Recent content by decart

  1. D

    A Wulff construction for surface energy dependent on depth

    Thank you for the answer and sorry for the misleading (I expected that term "depth" is vague). I talk about surfaces, not slabs. The surfaces with same orientation (a⋅h,a⋅i,a⋅k) for a=1...N has different γa, whereas application of usual Wulff relation requires γa=const for the same surface...
  2. D

    A Wulff construction for surface energy dependent on depth

    Thank you for the answer! Yes,I agree with you. But how should I choose the γi(rj)? Should I choose maximal or minimum value (which will depend on P,T, etc.), or something else?
  3. D

    A Wulff construction for surface energy dependent on depth

    Hello, Using surface energy dependence on surface orientation it is possible to predict equilibrium crystal shape by applying Wulff construction. But I faced the problem when the surface energy depends not only on the surface orientation but also on the surface depth or surface termination and...