing is true about gravity and gravity waves.
  • #4
what I am getting at is...so obviously a gravity wave must propogate at a speed,c, as waves can't occur otherwise, does gravity itself propogate at a speed, by this i mean, if 2 masses appeared from nowhere at the same time, instantly in space, would they both experience gravity of the other instantly or would we have to wait for a split second(c's worth of time over the distance between them)
  • #5
jim_990 said:
what I am getting at is...so obviously a gravity wave must propogate at a speed,c, as waves can't occur otherwise, does gravity itself propogate at a speed, by this i mean, if 2 masses appeared from nowhere at the same time, instantly in space, would they both experience gravity of the other instantly or would we have to wait for a split second(c's worth of time over the distance between them)
Gravity doesn't act instantaneously, it travels at c, so if the Sun randomly disappeared, we'd stay in orbit for 8 minutes until both the light waves and gravitational effects left. The fact that Newton's theory of gravity is non-local (gravity travels instantaneously) was one of the major indications that it was wrong. The special theory of relativity doesn't mesh well with non-locality.
  • #6
jim_990 said:
what I am getting at is...so obviously a gravity wave must propogate at a speed,c, as waves can't occur otherwise, does gravity itself propogate at a speed, by this i mean, if 2 masses appeared from nowhere at the same time, instantly in space, would they both experience gravity of the other instantly or would we have to wait for a split second(c's worth of time over the distance between them)

Two masses can't appear from nowhere. An attempt to apply the rules of GR to that case fails, just as an attempt to find the electric field of a charge "appearing from nowhere" fails.

However, one can show that if you perturb a gravitational field, that changes in it will propagate at a velocity that's equal to 'c' or less.

You might want to take a look at the sci.physics.faq on this topic:


FAQ: Why is gravity assumed to be a wave

1. Why is gravity assumed to be a wave?

Gravity is assumed to be a wave because of its behavior and properties. Just like other waves, gravity can be described by a wave equation and shows interference patterns. Additionally, the observation of gravitational waves by LIGO in 2015 further supports the idea that gravity is a wave.

2. How does gravity being a wave explain the behavior of objects?

Gravity being a wave explains the behavior of objects by the concept of spacetime curvature. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, massive objects create a curvature in spacetime, which is the source of the force of gravity. This curvature can be described as a wave, which explains the attraction between objects.

3. Can gravity be considered a wave if it is a fundamental force?

Yes, gravity can be considered a wave even though it is a fundamental force. In physics, a force can be either a contact force or a field force. Gravity is a field force, which means it acts at a distance. Therefore, it can be described as a wave that travels through the fabric of spacetime.

4. Are there any other theories that explain gravity besides it being a wave?

Yes, there are other theories that explain gravity, such as the particle theory, which suggests that gravity is carried by hypothetical particles called gravitons. However, this theory is still being researched and has not been confirmed. Einstein's theory of general relativity, which describes gravity as a curvature in spacetime, is currently the most widely accepted explanation.

5. How is the concept of gravity as a wave important in modern physics?

The concept of gravity as a wave is important in modern physics because it helps us understand the behavior of gravity on a larger scale, such as the motion of planets and galaxies. It also plays a crucial role in the study of black holes and the early universe. Additionally, the detection of gravitational waves has opened up a new field of research and has the potential to further our understanding of the universe.
