What is Entanglement: Definition and 869 Discussions

Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when a group of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance. The topic of quantum entanglement is at the heart of the disparity between classical and quantum physics: entanglement is a primary feature of quantum mechanics lacking in classical mechanics.
Measurements of physical properties such as position, momentum, spin, and polarization performed on entangled particles can, in some cases, be found to be perfectly correlated. For example, if a pair of entangled particles is generated such that their total spin is known to be zero, and one particle is found to have clockwise spin on a first axis, then the spin of the other particle, measured on the same axis, is found to be counterclockwise. However, this behavior gives rise to seemingly paradoxical effects: any measurement of a particle's properties results in an irreversible wave function collapse of that particle and changes the original quantum state. With entangled particles, such measurements affect the entangled system as a whole.
Such phenomena were the subject of a 1935 paper by Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen, and several papers by Erwin Schrödinger shortly thereafter, describing what came to be known as the EPR paradox. Einstein and others considered such behavior impossible, as it violated the local realism view of causality (Einstein referring to it as "spooky action at a distance") and argued that the accepted formulation of quantum mechanics must therefore be incomplete.
Later, however, the counterintuitive predictions of quantum mechanics were verified in tests where polarization or spin of entangled particles was measured at separate locations, statistically violating Bell's inequality. In earlier tests, it couldn't be ruled out that the result at one point could have been subtly transmitted to the remote point, affecting the outcome at the second location. However, so-called "loophole-free" Bell tests have been performed where the locations were sufficiently separated that communications at the speed of light would have taken longer—in one case, 10,000 times longer—than the interval between the measurements.According to some interpretations of quantum mechanics, the effect of one measurement occurs instantly. Other interpretations which don't recognize wavefunction collapse dispute that there is any "effect" at all. However, all interpretations agree that entanglement produces correlation between the measurements and that the mutual information between the entangled particles can be exploited, but that any transmission of information at faster-than-light speeds is impossible.Quantum entanglement has been demonstrated experimentally with photons, neutrinos, electrons, molecules as large as buckyballs, and even small diamonds. The utilization of entanglement in communication, computation and quantum radar is a very active area of research and development.

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  1. M

    Is this in relation with quantum entanglement ?

    Let’s say, state A is the opposite of state B and state B is the opposite of state A. Normally if each of the state has an opposite results of themselves to an extent that the result of a mathematical method in state A can be obtain in state B and the result of a mathematical method in state B...
  2. S

    Exploring Entanglement: The Limits of Influencing Quantum States

    Is it possible to force one of the entanglement "twins" to have a particular spin? or at the least increase the probability of a photon having a particular spin? Let me illustrate with an example: Photon A and B are an entangled pair of photons (created by striking photon C on say a BBO...
  3. I

    Exploring Quantum Entanglement: Teleportation & Beyond

    Can anyone explain to me how quantum teleportation can be achieved through quantum entanglement? I read a few days ago that scientists finally "teleported" light and I read up on it and it said something about quantum entanglement. A quick wiki search brings up something I really don't...
  4. S

    Any result that conflicts with the below theory of entanglement?

    1. Entanglement happens, in some dimension, "outside" space and time 2. Whenever we observe a particle, we pull it back into space and time. Photon travels outside space and time, however when we try to observe it, we pull it back into space and time. 3. Also when we pull a particle back...
  5. E

    Quantum Entanglement and Communication

    So i have used the search feature about the topic and found some information. But i couldn't really understand how measuring the properties of one electron and knowing the entangled particles properties can help communication through cosmic distances? As i see it, i can not say give a...
  6. D

    Indistinguishability and entanglement

    I have read many papers about polarization entangled photons, but in all of them, the photons need to be indistinguishable in time. But, what about the other degrees of freedom? They need to have the same frequency, energy, angular momentum? So, do they need to be indistinguishable in all degree...
  7. G

    How Does Measurement Angle Affect Quantum Entanglement Probabilities?

    Hello, I'm planning to do my EE of IB Diploma on quantum physics and I have a doubt concerning quantum entanglement. I know that when you have two entangled particles say, two electrons, which spin pointing in the y-axis for example, if you measure them 45º shifted in any direction you will...
  8. J

    Can Particles Be Connected Across Vast Distances?

    I know the properties of quantum entanglement and what it does but what i don't understand is why do particles become entangled and why are they entangled... what connects two electrons that are millions of lightyears apart from each other? Do physicians really know? Is there any explenation of...
  9. C

    Are there degrees of quantum entanglement?

    Greetings, Are there degrees of quantum entanglement? After entangled particles interact with others particles do they continue to be entangled to some degree? Becoming less entangled the more interactions that occur? So that there is complex network of entanglements? If so, could it be...
  10. J

    Quantum entanglement vs relativity of time

    I looked into quantum entanglement thing last days and I think I got it right. At least the basics. Just one thing. Quantum entanglement concept says that when I measure the state of one particle, it affects the entangled one's state instantly. But what does this have to do with the...
  11. Y

    Entanglement Experiments: Sources & Detection

    In another thread https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=3143182&postcount=34 it is stated that: So far all entanglement experiments I have read about, have a single common source, usually a pump laser passed through a BBO crystal. Can anyone provide references for actual experiments...
  12. S

    What does Quantum entanglement tell about Causality?

    Entangled particles seem to have 'causal impact' on each other 'instantly' violating the allowed speed-limit of causal influence i.e. 'c'. When one of the entangled particles is measured it has an impact on the other instantly. These two events (i.e. 1. the measurement of the first particle and...
  13. S

    How does QFT address the problem of Locality in Quantum Entanglement?

    Quantum Entanglement allows spatially separated entangled particles to have impact on each other instantly (overcoming the allowed speed-limit of causal influence which is 'c'). How does Quantum Field Theory address this problem (protecting causality and chronology)?
  14. thenewmans

    When Did Einstein First Encounter Quantum Entanglement?

    To me, the concept of entanglement sounds like an epiphany. I’m sure I can’t find one specific moment for it but I’d like to get closer. And I’d like your help. So far, I see that Einstein had issues with Born’s matrix mechanics (1925) among other things, which heated up the Bohr Einstein...
  15. P

    Quantum Entanglement: Exploring the Limits of Faster-Than-Light Information

    So from what I understand of Quantum Entanglement: 1. Two particles are produced which are linked somehow so as to have the opposite spins 2. By measuring one particle, the entanglement is broken - however that you then also know the state of the other particle. This is said to be...
  16. L

    Quantum entanglement between fermions

    Hi all Can you help me? Can the quantum entanglement exist between fermions which never interacted each other? For example – if this states of fermions are described by Slater determinant Does exist some papers from scientific journals about this theme? Thank you in advance...
  17. K

    New Type of Entanglement - Time

    I read this article in the Technology Review published by MIT: http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/26270/?p1=A3 First let me say that this is a very interesting development. But unfortunately the article has a "dumbed down" analogy for the layman, which I wish I could understand a...
  18. T

    Interference and entanglement

    Hi All, I try to understand the outcome of following setup: The idea is that in the middle, a pair of polarization entangled photons are generated (so that the polarization of right-going and left-going are opposites of each other). The setup on left side is deviced so that if the...
  19. thenewmans

    Special Relativity and Entanglement

    I’ve been thinking about the implications of Special Relativity on Entanglement. Please tell me if I’m misunderstanding anything here. So let’s say an emitter is a light-year away and sends one entangled photon toward Earth and the other away from Earth. Just when the photon reaches Earth and we...
  20. MattRob

    Quantum Tunneling and Entanglement

    Alright, so there's definitely a lot of Sci-Fi hype about Entanglement. I'm sort of hoping the experts on the subject can set this straight. Question: Could it actually be used to transfer information instantly from one point to another, seemingly providing FTL communication? And second, does...
  21. T

    Some basic questions about Quantum Entanglement

    Good day All, I've done a bit of reading on quantum entanglement and it seems that I'm lacking some basic knowledge about quantum physics. So here goes: (Attribute maybe substituted with state) 1. Is it possible to interact with one of this quantum entangled particles? Here interact...
  22. N

    Quantum Entanglement: Entanglable particles?

    All the scientific documents explaining QE that I have read always refer to the entanglement of photons, and yet some news reports state that ions such as beryllium and magnesium have been entangled (http://www.livescience.com/strangenews/090603-maco-entanglement.html) so that instead of just...
  23. Talisman

    The cause of entanglement / coupling

    The "cause" of entanglement / coupling Hi all, two questions. I don't have a physics background (but have a decent mathematical background, and have dabbled in QM). * What is the difference between entanglement and coupling? Wikipedia says they're "almost" the same thing, except for the...
  24. N

    Entanglement and Teleportation

    Ok, so I'm merely a high school student but I have a fair amount of physics and (non-mathematical) quantum physics down. My question has to do with entanglement and teleportation. I have a fairly low understanding of entanglement however I have heard news of teleporting being done (on a small...
  25. D

    Reduced density matrix and entanglement

    Homework Statement I have in my textbook (QM by Auletta) the example of the polarization-entangled state of a pair of photons given by: |\psi\rangle_{12}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left(|h\rangle_1\otimes|v\rangle_2+|v\rangle_1\otimes|h\rangle_2\right) The density matrix associated to such a...
  26. J

    Entanglement and two particle system

    Hello, I am planning to talk about the entanglement for the presentation but now I am a bit confused of between entanglement and many-particle system. Actually, I have only studied two-particle system when dealing the total angular momentum. let me assume that there are a photon and an electron...
  27. V

    Entanglement carrying data variant

    I know this might has be posted a lot of times and I should know why entanglement doesn't carry data but this time I've thought something different. I know that if Alice and Bob share a singlet state and Alice measures her particle' spin she can't communicate anything to Bob because she can't...
  28. J

    Wondering about entanglement at it's most basic level?

    Hi, We just started touching on entanglement on my course this week and I'm struggling to understand the significance of it. Take the wikipedia discussion of it. It talks about two particles being created at once, with the condition that their spins must be in opposite directions. So, separating...
  29. G

    Quantum Entanglement : Spooky action at a distance

    Hi, I will like to ask this question about quantum entanglement and confirm the "weirdness", cos some info I get says entanglement aren't weird at all, while some says it does. Here's the question: If we prepare and get a bunch of entangled electrons bunch A and bunch B (A is entangled to...
  30. L

    Quantum Entanglement: Exploring the Mystery

    I know this is probably an extremely simple question, but anyway... I shoot two particles towards each other. They collide, and then go their separate ways. Then I measure the position of particle A with full precision. This will allow me to determine with full certainty the position of...
  31. Z

    Why is entanglement essential for quantum computing?

    Asked myself that question today, and I don't know what the answer is. Maybe I missed something somewhere in the math... Anyone know?
  32. S

    Randomness being an intrinsic property? Quantum entanglement?

    I've searched these forums hardcore about these questions and the wide range of answers is so confusing to me, so I hope that maybe if I provide some examples and specific questions, I may better understand. I always hear that quantum particles exhibit "intrinsic" randomness in the states they...
  33. M

    Understanding superposition and entanglement

    I am a newbie here, just an enthusiast with an above average understanding of math and physics, but exposed to QM after I left college. I have looked through the posts and did not see a concise summary to the following. Please forgive me if I overlooked some threads. There are some...
  34. N

    Another Entanglement theory question

    What happens if you have 2 particles entangled, and they are both observed simultaneously? As I understand the randomness in QM, once one particle is observed, we only know certain information about the other particle, redundant information. But entangled particles being observed...
  35. G

    Writer's quantum entanglement Qs (help)

    Greetings. I'm currently writing a novel that incorporates kernels of truth from current quantum physics theories and experiments. Please note that I am 100% layperson where this topic is concerned. I've tried to do my 'homework' by reading books geared toward folks like me... not smart...
  36. N

    Quantum Entanglement: Exploring Its Uses in Tech

    Hello, I'm new to the community here at Physics Forums. I am an undergrad double majoring in mathematics/computer science. I will soon be enrolled in a double masters for both math and comp sci...and eventually would like to enroll in a physics PhD program. Well then, enough about me...here...
  37. R

    Entanglement and identical particles

    hello, can we say that identical particles in atoms like electrons are entangled since their total wavefunction is antisymmetric when we swap the states? is there any condition for this entanglement?
  38. bcrowell

    Four-qubit entanglement from string theory

    "Four-qubit entanglement from string theory" This paper Borsten et al., "Four-qubit entanglement from string theory," http://arxiv.org/abs/1005.4915 (published in PRL) is being described http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/09/100901091938.htm in the popular press as a proposal for an...
  39. Z

    Why can't we use quantum bit entanglement for FTL information?

    I don't understand. Why can't we use quantum entanglement by the means of altering a state of an entangled electron so we can send an instantaneous bit of information to anywhere in the universe infinitely fast by the other electron changing its quantum state? We can can in theory transmit...
  40. A

    TIme Dilation & Quantum Entanglement Question

    Yesterday, my 12 year old nephew asked me a physics question after we watched a documentary about Einstein and relativity on the science channel. I know just enough about physics to be dangerous, and I can usually answer his questions but this time he had me stumped, and I couldn't find...
  41. M

    How is quantum entanglement observed?

    Any measurement device used to witness the phenomenom seems like it would disrupt quantum entanglement. How do scientists manage to observe it?
  42. F

    Spooky Entanglement - Exploring Faster than Light Communication

    Hello everyone, I recently found this forum and have a question about spooky entanglement. When I first heard of this I was very interested. How can changings in one particle effect another particle even if they were separated by hundreds, thousands or even millions of miles. One explanation...
  43. M

    Quantum entanglement in communications possible?

    Is it possible to move an entangled particle, without disrupting the wave function, to create a communication signal?
  44. C

    Entanglement and the Holographic principle

    Consider if you will... A pair of objects in an quantum entangled state. In such a state, observing the state of one object will determine the state of the other and thus the entangled system collapses. Therefor it seems that one object carries information about its entangled twin. A...
  45. D

    Quantum Computing and Entanglement

    Hello people of physics I am writing a paper for an undergraduate quantum mechanics course (my second quantum course) on the following topic The role of entanglement in quantum computing Just wondering if somebody could recommend a good paper or a good book on this topic. Any suggestions...
  46. L

    How Does Time Ordering Work in Quantum Mechanics?

    It is shocking paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0402127
  47. J

    Entangled Particles and Black Holes: A Conundrum of Observation?

    I was watching a show on TV about physics and a question popped into my head that I can't find an answer to. I remember hearing it may be possible to create tiny black holes in the LHC, so maybe you can test this, I don't know. Here is my question... What would happen if you took two entangled...
  48. M

    Quick question on Quantum Entanglement

    I'm sorry for the trouble, but I was hoping you guys could help me understand something about Quantum Entanglement. So if I measure the x-axis spin of an electron and get +1, then that implies the the other particle must have spin -1, correct? Also, what if I measure the spin of the...
  49. S

    Sending information via quantum entanglement?

    Suppose you have a set of two particles and each of those particles is entangled with another particle in a corresponding set. You could cause wave function collapse of one of the particles to signify a 0 bit, or you could cause collapse of both particles to signify a 1 bit. The configuration on...