Work Done on Stone: 0 Kinetic Energy Change

In summary, a stone with a mass of 2.5 kg falls with a constant speed of 2 ms-1 in a liquid and travels 80 cm. Using the equation W = delta Ek, it can be determined that the work done on the stone is 0, as there is no change in kinetic energy due to the stone moving at its terminal velocity. This results in a net force of zero acting on the stone. Apologies for posting in the wrong section.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A stone has mass 2.5 kg is placed in a liquid. It falls with constant speed 2 ms-1 and travels 80 cm. Find the work done

Homework Equations

W = delta Ek

The Attempt at a Solution

The work done = 0 because there is no change in kinetic energy. Am I right?

Physics news on
  • #2
Oh my god..I'm so sorry I've posted oin the wrong section. Please move this thread to the appropriate section. I'm really sorry

  • #3
The stone is moving in liquid with terminal velocity. So the net force acting on it zero. So the work done on the stone is zero.
  • #4
Thanks a lot rl.bhat ! :smile:

And I'm sorry for posting in wrong section.

FAQ: Work Done on Stone: 0 Kinetic Energy Change

1. What is work done on stone?

Work done on stone refers to the amount of energy that is transferred to the stone to cause a change in its position or state. It is a measure of the force applied to the stone and the distance it is moved.

2. Why is the work done on stone equal to 0 in this scenario?

In this scenario, the stone is not moving or changing in any way. This means that no energy is being transferred to the stone and therefore the work done on the stone is equal to 0. This is because work is defined as force multiplied by distance, and if either of these values is 0, then the work done will also be 0.

3. What is kinetic energy change?

Kinetic energy change refers to the change in the amount of energy that an object has due to its motion. It is a measure of the object's mass and velocity and is defined as 1/2 times the mass of the object multiplied by the square of its velocity.

4. How does the work done on stone affect its kinetic energy change?

The work done on a stone will result in a change in its kinetic energy. If work is done on the stone, meaning energy is transferred to it, then its kinetic energy will increase. If no work is done on the stone, its kinetic energy will remain the same.

5. Can the work done on stone be negative?

Yes, the work done on a stone can be negative. This would occur if the force applied to the stone is in the opposite direction of its motion. In this case, the stone would lose energy and its kinetic energy change would be negative.

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