Why is the fine structure constant what it is?

In summary: another way to look at it is that these constants are fundamental because they have no units associated with them.
  • #1
This question occurred to me while working through some textbooks. Since it is dimensionless, its value can't be explained away saying it's because of the way we chose the units.

Well it turns out I'm a 100 years late to this game. I found it's even more serious than I had realized. (And it isn't really a constant?)

Obviously, no one knows that answer to this question, but since it is such an outstanding question, what serious attempts are being made to answer it?

Is there even a way to test it? All Google gives me is these "pop-sciency" quotes and anecdotes about how "amazing" and "mysterious" it is, often ending with an account of a scientist to [incorrectly] predict it's value based on dubious theoretical reasoning.

Who works on this question and how? Do you think we'll know the answer one day? It seems to me that it might be insurmountable, but I'm sure there was a time when someone asked "Why is the sky blue?" and the best answer was "Because it is, and if it weren't then it wouldn't be."
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi wotanub, have a look at

The fine-structure constant is related to other constants (e.g elementary charge, Planck's constant and the speed of light in vacuum). So asking why it is what it is, is almost like asking why e.g. the elementary charge is what it is. The only answer I can provide is that measurements tells us the value of it. But I know that answer is not quite satisfactory, of course :smile:.

Furthermore, it's not the only "mystical" dimensionless constant; there's also the proton-to-electron mass ratio. Here's a recent study of it (from Max-Planck-Institut, Bonn):

* Quite fun title, btw.
  • #3
Hey thanks for the reply. I had already read the Wikipedia articles and noticed it didn't really "explain" this value of ≈1/137. Those other articles raise similar questions I think. Very interesting.

I think asking why the fine structure constant is 1/137 is different than asking why the speed of light of Planck's constants have the values they do, simply because it's unit-ess. The subtlety is revealed by this line of thinking:

The speed of light is ≈3.0E8 m/s because we defined a meter a certain way and the second a certain way. We can easily change what the "value" is by choosing different units (186000 mi/h). So an alien that has never heard of us could say Planck's constant is 6.45E27 wilgglesworths*pishpops instead of 6.626E-34 J-s because they don't define units like we do. If they're really smart, they could be using "god units" and say c = 1 (velocity units) and every other speed is just some fraction of the fundamental speed.

But this is not so for a dimensionless constant. There is no way to scale it. If we got some alien physics paper and translated it, we should see that their fine structure constant is the same as ours (Maybe they don't use base 10, but it'd be the same number if we convert the base.) because its value is independent of the how you define units.

So it seems the fine structure and other dimensionless constants are the most fundamental entities. Why are they these "weird" numbers? Or maybe they are not actually weird at all and its just some underlying principle that we're missing?

Upon reflection I suppose this question might be the same as "why is pi equal to what it is" (alien pi should be the same as Earth pi) or "why does 2 = 2?"
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  • #4
wotanub said:
I think asking why the fine structure constant is 1/137 is different than asking why the speed of light of Planck's constants have the values they do, simply because it's unit-ess.

I agree.

wotanub said:
So it seems the fine structure and other dimensionless constants are the most fundamental entities. Why are they these "weird" numbers? Or maybe they are not actually weird at all and its just some underlying principle that we're missing?

Good questions. Furthermore, I just remembered this text, which might interest you:

How Many Fundamental Constants Are There? (John Baez), quote:

[URL='https://www.physicsforums.com/insights/author/john-baez/' said:
John Baez[/URL]]
26 constants is not too many — but most physicists would prefer to have none. The goal is to come up with a theory that let's you calculate all these constants, so they wouldn't be "fundamental" any more. However, right now this is merely a dream.

Note: the text is from 2011, so it does not reflect the new Higgs detections at CERN.

wotanub said:
Upon reflection I suppose this question might be the same as "why is pi equal to what it is" (alien pi should be the same as Earth pi) or "why does 2 = 2?"
Yes, I think they are sort of similar questions. But the fine-structure constant question is a better physics question, IMO :smile:, since there's a difference between physical constants and mathematical constants.
  • #5
wotanub said:
This question occurred to me while working through some textbooks. Since it is dimensionless, its value can't be explained away saying it's because of the way we chose the units.


Obviously, no one knows that answer to this question, but since it is such an outstanding question, what serious attempts are being made to answer it?
I don't agree that the fine structure constant is more fundamental other constants just because it does not have a unit. Note that while the /numerical value/ we assign to the dimensional constants is arbitrary (and can be chosen to be 1), the actual /constants/ are not affected by that. There most certainly is a speed of light, it is a speed, it is universal. And no matter how you chose your system of measurement, the speed of light is something different than the elementary charge or the electron mass, even if you decide to work in a system of units in which all three of those are chosen as 1.
  • #6
The fine structure constant is one of 19 dimensionless parameters in the Standard Model of elementary particles. The Standard Model does not fix the values of any of its parameters. Certain "beyond the Standard Model" theories, such as "grand unified" theories, give relations among some of the parameters of the Standard Model (but also introduce others).
  • #7
cgk said:
I don't agree that the fine structure constant is more fundamental other constants just because it does not have a unit. Note that while the /numerical value/ we assign to the dimensional constants is arbitrary (and can be chosen to be 1), the actual /constants/ are not affected by that. There most certainly is a speed of light, it is a speed, it is universal. And no matter how you chose your system of measurement, the speed of light is something different than the elementary charge or the electron mass, even if you decide to work in a system of units in which all three of those are chosen as 1.

That is a good point, indeed.
  • #8
DennisN said:
"Many Fundamental Constants Are There?" (John Baez)

Yes this is my thinking, only expanded by more knowledge.

cgk said:
I don't agree that the fine structure constant is more fundamental other constants just because it does not have a unit.


I haven't given thought as to what I mean by "more fundamental." We all agree that there is something different about the dimensionless quantities compared to the ones with dimension. Yes, the speed of light is has a definite value regardless of how we choose to represent it, but what does this freedom of representation imply? Since there is no choice in the representation of the dimensionless quantities, this to me means they are "more rigid" and possibly have a deeper physical meaning. Since they can't be set to one and ignored by anyone no matter how they define their units, they are "more fundamental" just as the Planck length, time and mass are "more fundamental" than the SI units. The Baez link Dennis provided seems to use similar reasoning.

Maybe I have hand-waved the concept of being "more" fundamental, but I only wanted to emphasize there is obviously something fundamentally different about those dimensionless quantities. I guess the questions underlying my original question are things like "Why are they fundamentally different? Why are some scalable and others aren't? Can all the scalable ones be reduced to combinations of some other non-scalable ones? If so, does that mean the scalable ones are the "real" god units and they really are more fundamental?"

EDIT: By "real" god units I mean something like (again, this is a priori):
1. Throw out all notions of length, time, ect
2. Assign a unique dimension to each "dimensionless" constant
3. Express all other constants (hbar, c, e, etc) in terms of these new dimensions
4. Recover length, time, mass, etc from these definitions.
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  • #9
Avodyne said:
Certain "beyond the Standard Model" theories, such as "grand unified" theories, give relations among some of the parameters of the Standard Model (but also introduce others).

It seems I'm in over my head with these questions, I'm barely in grad school! Those are the exact details I want to know about. Maybe I should switch from AMO experiment to HEP theory haha.
  • #10
Maybe the question is not right
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  • #11
It is often not instructive to ask why, when we are still trying to sort out the relationships between certain values. It seems quite tough to demand "why" answers when we are still sorting out the relationships between standards that we can measure, and try to figure out the rules. Just sayin'

FAQ: Why is the fine structure constant what it is?

1. What is the fine structure constant and why is it important?

The fine structure constant, also known as alpha (α), is a dimensionless quantity that describes the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles. It is a fundamental constant in physics and plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level.

2. How is the fine structure constant calculated?

The fine structure constant is calculated by combining three other fundamental constants: the speed of light (c), Planck's constant (h), and the elementary charge (e). The formula for calculating alpha is α = e^2/(4πε0hc), where ε0 is the permittivity of free space. This value is approximately 1/137 or 0.007297, which is why it is often denoted as α ≈ 1/137.

3. Why is the fine structure constant considered to be a mystery?

The value of the fine structure constant has puzzled scientists for decades because it appears to be a pure number with no mathematical explanation or physical significance. It is also a dimensionless quantity, which means it has the same value regardless of the units used to measure it. This has led some to speculate that the fine structure constant may hold the key to unlocking deeper mysteries of the universe.

4. What would happen if the fine structure constant were different?

If the fine structure constant were significantly different, it would have a profound impact on the behavior of matter and energy in the universe. For example, if alpha were larger, atoms would be more tightly bound, making it difficult for complex molecules and life to form. On the other hand, if alpha were smaller, atoms would be less stable, and stars would burn out faster, potentially limiting the development of advanced civilizations.

5. Can the fine structure constant change over time?

According to current understanding, the fine structure constant is a constant value that does not change over time. However, some theories suggest that it may vary over extremely long periods, such as billions of years. This is still a subject of ongoing research, and there is currently no conclusive evidence to support any changes in the value of the fine structure constant.

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