Will Bush's Strategy of Painting Kerry as a Weak Flip-Flopper Lead to Victory?

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In summary, the conversation discusses the potential strategies for Bush to beat Kerry in the upcoming election. These include painting Kerry as a liberal, highlighting Bush's strength on defense, and making a smooth transition in Iraq. However, there are concerns about the governing council in Iraq and the state of the economy. Some participants also express doubts about Kerry's ability to capture the public's imagination and criticize Bush for his actions in office. The conversation also brings up the possibility of Kerry winning due to his "bluer" blood and his ability to change his mind based on new information.
  • #36
Originally posted by Chemicalsuperfreak
Ah, so it's not really lying of flip flopping, it's just all taken out of context.

Like when Bush says he'll restore honor and dignity to the white house and "I believe they've moved that sign, 'The buck stops here,' from the Oval Office desk to 'The buck stops here' on the Lincoln Bedroom. And that's not good for the country," in reference to Clinton's renting out the Lincoln bedroom, and then he goes and rents it out to campaign donors himself, all that stuff about honor and dignity is just taken out of context.

I see.

Ah yeah...maybe you can tell us who it is that's recently rented the Linclon room? Maybe YOU have insider info...cause it seems that the only thing I've found is hints...innuendo...and no real facts about anyone sleeping...much less renting Lincolns room at the Whitehouse under the Bush administration. Of course..I care less about people sleeping in the Lincolns room, or guest at the whitehouse then WHO those guest are...which I think was the issue in regards to Clinton but then..my memory might not be all it used to be~!~
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  • #37
Originally posted by phatmonky
wow. so sad.
Yeah, it is sad that the greedy richest 1% had to steal from the poorest 50%, but they went and did it. What's even sadder is taht ignorant people will keep voting for millionaires who don't care at all about them, especially if they say "God" and "Jesus" alot.
  • #38
Originally posted by Zero
Yeah, it is sad that the greedy richest 1% had to steal from the poorest 50%, but they went and did it. What's even sadder is taht ignorant people will keep voting for millionaires who don't care at all about them, especially if they say "God" and "Jesus" alot.

When you say the greedy richest 1%, I guess you mean Democrats. The wealthest 1 percent of Americans give disproportionately more money to Democrats than Republicans.
  • #39
Originally posted by Robert Zaleski
When you say the greedy richest 1%, I guess you mean Democrats. The wealthest 1 percent of Americans give disproportionately more money to Democrats than Republicans.
I didn't say either party, did I? I'd like to see your data, just out of curiosity. And, let's not forget where the big corporate money goes...
  • #40
Originally posted by Zero
let's not forget where the big corporate money goes...
To MoveOn.org?
  • #41
The one percent club
www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,75653,00.html[/URL] - 34
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  • #42
That link is complete garbage.
In most states today, most blue-collar jobs are "closed-shop." That means if you want to be an electrician or a carpenter or a welder, you've no choice but to join the union
what the hell is that? thanks to the "conservative" economics, the blue-collar jobs are going to china or wallmart.
Jobs increase but unemployment goes up- how? employed people got more than one job.
To MoveOn.org?
What's a moveon.org?

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