Positive and negative electrical terminals

In summary, there are different ways that circuits can be drawn, with some showing a positive and negative input terminal and others only showing a positive and ground terminal. The difference between ground and negative is that ground represents a non-charged state, while negative represents a negatively charged state. Power supplies often use the ground reference from a 3 prong AC plug, while batteries are self-relative. Connecting one terminal of a battery to ground does not cause current to flow because a complete circuit is needed for current to flow. When jumpstarting a car battery, the positive terminals are connected together to allow current to flow into the battery and charge it.
  • #1
I am slightly confused as to why some circuits are drawn with a positive input terminal and a negative input terminal, whilst others are just drawn with a positive terminal and a ground (OV) terminal.

What is the difference between ground and negative? Does negative indicate an excess of electrons (negative charge) and ground indicate a balance of positive and negative charge?


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  • #2
Ground implies a non-charged stage. Negative implies a negatively charged state. In the case of common circuitry, the ground reference is usually non-charged. I've seen some older circuitry that used +5 and -2 volts for the high and low states of the internal logic (HP 2100 series computers from the 1970's).

Power supplies for most devices use the ground reference from a 3 prong AC plug. Batteries are self-relative. You could connnect either terminal of a battery to a ground reference without significant effect on the battery.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply.

Does this mean that the negative / positive terminals of the battery are barely higher/lower in potential than ground. Otherwise surely just connecting the negative end of the battery to ground would cause current to flow?

Also, why does connecting the positive terminal of one battery to the negative terminal of another identical battery not cause current to flow between the two?
  • #4
I am slightly confused as to why some circuits are drawn ...

First and foremost it is good to fully understand terms you introduce.

A circuit is called a circuit, not a wiring diagram or a configuration diagram etc, because it is just that.

A loop or circuit can be traced, passing from and through one circuit element to the next until you return to your start point.

The characteristic is an essential part of useful electrical/electronic theory. This is because without a complete circuit no current can flow and nothing useful occurs.

So to answer the question in your second post, note that connecting one terminal of a battery to something does not make or complete a circuit. So no current flows. Current only flows when you connect the second terminal as well.
  • #5
Batteries have a Potential Difference between their terminals. That is, relative to each other. You can choose to call one terminal 'ground' and you may connect it to Earth or the case of a device or the chassis of a vehicle. That's an arbitrary choice - usually based on the biggest 'local' conducting object. If an aeroplane is flying through the air it may acquire a charge and have a potential that is above (or below) Earth but we would still call it ground as far as the on board equipment is concerned.

With two, 12V batteries, you can get +12V and -12V supplies by connecting the negative terminal of the first battery and the positive terminal of the second to 'Ground'.

These two batteries are connected as you say but how can current flow if none can flow out of the +12V terminal and into the -12V terminal? You need a complete circuit for that to happen. A small surplus of electrons will flow to the -12V terminal but only just enough to charge the minuscule capacity between the two terminals (microCoulombs) AND STOP.
Connect a 24V bulb between the two 'extreme' terminals and current can then flow.
  • #7
I have a question,
When a car battery is dead, you jumpstart it by connecting the positive terminals together and the negative terminals together. Why do you connect the positive terminals to each other instead of connecting a positive terminal to a negative terminal
  • #8
You want current to flow INTO the battery so that it will become charged. You also want current to flow the SAME WAY through the starter motor as it would from your battery (if it were working). SO you connect + to + and - to -. Simples

FAQ: Positive and negative electrical terminals

1. What is the difference between positive and negative electrical terminals?

Positive and negative electrical terminals refer to the two ends of an electrical circuit. The positive terminal is where the current flows in, while the negative terminal is where the current flows out. This flow of current is what powers various devices and machines.

2. How do positive and negative terminals affect the flow of electricity?

The flow of electricity is determined by the difference in charge between the positive and negative terminals. This difference in charge creates an electric field, which causes electrons to move from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. This movement of electrons is what we refer to as electric current.

3. Can positive and negative terminals be switched?

Yes, positive and negative terminals can be switched. However, this would result in reversing the flow of current in the circuit. It is important to properly connect the positive and negative terminals in order for the circuit to function correctly.

4. What happens if positive and negative terminals are connected?

If the positive and negative terminals of a circuit are connected directly, it will result in a short circuit. This means that the current will flow directly from the positive to the negative terminal without passing through the intended components. This can cause damage to the circuit and potentially start a fire.

5. How do I identify the positive and negative terminals in a circuit?

The positive and negative terminals can usually be identified by the symbols "+" and "-" respectively. In a battery, the positive terminal is typically the larger end, while the negative terminal is the smaller end. In devices with plugs, the positive terminal is usually the smaller prong, while the negative terminal is the larger prong. It is important to check the manual or labeling for specific devices to ensure proper connection of the terminals.
