Minimum black hole mass to survive fall to event horizon

In summary, the conversation discusses the minimum mass of a black hole that a person could survive falling through the event horizon without being ripped apart due to tidal forces. The equation for tidal forces is used to calculate the minimum mass, and it is found to be approximately 104 solar masses. The conversation also discusses approximating equations and the use of Taylor expansion.
  • #1
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I'm having no end of trouble with this seemingly simple problem:

Homework Statement

What's the minimum mass of a black hole for which you could survive a fall through the event horizon without being ripped to shreds? Why would you be ripped to shreds for smaller black holes?

Homework Equations

[tex] \textbf{F} = -G\frac{mM}{r^2}\hat{\textbf{r}} [/tex]

[tex] R_s = \frac{2GM}{c^2} [/tex]​
(Schwarzschild radius)

The Attempt at a Solution

Assume person of height h (= 2 m) can survive a tidal stretching force of 5mg over the length of his body (g being the acceleration due to gravity on Earth). Assume further that he is to be just barely surviving when his feet touch the event horizon. Then, the difference between the gravitational acceleration on his head and his feet should be:

[tex] \Delta a = -GM\left[\frac{1}{R_s^2} - \frac{1}{(R_s + h)^2} \right] = 5g [/tex]​

When I try and solve this, I get some cubic equation:

[tex] \frac{c^2 h^2}{10g} = R_s^3 + 2R_s^2h + R_s\left[h^2 -c^2 \frac{h}{5g}\right] [/tex]​

I spoke to other people who said they solved this easily and got something on the order of 104 solar masses as the lower limit. Have I done something wrong with my algebra (or worse yet, with the physics)?
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  • #2
Without checking your math over, what if you assume h«Rs and drop all the small terms in your equation? (Then double check the h«Rs assumption after you calculate the final answer.)
  • #3
Redbelly98 said:
Without checking your math over, what if you assume h«Rs and drop all the small terms in your equation? (Then double check the h«Rs assumption after you calculate the final answer.)

Yes, if you drop h2 terms everywhere, as well as dropping one rh term when it appears added to an r2 term, you get the same expression as you do if you approximate the change in force by:

[tex] \Delta F = \frac{dF}{dr} \Delta r [/tex]​

I got a result of M >= 20 496 solar masses, which corresponds to a Schwarzschild radius of 60 536 km (much greater than two metres!).

Thanks for the tip. Also, I noticed that dropping h2 terms is equivalent to Taylor expanding (r + h)2 to first order.
  • #4
Cool, and I get the same Rs as you. (Didn't check the mass calculation.)
  • #5
I used the following equation for tidal forces-


set dg=5g where g is Earth's gravity, r=rs where rs is the Schwarzschild radius [itex](r_s=2Gm/c^2)[/itex], dr=2 and solved for m, the answer I got was 20,495 sol.

FAQ: Minimum black hole mass to survive fall to event horizon

1. What is the minimum mass a black hole needs to survive falling into its own event horizon?

The minimum mass a black hole needs to survive falling into its own event horizon is known as the Planck mass, which is approximately 2.176 x 10^-8 kilograms. This is the smallest possible mass in the universe and is equivalent to the mass of a grain of sand.

2. How does the minimum mass of a black hole affect its ability to survive falling into its event horizon?

The minimum mass of a black hole is directly related to its size and strength of its gravitational pull. The smaller the black hole, the stronger its gravitational pull and the higher the minimum mass needed to survive falling into its event horizon. This is because the stronger gravitational force can crush matter more easily, making it harder for anything to escape the black hole's pull.

3. Can a black hole with less than the minimum mass still form?

No, a black hole cannot form with less than the minimum mass. This is because the minimum mass is required to overcome the repulsive force of quantum mechanics, which prevents the collapse of a smaller mass into a black hole.

4. What happens to matter that falls into a black hole with less than the minimum mass?

If matter falls into a black hole with less than the minimum mass, it will not be able to form a singularity and will instead be ejected back into space as radiation. This is known as Hawking radiation, named after physicist Stephen Hawking who first proposed the concept.

5. Is there a maximum mass that a black hole can have to survive falling into its event horizon?

There is no maximum mass that a black hole can have to survive falling into its event horizon. However, as the mass of a black hole increases, its event horizon also grows larger, making it easier for objects to fall into it. This means that the minimum mass needed to survive falling into the event horizon also increases with the mass of the black hole.
