Recent content by Stuka_Hunter

  1. S

    Spring pendulum with and without weight

    Equations provided: for a spring pendulum and m replaced with L and k with g for the same pendulum, but with no weight attached. Greetings I tried solving this by stating that the length is 0,50m (since no length of the spring is given) and turning around the equation for the spring...
  2. S

    Water temperature with two materials cooling it

    Well, that is simple. The final temperature will be equal everywhere in the observed system and total energy will also be equal everywhere as a result of this.
  3. S

    Water temperature with two materials cooling it

    Besides the fact that water will cool down unequaly and circulate while cooling down in the bowl, making it cool down faster, no. Could any of these equations help? We used them with another problem, melting ice.
  4. S

    Water temperature with two materials cooling it

    I converted dm3 to m3, all the degrees to kelvins and found out the specific heat constants of iron and aluminium (0,45 and 0,91 KJ/kg K), but now i am failing to understand how this was supposed to be calculated. The equation given doesn't really help, as there are two unknowns in it: Q and the...
  5. S

    Calculating the initial frequency of a decelerating flywheel

    I am going to make a guess and say it does. I am solving this example for an entire day, so I am going to thank you for your help and move on. :bow:
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    Calculating the initial frequency of a decelerating flywheel

    This is my last attempt. I went by the form or average velocity calculator, so: Average velocity = (final velocity + initial velocity)/2 I replaced average velocity with 160 rpm, final velocity with 2x/3 and initial velocity with x. I got 192, which i assume is initial velocity. The final...
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    Calculating the initial frequency of a decelerating flywheel

    I am so lost in this right now, even if solution may be simple... So, two thirds of 160 rpm is 106 rpm. If I multiply that by 5 minutes, that gives me 530 rpm. Is that then rpm of final frequency?
  8. S

    Calculating the initial frequency of a decelerating flywheel

    So, if I divide the angle i calculated with 300 seconds of time, then I should get average angular velocity? That is what an equation in my notebook says at least. But consequently this also gives an average frequency, going by the equation w=2×Pi×f (w being angular velocity and f being...
  9. S

    Calculating the initial frequency of a decelerating flywheel

    That is simple, the average is 0+30 divided by two, so 15 m/s
  10. S

    Calculating the initial frequency of a decelerating flywheel

    Yes, this is constant deceleration. Well, with constant deceleration the angular velocity drops at a constant rate with each passing second. That is what I am aware of. How to get that into an equation with 4 parts and 2 of them missing, not so much. :/
  11. S

    Calculating the initial frequency of a decelerating flywheel

    I converted 5 minutes to 300 seconds, and movement angle per second as shown on the picture. From here on I am lost, as the angular velocity can't be calculated, as the time given isn't the one in which the flywheel does one rotation. I apologise if I used any expressions wrong, english is not...