What Will the Large Hadron Collider Uncover Next?

In summary, "The Next Big Bang" is a visually compelling documentary exploring the construction and mechanics of the Large Hadron Collider, the largest and most powerful science experiment in history. Through interviews with scientists and a journey through the history of particle physics, the documentary delves into the potential discoveries that could be made by the LHC, including understanding the origins of the universe, the existence of dark matter, and the elusive Higgs boson.
  • #1
The Next Big Bang
Premieres Sunday, March 16th at 8:00pm EST on The History Channel

(Check local listings for other dates and times.)

This year, the largest, most powerful science experiment in history will be turned on. The "Large Hadron Collider" at the CERN laboratory in Geneva Switzerland was the brainchild of some of the greatest minds in modern physics. It cost $10 billion, is 17 miles around and its resulting data has the potential to explain why we and the Universe exist.

Particle physicist David Kaplan guides viewers on an amazing journey involving the struggles to plan and build the LHC, how it was constructed and what are its mechanics. Dive into the history of particle physics and learn how science arrived at the doorstep of unveiling the mysteries of what occurred during first 3 microseconds after the big bang.

This visually compelling documentary will explore some of the most puzzling questions in scientific history. What is dark matter? What are extra dimensions? Will they find the elusive Higgs boson...the god particle?

They may find all the answers at the LHC, or they may find something completely new and unexpected. One thing is certain, whatever the scientists at the LHC discover, it is sure to be the Next Big Bang in physics.
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Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Thanks for letting us know about this. It looks like a very interesting show. It brings up some questions that I was actually thinking about asking in this forum. Why was the LHC built? Why do scientists think all these new discoveries may be made? Also, this may be a stupid question, but why is it called the Large Hadron Collider? Is it because the collider is large, or because it will be colliding large hadrons?
  • #3
Glad you're interested in the show. I'm biased of course (being one of the producers) but it really is a terrific program. To answer your question, it is indeed called the "Large" Hadron Collider due to the size of the machine. The "Hadrons" are your basic hydrogen protons.
  • #4
mfgang why did you say: "The "Hadrons" are your basic hydrogen protons." ?

i. Is not protons Hadrons for real?
ii. Is there a difference between hydrogen protons and helium protons?

another question:
- Is it true that the Higgs boson(s) only explain the masses of the Z and W(+/-) bosons?

I wrote boson(s) since supersymmetric models have more than one higgs particle.

And to Sarah_Heck: Search for old threads about LHC :-)
We had some just a couple of weeks ago.
  • #5
Hi there
Sarah_Heck said:
Why was the LHC built? Why do scientists think all these new discoveries may be made?
I will not even try to answer this question :biggrin:
At least I have no time right now to make a decent answer.
Also, this may be a stupid question, but why is it called the Large Hadron Collider? Is it because the collider is large, or because it will be colliding large hadrons?
Excellent question :smile:
Seriously, it is a large collider of hadrons. The largeness of large collider compared to "regular" colliders is much more impressive than the largeness of "large hadrons" compared to "normal hadrons". Or is it...
  • #6
Hello Glenn,

My statement about "your basic hydrogen protons" was in response to Sarah's question about what the "Large" in Large Hadron Collider stood for. They just happen to use Hydrogen protons because the Hydrogen atom is very simple and it is easy to extract the proton from it. As far as I know the only difference between Hydrogen and Helium protons is the number of them.

I can't really answer your question about the Higgs. I am, after all just a tv producer, not a physicist and the Higgs was not really the focus of this particular show. We worked with many scientists who helped us out with the technical aspects.
  • #7
malawi_glenn said:
another question:
- Is it true that the Higgs boson(s) only explain the masses of the Z and W(+/-) bosons?

Indeed the mass of W and Z bosons is probably the most important feature of EW symmetry breaking via a Higgs mechanism (at first order - tree level - Z and W bosons masses are only related to the vev and not the Higgs boson mass)
But, Higgs boson could also explain many other measurements; in fact all measurements where Higgs particle could enter through quantum fluctuactions.
  • #8
mfgang said:
The Next Big Bang
Premieres Sunday, March 16th at 8:00pm EST on The History Channel

(Check local listings for other dates and times.)
I can't help to make a few comments on the following. I hope my comments will not hurt anyone. Or do I...
has the potential to explain why we and the Universe exist.
Science never answers to the question "why" but only to "how". "Why the Universe exists ?" for instance can be answered by "Because God wanted to" which is a complete (imaginative, non-scientific) answer or "Because there was a fluctuation in the primordial transcendental universe" which is an (also very imaginative, which might one day in the future be considered good) answer just bringing other "why" questions. It is clear from the beginning of this message that it is written in the purpose of advertisement. It is likely to have to face scientific critics on PF, at least if posted in this very subforum dedicated to scientific discussions.

What is dark matter? What are extra dimensions? Will they find the elusive Higgs boson...the god particle?
Dark matter is an astrophysics problem. Most likely the LHC can only solve it whithin the context of certain models. Extra-dimensions are predictions from a restricted part of string theory litterature. Other parts on this litterature do not require those extra-dimensions, and are sometimes considered more advanced ones (in particular, Witten's twistor-based non-commutative strings). Bringing string theory in the "High Energy, Nuclear, Particle Physics" subforum is maybe not very well suited, since active scientist in this field usually are in another subforum. As for the "God particle", such a name is very misleading. The two first items, "Dark matter" and "extra-dimensions" probably make the "Higgs-boson"-like excitations much less important than the rest of the models they come from. Actually, many people would agree that the worse scenario for the LHC is to find a single Higgs boson and nothing else, which is the very scenario justifying the name "God particle". The most interesting scenari would be if no Higgs boson is discovered from this point of view.
One thing is certain, whatever the scientists at the LHC discover, it is sure to be the Next Big Bang in physics.
This is probably the very only thing most people agree on :smile:
  • #9
Agreed with Malawi_glenn BTW, at least as I understand, about the statement that the Higgs boson(s) only explain the masses of the Z and W(+/-) bosons. It(They) do(es) not explain any fermion mass (they are merely couplings). Even worse, the mass around us on Earth is not explained at all by the Higgs boson(s), the mass around us is (almost) purely hadronic, some would say "in the glue".
  • #10
humanino said:
I can't help to make a few comments on the following. I hope my comments will not hurt anyone.


As they say in my business, there's no such thing as bad publicity. So, thanks for your comments.
  • #11
mfgang said:
As they say in my business, there's no such thing as bad publicity. So, thanks for your comments.
From the above advertising, I would personaly advice anybody willing to watch this show to not remember anything unless he will check the information and his own understanding somewhere else, either in the litterature, or here on PF for instance.

To a certain extent, communication is essential for science. But too much communication can also hurt. The LHC has been communicating a lot. They will have to deliver. If they don't, they might be in trouble in the future to get money for their next projects. Those next projects supposidely are more important (money and science) than LHC.
  • #12
I'm having so much fun with this.
mfgang said:
This year, the largest, most powerful science experiment in history will be turned on.
A friend just suggested me that this is also probably wrong. Technically, LHC is far from being the "most powerful". Probably the "most powerful" experiment were done with nuclear weapons.

Another instance of false scientific statement that will probably plague the entire show.

My opinion, the only sane way to watch this show is on TiVo with a bunch of physics geeks pausing it to indicate how every single sentence can be misinterpreted. :smile:

Sorry, my purpose is not really to have people not watch this show, more to discourage advertising here.
  • #13
largest should be IceCube right? :rolleyes:
  • #14
Has this aired?

I wasn't home last night and didn't have my recorder set up. When I checked zap2it.com and History Channel's website they didn't even have the show listed for last night. Does anyone know if the show actually aired and when or if it'll air again?
  • #15
The show has been postponed for a week or two. There were 2 reasons. First and foremost some higher-ups at History decided that the show was being buried on Sunday night and felt they should find it a better slot during the week. Secondly, some executives thought it would be a good idea to send a crew back to CERN to shoot the start-up. We have informed them that there wouldn't be much of anything to see and it would be quite some time before there were any results to speak of. I believe those plans have been set aside. The show will most likely air sometime in the next couple of weeks. I will post the new air date for anyone who is interested. (to the folks who've made it perfectly clear that they are not interested please save your rants. Your point has been very well taken.)
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  • #16
mfgang said:
to the folks who've made it perfectly clear that they are not interested please save your rants. Your point has been very well taken.
:smile: :smile:
How dare you !?
I can't wait to see your show anyway. It is most awaited I should tell you. We're going to have so much fun.
  • #17
malawi_glenn said:
largest should be IceCube right? :rolleyes:
BTW, that's true I think. We had a presentation about it the other day and it is quite impressive. Very beautiful pictures and all. Not to compare to LHC, but I think it would make a good show for History Channels. Of course, Geneva is a much more pleasant place to spend vacations for producers...
  • #18
Has this aired yet, if it has or for when it does, where can i watch it as i don't get the history channel. Do you think anyone will record it and post it on the net? Thanks
  • #19
mfgang said:
The show has been postponed for a week or two. There were 2 reasons. First and foremost some higher-ups at History decided that the show was being buried on Sunday night and felt they should find it a better slot during the week. Secondly, some executives thought it would be a good idea to send a crew back to CERN to shoot the start-up. We have informed them that there wouldn't be much of anything to see and it would be quite some time before there were any results to speak of. I believe those plans have been set aside. The show will most likely air sometime in the next couple of weeks. I will post the new air date for anyone who is interested. (to the folks who've made it perfectly clear that they are not interested please save your rants. Your point has been very well taken.)

I, for one, appreciate that you do something to popularize science a bit. I am a teacher and I am always glad when I have students who listenedn to some tv programs talking about physics and that got them interested and raised some questions that they want to ask me.

However I do think also that it's important to check the accuracy of the commentaries. Were they written by particle physicists? If no,
did you get some particle physicists to read the script and make comments before the final editing? I think that would be very important for a show like this.

But I do think that it's important to convey some excitement about science to the general public. It's important to keep in mind thet the funding for fundamental research comes from the general public. So, as a particle physicist, I appreciate any effort made to popularize science, if it is done with some effort at accuracy.

  • #20
nrqed said:
However I do think also that it's important to check the accuracy of the commentaries. Were they written by particle physicists? If no,
did you get some particle physicists to read the script and make comments before the final editing? I think that would be very important for a show like this.


Not to worry, we consulted with many physicists both from from CERN and Fermilab as well as many of the top universities in the US.
  • #21
karnten07 said:
Has this aired yet, if it has or for when it does, where can i watch it as i don't get the history channel. Do you think anyone will record it and post it on the net? Thanks

anyone know?
  • #22
Hi guys, I've searched on the history channel website and all I've found is the dvd for this show. Is it still being shown on tv and if so when? Thanks
  • #23
Is this sow still going to be aired on tv or are they going to wait for the startup or something? Although, i have seen that there is a dvd for it so is it going straight to dvd witout airing?
  • #24
Search on youtube, you'll find CERN-produced videos that are already quite good. Of course, quality is not DVD, but enjoyement is (to me) the same.
  • #25
karnten07 said:
Is this sow still going to be aired on tv or are they going to wait for the startup or something? Although, i have seen that there is a dvd for it so is it going straight to dvd witout airing?

The History Channel folks have decided to send us back to CERN to shoot some additional footage after the start-up. Since it's now looking like start-up won't happen until June or July the show will most likely air in August. Stay tuned.
  • #26
mfgang said:
The History Channel folks have decided to send us back to CERN to shoot some additional footage after the start-up. Since it's now looking like start-up won't happen until June or July the show will most likely air in August. Stay tuned.

Thanks for the update!
  • #27
mfgang said:
The History Channel folks have decided to send us back to CERN to shoot some additional footage after the start-up. Since it's now looking like start-up won't happen until June or July the show will most likely air in August. Stay tuned.

I thought this was the case as you had mentioned it was a possibility before, thanks for letting us know. I think it's probably a good idea because there are already quite similar documentaries about the LHC but it would be great to see footage of the goings on after start-up. Will wait with anticipation.
  • #28
The Next Big Bang will finally air on Tuesday, September 9th at 8:00pm on History Channel.

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  • #29
mfgang said:
The Next Big Bang will finally air on Tuesday, September 9th at 8:00pm on History Channel.


Their idea is to smash protons towards one another at the speed of light
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  • #30
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  • #31
cristo said:
Their idea is to smash protons towards one another at the speed of light
Other non-scientific statements :
the biggest science experiment in history
What do you mean by "big" ? We already asked you that. It seems useless for us to try to point you towards what can be improved. I conclude that your goal is not to be scientifically accurate.
its resulting data has the potential to explain why we and the Universe exist.
Certainly nothing to say about that. You confuse science and religion. We already told you that.
trying to mimic what happened in the milliseconds after The Big Bang
If your goal is to impress the public by using approximate, or even wrong, statements, you missed an occasion here : the TeV scale is earlier than the millisecond epoch.
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  • #32
Count Iblis said:

An American tragedy, that. I would like to tour the ruins of the tunnel, but alas security is an obstacle.
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  • #33
humanino said:
Other non-scientific statements :
If your goal is to impress the public by using approximate, or even wrong, statements, you missed an occasion here : the TeV scale is earlier than the millisecond epoch.

Forgive the interruption, but Humanino, I think you're the one trying to impress. As a theorist, I can say the History Channel did a valiant job at explaining some substantial ideas to a substantial audience.

It's clear in the first 10 minutes of the show that the LHC is looking well beyond the millisecond epoch, thus separating it from the "mere" tevatron results we see everyday...

Though I ache to see more in-depth television about singular theories, I applaud mfgang and his/her team for venturing into the PHYSICS of the LHC, rather than pondering our universal demise.

(My family was quite taken with the sidebars about Newton, Einstein, Rutherford and Galileo - I think it helped them put it all in perspective, though they still wonder what I do with my chalkboard all day.)

Big science for the masses. Excellent work, mfgang. As Kaplan said, "The LHC is the next big bang in physics. I do agree!
  • #34
fyziks said:
Forgive the interruption, but Humanino, I think you're the one trying to impress.
Do you really think I care about impressing people here after 1.5k posts ? That is a silly idea. I am an experimentalist and I am neither afraid of my reputation when I ask question nor when I happen to make wrong answers. I actually benefit from being corrected here on PF. There are plenty of good sources to learn about LHC. The mere purpose of this entire discussion is advertising.
  • #35
Spoken like a true physicist! Absolutely no ill-will intended, Humanino. Quite the contrary. I was only applauding the attempt to make what we do approachable by the masses - and noting that the science was, in fact, quite clear regarding the time and temperature explored in LHC's early universe within the show. mfgang's syntax may have been off in the thread, but the show was actually correct. (LOVE Fabbiola Gianotti at ATLAS, by the way - now there's an experimentalist even I could like)
Not much film/tv is out there, other than a few touchy feely quantum and/or string ideas, to excite brains. So, I was/am inspired. I hope others can look past the elementary nature of it to see how, even if it's only for a moment, something like Super Symmetry would have never been explored at such a mass level.
(though we're agreed - neither of us are trying to impress!)

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