What is Functional: Definition and 415 Discussions

In computer science, functional programming is a programming paradigm where programs are constructed by applying and composing functions. It is a declarative programming paradigm in which function definitions are trees of expressions that map values to other values, rather than a sequence of imperative statements which update the running state of the program.
In functional programming, functions are treated as first-class citizens, meaning that they can be bound to names (including local identifiers), passed as arguments, and returned from other functions, just as any other data type can. This allows programs to be written in a declarative and composable style, where small functions are combined in a modular manner.
Functional programming is sometimes treated as synonymous with purely functional programming, a subset of functional programming which treats all functions as deterministic mathematical functions, or pure functions. When a pure function is called with some given arguments, it will always return the same result, and cannot be affected by any mutable state or other side effects. This is in contrast with impure procedures, common in imperative programming, which can have side effects (such as modifying the program's state or taking input from a user). Proponents of purely functional programming claim that by restricting side effects, programs can have fewer bugs, be easier to debug and test, and be more suited to formal verification.Functional programming has its roots in academia, evolving from the lambda calculus, a formal system of computation based only on functions. Functional programming has historically been less popular than imperative programming, but many functional languages are seeing use today in industry and education, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure, Wolfram Language, Racket, Erlang, Elixir, OCaml, Haskell, and F#. Functional programming is also key to some languages that have found success in specific domains, like JavaScript in the Web, R in statistics, J, K and Q in financial analysis, and XQuery/XSLT for XML. Domain-specific declarative languages like SQL and Lex/Yacc use some elements of functional programming, such as not allowing mutable values. In addition, many other programming languages support programming in a functional style or have implemented features from functional programming, such as C++11, Kotlin, Perl, PHP, Python, Go, Rust, Raku, Scala, and Java (since Java 8).

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  1. C

    Functional Derivatives/Euler-Lagrange

    Homework Statement Hi, I'm working on research and I hit a roadblock with something that should be very simple but I can't solve it because it gets so messy. If anyone can let me know how to do this, it would be greatly appreciated. I have a functional T: T = \int_{\lambda_{1}}^{\lambda_{2}}...
  2. V

    What is generating functional and vacuum-to-vacuum boundary conditions in QFT?

    Hello everyone :) I'm reading the book QFT - L. H. Ryder, and I don't understand clearly what are the generating functional Z[J] and vacuum-to-vacuum boundary conditions? Help me, please >"<
  3. Pythagorean

    Transforming association matrix to a functional matrix

    I have n elements. Say n = 3. Suppose I have an association matrix that gives the relationship between each element \begin{array}{cc} 0 & 0 & D3\\ D1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & D2 & 0 \end{array} I have a function in mind now, I want to operate and the physical variables representing my three...
  4. J

    Proving Symmetric Operators are Equal: A Functional Analysis Challenge

    A functional analysis' problem I hope this is the right place to submit this post. Homework Statement Let A be a symmetric operator, A\supseteq B and \mathcal{R}_{A+\imath I}=\mathcal{R}_{B+\imath I} (where \mathcal{R} means the range of the operator). Show that A=B. 2. The attempt at a...
  5. D

    What is the proof for the functional derivative formula in DFT?

    Hi, in their book ''Density-Functional Theory of Atoms and Molecules'' Parr and Yang state in Appendix A, Formula (A.33) If F ist a functional that depends on a parameter \lambda, that is F[f(x,\lambda)] then: \frac{\partial F}{\partial \lambda} = \int \frac{\delta F}{\delta f(x)}...
  6. Z

    What is the meaning of the norm of a linear functional?

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  7. B

    Seeking for Functional Analysis problems solution

    Hello everybody here, I'm taking Functional Analysis this term, and the textbook is : "An Introduction to Hilbert Space, Cambridge, 1988" by N. Young. Unfortunately, we have to solve most of the book's problems. So, does anyone has some of them ? I found a list of solved problems on...
  8. R

    Euler lagrangian equation associated with the variation of a given functional

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  9. S

    Dirichlet eta approximate functional equation

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  10. N

    Why some functional integral(in QTF theo)of a product equal product of two the integr

    Please teach me this: In section 11.4 chapter 11 of QTF theory book of Peskin&Schroeder,computing Effective Action,they calculate a functional integral of product of two exponentials of ''exact'' Lagrangian and ''counterterm'' Lagrangian with the same variable of integral(value of field).I do...
  11. S

    Bilinear Form & Linear Functional: Symmetric & Coercive?

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  12. Y

    (n-1)-dimensional subspace is the null space of a linear functional

    Given that N is an (n-1)-dimensional subspace of an n-dimensional vector space V, show that N is the null space of a linear functional. My thoughts: suppose \alpha_i(1\leq i \leq n-1) is the basis of N, the linear functional in question has to satisfy f(\alpha_i)=0. Am I correct? Thanks
  13. M

    Functional Relationship of 555 Monostable PWM

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  14. A

    Can *YOU* understand this functional analysis proof?

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  15. F

    How do I minimize a function with a constraint using Lagrange-Euler method?

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  16. X

    Conway Functional Analysis text example?

    Hello, I'm reading through John Conway's A Course in Functional Analysis and I'm having trouble understanding example 1.5 on page 168 (2nd edition): Let (X, \Omega, \mu) and M_\phi : L^p(\mu) \to L^p(\mu) be as in Example III.2.2 (i.e., sigma-finite measure space and M_\phi f = \phi f is a...
  17. N

    Grassman number in functional quantization?

    Please teach me this: When calculating something with Grassman numbers without changing order of the numbers,then there are nothing different from ordinary numbers.So I think it would be contrary if we define the complex conjugation of a product of two Grassman numbers to reverse the order of...
  18. P

    The probability functional description of a wave

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  19. A

    Equivalent definitions for the norm of a linear functional

    Can someone please explain why the following three definitions for the norm of a bounded linear functional are equivalent? \| f \| = \sup_{0 < \|x\| < 1} \frac{|f(x)|}{\| x \|}, and \| f \| = \sup_{0 < \| x \| \leq 1} \frac{|f(x)|}{\| x \|}, and \| f \| = \sup_{\| x \| = 1}...
  20. J

    Density Functional Theory and the Local Density Approximation

    Im trying to calculate the ground state energy of Helium using a density functional theory approach combined with the local density approximation. So far I have set up universal functionals and I mainly need help with the actual algorithm the evaluation of the Hartree energy functional.
  21. K

    Differentiating a Linear Functional

    Hey All, Here's a stupid and probably ridiculously easy question, but I want to make sure that I have it right. Let G be a Lie group with Lie algebra \mathfrak g . Assume that H \in \mathfrak g and \phi \in \mathfrak g^* the algebraic dual. Assume that X(t) is an integral curve...
  22. M

    How to Solve Functional Inequality with Multiple Unknowns?

    Homework Statement Given http://www.mathhelpforum.com/math-help/attachments/f33/20928d1298610998-function-msp281219ebge8he857gc6900005ba9285dff0f5h79.gif , find the values of ''a'' for which the value of the function f(x) <= 25/2. The answer is a<= 1/2. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  23. Fredrik

    Functional analysis, projection operators

    Homework Statement I want to understand the proof of proposition 7.1 in Conway. The theorem says that if \{P_i|i\in I\} is a family of projection operators, and P_i is orthogonal to P_j when i\neq j, then for any x in a Hilbert space H, \sum_{i\in I}P_ix=Px where P is the projection...
  24. S

    A simple functional derivative

    Hi! I am doing some numerical calculations recently. I need to calculate the functional derivative. eg. functional : n(\rho)=\int dr'r'\rho(r')f(r,r') it need to calculate: \frac{\delta n(r)}{\delta\rho(r')} I think the...
  25. S

    Removing Functional Groups from a Molecule: Methods and Possibilities

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  26. S

    What is meant by functional derivative?

    What is meant by functional derivative? Thanks in well advance.
  27. P

    Functional derivative of connection with respect to metric

    I cannot work out the following functional derivative: \frac{\delta}{\delta g_{\mu\nu}} \int d^4 x f^a_{\phantom{a}b} \nabla_a h^b Where f is a tensor density f= \sqrt{\det g} \tilde{f} ( \tilde{f} is an ordinary tensor) and should be consider as independent of g. In my opinion this is not...
  28. S

    Stationary points of functional

    Hello guys. This is my first post at physics forums, so please be gentle :) I am trying to understand functionals, so I am solving as many exercises from these lecture notes that I downloaded. Homework Statement Let f:[a,b]\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^k be a continuous function and define...
  29. dav2008

    Functional gages cannot be used to inspect features specified at LMC.

    "Functional gages cannot be used to inspect features specified at LMC." What does that statement mean? I am going through "GD&T for Mechanical Design" by Cogorno (McGraw-Hill) and it makes that statement on page 24.
  30. E

    Finding the curve to minimize a functional

    Homework Statement Find the curve y(x) that passes through the endpoints (0,0) and (1,1) and minimizes the functional I[y] = integral(y'2 - y2,x,0,1). Homework Equations Principally Euler's equation. The Attempt at a Solution We choose f{y,y';x} = y'2 - y2. Our partial...
  31. Rasalhague

    Exploring Roger Penrose's Functional Derivative Notation

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  32. S

    Start Learning Density Functional Theory for Beginners

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  33. I

    Existence of linear functional

    Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over the field F and let T be a linear operator on V. Let c be a scalar and suppose there is a non-zero vector \alpha in V such that t \alpha = c \alpha. Prove that there is a non-zero linear functional f on V such that T^{t}f=cf, where T^{t}f=f\circ T...
  34. S

    How Can the Energy Stored in Functional Groups be Determined?

    How would I find the amount of energy that is stored in a particular functional group? I know things like Azide, Nitro, Alkynyl, Cyanides, etc. would all store a lot of energy.
  35. Z

    What is the difference between a function and a functional?

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  36. T

    Multiple functional derivatives

    Hi all, Long time stalker, first time poster. I've finally got stumped by something not already answered (as far as I can tell) around here. I'm trying to make sense of double functional derivatives: specifically, I would like to understand expressions like \int dx \frac{\delta^2}{\delta...
  37. A

    Fixed Point Theory: Functional Analysis, Random Operators & Measurable Functions

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  38. A

    Proving Functional Derivative for Current Research - Alice

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  39. C

    Functional analysis applications

    Can anyone tell me the Engineering applications of Functional analysis with a real world example, If possible? Thanks in advance.
  40. B

    Functional iteration and convergence

    Hey, I am working with the equation y=(x+10)/(x+1), and have calculating the iterations of the sequence s_(n+1)=(s_n + 10)/(s_n + 1). I find that whatever value of s(1) is chosen (the initial value) the sequence converges to root 10. However I am now trying to prove why this happens, and...
  41. C

    An expression in functional analysis

    Are there any theorems concerning this expression \frac{1}{z}f\left(\frac{1}{z}\right). I appreciate posts of any theorems you can think of.
  42. M

    Functional determinants and gauge invariance

    Hi all, I've been studying the path-integral quantisation of gauge theories in Zee III.4. My understanding is roughly as follows: that one can think of the differential operator in the quadratic tems in the lagrangian as a linear operator between infinite dimensional spaces (morally...
  43. I

    Functional analysis convergence question

    If X is Banach space and F:X \rightarrow X is a linear and bounded map and that F^n(x)\rightarrow0 pointwise .. How can I show that it converges to zero uniformly also? Thanks
  44. P

    How to Derive the Relation for W_{\varepsilon}[J] Using the Exponential Map?

    I have the following relation: W_{\varepsilon}[J] = \mathrm{exp} \left[ - \varepsilon \int \mathrm{d} x \, \left( \dfrac{\delta}{\delta J(x)} \right)^{n} \right] \mathrm{exp}(W[J]) where W is a functional of J. Now I read in a textbook that it follows W_{\varepsilon}[J] = W[J] -...
  45. P

    Functional Derivative: Computing the d'Alembert Solution

    In the literature (Ryder, path-integrals) I have found the following relation for the functional derivative with respect to a real scalar field \phi(x) : i \dfrac{\delta}{\delta \phi(x)} e^{-i \int \mathrm{d}^{4} x \frac{1}{2} \phi(x) ( \square + m^2 ) \phi(x)} = ( \square + m^2 ) \phi(x)...
  46. A

    An open mapping is not necessarily a closed mapping in functional analysis

    We know that a linear operator T:X\rightarrowY between two Banach Spaces X and Y is an open mapping if T is surjective. Here open mapping means that T sends open subsets of X to open subsets of Y. Prove that if T is an open mapping between two Banach Spaces then it is not necessarily a closed...
  47. K

    Real / Functional Analysis Video Lectures?

    Does anybody know of any good resources for this? Specifically for real analysis, I'm looking for something that covers calculus on manifolds, differential forms, Lebesgue integration, etc. and for functional analysis: metric spaces, Banach spaces, Hilbert spaces, Fourier series, etc. Thanks!
  48. E

    Schools Functional Analysis, Neuroscience, and Grad School

    I'm going to be applying to grad schools next year (I have an undergrad degree in math and phyisics), and I have narrowed down my areas of interest to two fields: functional analysis and it's involvement in QFT; and computational/theoretical neuroscience. I find pure math more enjoyable, but I'm...
  49. T

    Functional analysis and diff. forms

    Hi PF, I am currently trying to teach myself the rudiments of differential forms, in particular their application to physics, and there's something I'd like to ask. It seems like diff forms can be used to express all kinds of physics, but the area I haven't been able to figure out is stuff...
  50. S

    Solving Functional Equations: Tips & Examples

    Hello, could you explain me what's the right way to solve these equations. I've never solved it before. f(x+y)+f(x-y)=2f(x)f(y)\,\;\;\forall x,y\in\mathbb{R} f(x)+\left(x+\frac{1}{2}\right)f(1-x)=1\,\;\;\forall x\in\mathbb{R} thank you...