How Is the Critical Radius Determined in Nuclear Chain Reactions?

In summary, the problem is that the m value in the equation for the critical radius is not an integer.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am trying to solve the diffusion equation for a sphere of fissile material. I then have to derive an expression for the radius above which a chain reaction will occur (the critical radius). . My trouble then, is finding a boundary condition other than at the surface of the sphere the neutron density is 0. what could be happening in the centre? i know that the B coefficients must be 0 because at r=0 the cos term is infinite. I also know that using my boundary condition k*r=m*pi. the critical radius is when n doesn't vary with time so i set D-k^2=0 to obtain an expression for the critical radius. My problem is that it contains this m value (which is ANY integer). How does one fix m so the critical radius is single-valued? Any help or hints would be greatly appreciated..

Homework Equations

del squared (n) - 1/C*(dn/dt) = -n/D where n is the neutron density n(r,t).
if sin(k*r)=0 then k*r=m*pi , m an integer

The Attempt at a Solution

I have already solved the governing equation and have the neutron density n(r,t) in its most general form which is the sum over all k of some time dependence (exp(D-k^2)t) times some spatial dependence (Asin(k*r)/r + Bcos(k*r)/r)

I also know that using my boundary condition kr=m*pi. the critical radius is when n doesn't vary with time so i set D-k^2=0 to obtain an expression for the critical radius. My problem is that it contains this m value (which is ANY integer).
Physics news on
  • #2
Typically, problems involving spheres or circles, in addition to the condition on the boundary, have the condition that value at the center, r= 0, must be finite. That would mean that your B in B cos(kr)/r must be 0.
  • #3
Thanks but i have already figured that out. When i set the density at the surface to 0, i get kr=m*pi, i know this is heading towards the correct answer because the answer is of the from r=pi*sqrt(D).

FAQ: How Is the Critical Radius Determined in Nuclear Chain Reactions?

What is a nuclear bomb?

A nuclear bomb, also known as an atomic bomb, is a powerful explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions, either fission (splitting of atomic nuclei) or a combination of fission and fusion (joining of atomic nuclei).

How does a nuclear bomb work?

A nuclear bomb works by initiating a chain reaction of nuclear fission or fusion, which releases an enormous amount of energy in the form of heat, light, and radiation. This energy is then harnessed to create a powerful explosion.

Are nuclear bombs still being used?

Nuclear bombs are not currently being used in warfare due to international treaties and agreements. However, they are still being tested and stockpiled by some countries as a deterrent against potential threats.

What are the effects of a nuclear bomb?

The effects of a nuclear bomb can be devastating, including destruction of buildings and infrastructure, widespread fires, and long-lasting radiation effects. The exact impact depends on the size and type of bomb used, as well as the surrounding environment.

Can a nuclear bomb be stopped or deactivated?

Once a nuclear bomb has been detonated, there is no way to stop or deactivate it. However, preventative measures such as disarmament and diplomacy can help to prevent the use of nuclear weapons in the first place.
