What is Combinatorics: Definition and 417 Discussions

Combinatorics is an area of mathematics primarily concerned with counting, both as a means and an end in obtaining results, and certain properties of finite structures. It is closely related to many other areas of mathematics and has many applications ranging from logic to statistical physics, from evolutionary biology to computer science, etc.
The full scope of combinatorics is not universally agreed upon. According to H.J. Ryser, a definition of the subject is difficult because it crosses so many mathematical subdivisions. Insofar as an area can be described by the types of problems it addresses, combinatorics is involved with:

the enumeration (counting) of specified structures, sometimes referred to as arrangements or configurations in a very general sense, associated with finite systems,
the existence of such structures that satisfy certain given criteria,
the construction of these structures, perhaps in many ways, and
optimization: finding the "best" structure or solution among several possibilities, be it the "largest", "smallest" or satisfying some other optimality criterion.Leon Mirsky has said: "combinatorics is a range of linked studies which have something in common and yet diverge widely in their objectives, their methods, and the degree of coherence they have attained." One way to define combinatorics is, perhaps, to describe its subdivisions with their problems and techniques. This is the approach that is used below. However, there are also purely historical reasons for including or not including some topics under the combinatorics umbrella. Although primarily concerned with finite systems, some combinatorial questions and techniques can be extended to an infinite (specifically, countable) but discrete setting.
Combinatorics is well known for the breadth of the problems it tackles. Combinatorial problems arise in many areas of pure mathematics, notably in algebra, probability theory, topology, and geometry, as well as in its many application areas. Many combinatorial questions have historically been considered in isolation, giving an ad hoc solution to a problem arising in some mathematical context. In the later twentieth century, however, powerful and general theoretical methods were developed, making combinatorics into an independent branch of mathematics in its own right. One of the oldest and most accessible parts of combinatorics is graph theory, which by itself has numerous natural connections to other areas. Combinatorics is used frequently in computer science to obtain formulas and estimates in the analysis of algorithms.
A mathematician who studies combinatorics is called a combinatorialist.

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  1. N

    Combinatorics Help Tricky problem here

    Homework Statement Consider f:[7]→[9] How many functions are there in which f^-1 is not a function? Homework Equations Don't seem to fine one. The Attempt at a Solution Try drawing the function diagram, given f:[7]→[9]. Then, count the total number of functions. Take too long to do so...
  2. B

    How Do You Calculate the Number of Possible Hands in a Modified 40-Card Deck?

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  3. B

    Combinatorics problem: poker hand

    How many straight poker hands are there (not straight flush) from a deck of 51 cards with the queen of spades missing? A is high or low. I know the answer is 9435, but I want to know why. I'm not sure how to approach this problem. Any help?
  4. T

    Combinatorics Class - Sum Question

    Homework Statement For any positive integer n determine: \sum\limits^n_{i=0} \frac{1}{i!(n-i)!}Homework Equations I don't really know where to start.. Up until this point we've just been doing permutations, combinations, and determining the coefficient of a certain term in the expansion of a...
  5. M

    Combinatorics Problem: Solving Geometric Angle Challenges with Addition

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  6. D

    Solve 7 Digit Phone Number Combination Puzzle

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  7. B

    Math competition combinatorics problem help?

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  8. N

    Combinatorics - Mathematical Induction?

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  9. R

    Combinatorics Cameron - Lucas' Theorem Proof

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  10. M

    Good combinatorics books for self-study?

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  11. M

    Solving a combinatorics puzzle - not able to get all combinations

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  12. A

    How can a rowing crew be arranged with specific roles for each member?

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  13. D

    Good rigorous intro combinatorics textbook?

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  14. A

    More a question to some conceptual understanding of combinatorics. The

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  15. S

    Fano plane concept applied to lottery combinatorics

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  16. P

    How Is ASSASSINATION Arranged Without Adjacent S's?

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  17. I

    Number Theory Question Possibly related to combinatorics too.

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  18. J

    Deceptive Combinatorics problem

    Here's a very interesting question:- Suppose you are given a cube and 6 different colours. You are asked to colour each face of the cube with a different colour. If so, how many different colorings are possible? The thing is, this question looks easy to me at first look; the answer seems...
  19. Freyja

    Combinatorics problem: find a number of 5 digits

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  20. C

    Brain Teaser with combinatorics

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  21. S

    Graph orientation- combinatorics?

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  22. S

    Why is there uncertainty in combinatorial proofs?

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  23. L

    Combinatorics - Recurrence Relation Question

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  24. N

    Combinatorics intense question

    Homework Statement How many non- empty subsets of {1,2,3...,15} have the following two properties? 1) No two consecutive integers belong to S. 2)If S contains K elements, then S contains no number less than K . Homework Equations choosing identities, not sure which one The...
  25. S

    Permutations combinatorics problem?

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  26. T

    Combinatorics - can't really identify the problem

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  27. T

    Combinatorics - box of white and black screws

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  28. T

    Quick Elementary Combinatorics Question / Verification

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  29. L

    Anyone know much about combinatorics?

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  30. N

    Solving Combinatorics: Finding the Number of Sets with Elements from A, B, and C

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  31. S

    Applied Combinatorics what is it about?

    I'm a math major, and am planning on taking Applied Combinatorics next semester for an upper level requirement. I've looked it up, but still don't have a clear idea about what the course is about exactly. Also, is it considered a hard course?
  32. A

    Combinatorics: solving for coefficient of x^n term

    Hi, I'm currently taking a Discrete Mathematics class and cannot seem to work out this one problem, we need to find the x^10 term in order to determine its coefficient of the equation f(x)=(x+x^2+x^3+x^4+x^5+x^6)^3 I know the answer is to be 27 from a previous problem (we are to use this method...
  33. N

    Combinatorics Question: 8-Letter Passwords

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  34. G

    Combinatorics: Soccer Tournament Outcomes; r-permutations and r-combinations of sets

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  35. F

    Combinatorics? Lottery, Canadians help?

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  36. T

    Combinatorics (Partitioning books onto shelves)

    Homework Statement 45.) Twenty different books are to be put on five book shelves, each of which holds at least twenty books. a) How many different arrangements are there if you only care about the number of books on the shelves (and not which book is where)? b) How many different arrangements...
  37. G

    Combinatorics: r-Combinations on a Multiset

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  38. P

    Combinatorics teaser (counting problem)

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  39. T

    How Many Ways Can Club Officers Be Selected Under Various Conditions?

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  40. R

    A counting problem (combinatorics)

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  41. C

    Combinatorics Circular Arrangement

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  42. S

    Ants problem involving combinatorics.

    1. There are x distinguishable ants and there are x pots full of food. Due to the smell, the ants arrange themselves in a circle on the circular rim of each pot. In how many ways can they do this? note: Any number of pots can be free of ants. For example all the ants can be on the circular...
  43. M

    Combinatorics: Stochastics on a circular arrangement

    I am dealing with the following interesting combinatorics problem, several reformulations of which haven't help me solve the problem: Suppose we have a circular arrangement with M spots and we want to distribute N tokens over these spots such that there are token numbers n_m that respect...
  44. Mentallic

    Proving the Evenness of {^{2n}}C_n: A Combinatorics Challenge

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  45. L

    Can the Pigeonhole Principle Solve This Combinatorics Problem?

    Homework Statement Let A be a 100x100 matrix such that each number from the set {1,2,...,100} appears exactly 100 times. Prove that there exists a row or column with at least 10 different numbers. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I suspect that I should use the...
  46. N

    Understanding Combinatorics: Probability of Selecting Balls from a Box

    Hi. OK in a box there are 6 balls, 2 red ones and 4 blue ones. We take 2 balls out of the box without putting any of them back 1) If I wish to know the probability of selecting 2 blue ones, I just do this: (4above2)/(6above2)=6/15 or 4C2/6C2 or (4*3/2)/(6*5/2)2) BUT, if I wish to know the...
  47. S

    Strong Induction problem related to combinatorics

    Homework Statement How is the number of subsets of an n-element set related to the number of subsets of an (n-1) element set? Prove that you are correct. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So, clearly the the number of subsets in an n element set is 2^{n}. So the number...
  48. P

    Finding Non-Divisible Integers under n: A Combinatorics Problem

    I am trying to find a way to calculate the number of positive integers less than n such that these numbers are not divisible by the prime numbers 2,3,5,7,11,13. If the problem were instead for prime numbers 2,3,5, then the solution is fairly simple. I used principle of inclusion and exclusion...
  49. P

    Can You Solve This Combinatorics Problem Involving Arrangements of X and Y?

    given a chain of n terms with each term either being x or y, how many arrangements are there such that you don't have any two terms being x next to each other. for example if n= 5 (x,y,y,y,x) ; (x,y,x,y,x) are acceptable while (y,x,x,y,x) is not acceptable. Generalize this result for...
  50. S

    Combinatorics: Exponential Generating Functions

    Homework Statement Find the number of ways to place 8 toys amongst 4 children where 1 child gets at least two toys. Homework Equations (x^2/2! + x^3/3! + x^4/4! +...) = ex-1-x (1 + x + x^2/2! + x^3/3! +...)3 = e3x The Attempt at a Solution [(x^2/2! + x^3/3! + x^4/4! +...) =...