Recent content by shaolinfightr

  1. S

    Physics in the sport of Basketball

    The parabolic and trajectory equations could be most helpful. anything else? Michael Jordan didn't jump from the FT line, it was actually a few inches inside. There have been players that have dunked from behind the FT line though.
  2. S

    Physics in the sport of Basketball

    What about flopping?
  3. S

    Physics in the sport of Basketball

    Might be a bit random topic but I'm sure there are some basketball fans here and there on this site. Physics has a big impact on the sport of basketball and I'm thinking some people can give good examples of how physics plays a part in the sport of basketball. So you got rebounding...
  4. S

    Physics in the sport of Basketball

    Thanks daisy, I'll be adding that. This is not for a grade level. I'm writing a paper for my own studies and for future reference.
  5. S

    Physics in the sport of Basketball

    New member, so first of all Hello all! Writing this paper on the topic of physics involved in the sport of basketball. There are numerous factors involved and I thought it would be fun for everybody to contribute a few factors. Such as but of course not limited to projectile motion (make...