Recent content by Joppy

  1. Joppy

    MHB Calculate Simple Interest: 22K/yr, n=44, r=0.5

    What you need, or what you could provide, is a little more information! If it is simple interest then, following the wiki article, the amount of interest earned over a period of time $n$ at rate $r$ with capital of $B = 22000$ is $S = \dfrac{r B m}{n} = \dfrac{0.5 * 22000 * m}{44}$ where $m$...
  2. Joppy

    MHB Relationship between inner and outer radius of a two concentric circles

    Did you draw a picture? \draw[thick,red] (0,0) circle (4); \draw[->,thick,red] (0,0) -- (4, 0) node[below, xshift=-1cm] {$r_2$}; \draw[thick,blue] (0,0) circle (2); \draw[->, thick, blue] (0,0) -- (2, 0) node[below, xshift=-0.75cm] {$r_1$}; $r_2 - r_1 = 24"$ right? And you know $r_1$.
  3. Joppy

    MHB Prove Monotony of Function: $f$ Strictly Decreasing

    You might want to begin by stating the definition of a decreasing function. Then consider some examples.
  4. Joppy

    MHB Communication in mathematics and physics

    I suspect many here are published within their fields. What is your general advice for writing academic papers in mathematics, physics or any other "hard" science discipline?Were there any resources that helped you?What have you found to be the most successful aspects of your approach to...
  5. Joppy

    MHB -2.2.27 - Analysis of first order IVP

    This is also a Bernoulli equation, if you wanted to take a different route :). But I'm not sure if your book covered linear ODE's before separable.
  6. Joppy

    MHB -2.2.27 - Analysis of first order IVP

    Could you be clear on what you're struggling with? For instance a) requires first the solution of the DE. Can you identify the kind of DE that it is and suggest a solution approach? (e.g., separable)
  7. Joppy

    MATLAB How to Calculate the Average of the Third Column in a Text File Using Matlab?

    It's the third column of the matrix defined by the .html file. So mean(data[,3]) ought to do it, assuming data is the contents of the .html.
  8. Joppy

    C/C++ Using counter variables in IF statements (C++)

    It depends what your inputs are..
  9. Joppy

    MHB Creating a Public Item & Cart Class

    You know you can test your own code right? One of the great things about it. A few notes: 1. You haven't declared constructors for each class. How will you create objects? What will their initial values be? 2. There's no need to have a return statement in a void function unless you're exiting...
  10. Joppy

    C/C++ C++ Homework Help: Calculate Product of Numbers

    I take it you finished your homework... In any case: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main (){ int userInt = 0; cout << "Please enter a number from 3 to 10: "; cin >> userInt; cout << userInt<< endl; if (!(userInt >= 3 && userInt <= 10)) { cout <<...
  11. Joppy

    MHB Exploring How Archimedes Discovered Quadrature of the Parabola w/o Calculus

    I recall an explanation of this in one of Apostle's Analysis books. Don't have it with me and can't remember how detailed it was, but could be useful. It's likely mentioned in any major book on calculus. Also @HallsofIvy, Bing? :)
  12. Joppy

    MHB Venn Diagram Question: How many whales were surveyed?

    Geeze. The least they could do is make an interesting narrative out of that.. Captain Ahab commanding an army of giant squids to fight pollution?
  13. Joppy

    MHB Why We Need To End Lockdowns (at least in most places)

    I don't think it is a particular bad thing to have discussion on touchy topics. However, the community is quite small here and it wouldn't help to have everyone getting out their pitchforks at every opportunity. 🔪(Evilgrin)
  14. Joppy

    MHB Problem using big O notation

    It might help to be clear on notation. For instance I assume $||X||^\alpha = (x_1^2 + x_2^2)^{\alpha/2}$. In any case this is interesting, anyone got any ideas?