What is Lagrangian: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Introduced by the Italian-French mathematician and astronomer Joseph-Louis Lagrange in 1788, Lagrangian mechanics is a formulation of classical mechanics and is founded on the stationary action principle.
Lagrangian mechanics defines a mechanical system to be a pair


{\displaystyle (M,L)}
of a configuration space


{\displaystyle M}
and a smooth function


{\displaystyle L=L(q,v,t)}
called Lagrangian. By convention,



{\displaystyle L=T-V,}


{\displaystyle T}


{\displaystyle V}
are the kinetic and potential energy of the system, respectively. Here



{\displaystyle q\in M,}


{\displaystyle v}
is the velocity vector at


{\displaystyle q}


{\displaystyle (v}
is tangential to


{\displaystyle M).}
(For those familiar with tangent bundles,






{\displaystyle L:TM\times \mathbb {R} _{t}\to \mathbb {R} ,}





{\displaystyle v\in T_{q}M).}

Given the time instants



{\displaystyle t_{1}}




{\displaystyle t_{2},}
Lagrangian mechanics postulates that a smooth path











{\displaystyle x_{0}:[t_{1},t_{2}]\to M}
describes the time evolution of the given system if and only if



{\displaystyle x_{0}}
is a stationary point of the action functional













{\displaystyle {\cal {S}}[x]\,{\stackrel {\text{def}}{=}}\,\int _{t_{1}}^{t_{2}}L(x(t),{\dot {x}}(t),t)\,dt.}


{\displaystyle M}
is an open subset of



{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}}




{\displaystyle t_{1},}



{\displaystyle t_{2}}
are finite, then the smooth path



{\displaystyle x_{0}}
is a stationary point of


{\displaystyle {\cal {S}}}
if all its directional derivatives at



{\displaystyle x_{0}}
vanish, i.e., for every smooth











{\displaystyle \delta :[t_{1},t_{2}]\to \mathbb {R} ^{n},}
















{\displaystyle \delta {\cal {S}}\ {\stackrel {\text{def}}{=}}\ {\frac {d}{d\varepsilon }}{\Biggl |}_{\varepsilon =0}{\cal {S}}\left[x_{0}+\varepsilon \delta \right]=0.}
The function


{\displaystyle \delta (t)}
on the right-hand side is called perturbation or virtual displacement. The directional derivative



{\displaystyle \delta {\cal {S}}}
on the left is known as variation in physics and Gateaux derivative in Mathematics.
Lagrangian mechanics has been extended to allow for non-conservative forces.

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  1. A

    I Designing an Invariant Lagrangian: Rules and Considerations

    What are the rules for writing a good Lagrangian? I know that it should be a function of the position and its first order derivatives, because we know that we only need 2 initial conditions (position and velocity) to uniquely determine the future of the particle. I know that the action has to be...
  2. J

    A The Generalized Capabilities of the Standard Model Lagrangian?

    If the standard model Lagrangian were generalized into what might be called "core capabilities" what would those capabilities be? For example, there are a lot of varying matrices involved in the standard model Lagrangian and we can generalize all of them as the "core capability" of matrix...
  3. MarkTheQuark

    Spring-mass system with a pendulum using Lagrangian dynamics

    I'm stuck in a problem of a spring mass system with a pendulum attached to it as showed in the figure below: My goal is to find the movement equation for the mass, using Lagrangian dynamics. If the spring moves, the wire will move the same amount. Therefore, we can write the x and y position...
  4. F

    Stationary points classification using definiteness of the Lagrangian

    Hello, I am using the Lagrange multipliers method to find the extremums of ##f(x,y)## subjected to the constraint ##g(x,y)##, an ellipse. So far, I have successfully identified several triplets ##(x^∗,y^∗,λ^∗)## such that each triplet is a stationary point for the Lagrangian: ##\nabla...
  5. DuckAmuck

    A Unifying Lagrangians in Electrodynamics: Fμν, Aμ Jμ, & Lorentz Force

    How would you unify the two Lagrangians you see in electrodynamics? Namely the field Lagrangian: Lem = -1/4 Fμν Fμν - Aμ Jμ and the particle Lagrangian: Lp = -m/γ - q Aμ vμ The latter here gives you the Lorentz force equation. fμ = q Fμν vν It seems the terms - q Aμ vμ and - Aμ Jμ account for...
  6. J

    Lagrangian with a charged, massive vector boson coupled to electromagnetism

    I need to use hermiticity and electromagnetic gauge invariance to determine the constraints on the constants. Through hermiticity, i found that the coefficients need to be real. However, I am not sure how gauge invariance would come into the picture to give further contraints. I think the...
  7. J

    I What is the Meaning of Lagrangian in Special Relativity?

    According to @vanhees71 and his notes at https://itp.uni-frankfurt.de/~hees/pf-faq/srt.pdf under certain conditions one can choose ##\tau## as the parameter to parametrize the Lagrangian in special relativity. For instance if we have, $$A[x^{\mu}]=\int d\lambda...
  8. P

    I Coleman Lecture: Varying E-M Lagrangian - Problem 3.1 Explained

    This is from Coleman Lectures on Relativity, p.63. I understand that he uses integration by parts, but just can't see how he gets to the second equation. (In problem 3.1 he suggest to take a particular entry in 3.1 to make that more obvious, but that does not help me.)
  9. A

    A An ab initio Hilbert space formulation of Lagrangian mechanics

    I want to share my recent results on the foundation of classical mechanics. Te abstract readWe construct an operational formulation of classical mechanics without presupposing previous results from analytical mechanics. In doing so, several concepts from analytical mechanics will be rediscovered...
  10. Tertius

    A Local phase invariance of complex scalar field in curved spacetime

    I am stuck deriving the gauge field produced in curved spacetime for a complex scalar field. If the underlying spacetime changes, I would assume it would change the normal Lagrangian and the gauge field in the same way, so at first guess I would say the gauge field remains unchanged. If there...
  11. P

    Lagrangian of a double pendulum, finding kinetic energy

    This is from Taylor's classical mechanichs, 11.4, example of finding the Lagrangian of the double pendulum Relevant figure attached below Angle between the two velocities of second mass is $$\phi_2-\phi_1$$ Potential energy $$U_1=m_1gL_1$$ $$U_2=m_2g[L_1\cos(1-\phi_1)+L_2(1-\phi_2)]$$...
  12. N

    A Noether and the derivative of the Action

    I know that the Action has units Energy·time or Momentum·position. A second fact is that the derivative of the action with respect to time is Energy and similar with momentum-position, consistent with a units ie. dimensions check.Is it a coincidence that both are Noether conserved quantities...
  13. wrobel

    A Lagrangian form of an equation

    There is a problem from a Russian textbook in classical mechanics. Consider a scalar equation $$\ddot x=F(t,x,\dot x),\quad x\in\mathbb{R}.$$ Show that this equation can be multiplied by a function ##\mu(t,x,\dot x)\ne 0## such that the resulting equation $$\mu\ddot x=\mu F(t,x,\dot x)$$ has...
  14. penguin46

    How to tell if Energy is Conserved from the Lagrangian?

    I am fairly certain that the answer here is to differentiate partially with respect to time rather than fully. In Landau and Lifshitz' proof of energy conservation one of the hypotheses is that the partial of L wrt time is zero. Am I on the right track?
  15. Ioannis1404

    A Find Euler-Lagrange Equations w/Given Init Pos & Vel

    In classical mechanics to establish the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion of a particle we "minimize" the action, that is the integral of the Lagrangian, prescribing as the integral limits the initial and final positions of the particle. Usually, for a problem in mechanics we do not know the...
  16. M

    Optimization: How to find the dual problem?

    Hi, I am working on the following optimization problem, and am confused how to apply the Lagrangian in the following scenario: Question: Let us look at the following problem \min_{x \in \mathbb{R}_{+} ^{n}} \sum_{j=1}^{m} x_j log(x_j) \text{subject to} A \vec{x} \leq b \rightarrow A\vec{x}...
  17. H

    I Lagrangian with generalized positions

    Hi Pfs When instead of the variables x,x',t the lagrangiean depends on the trandformed variables q,q',t , time may be explicit in this lagrangian and q' (the velocity of q) may appear outside. I am looking for a toy model in which tine is not explicit in L but where the velocities appear somhere...
  18. Dario56

    I Action in Lagrangian Mechanics

    Lagrangian mechanics is built upon calculus of variation. This means that we want to find out function which is a stationary point of particular function (functional) which in Lagrangian mechanics is called the action. To know what this function is, action needs to be defined first. Action is...
  19. Hari Seldon

    A Deriving Navier-Stokes: Lagrangian & Hamiltonian Methods

    Is that possible to derive the Navier-Stokes equations with Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods? If yes, how? and if it is not possible, why?
  20. Hari Seldon

    Watt Rotational Speed Regulator's Lagrangian

    I understand that it is a system with two degrees of freedom. And I chose as generalized coordinates the two angles shown in the pic I posted. I am having troubles in finding the kinetic energy of this system, cause the book tells me that the kinetic energy is something different then what I...
  21. L

    A Klein Gordon Lagrangian -- Summation question

    Klein Gordon Lagrangian is given by \mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2}\partial_{\mu}\phi\partial^{\mu}\phi-\frac{1}{2}m^2\phi^2 I saw also this link https://www.pas.rochester.edu/assets/pdf/undergraduate/the_free_klein_gordon_field_theory.pdf Can someone explain me, what is...
  22. curiousPep

    I Lagrangian mechanics - generalised coordinates question

    I think I undeerstand Lagrangian mechanics but I have a question that will help to clarify some concepts. Imagine I throw a pencil. For that I have 5 generalised coordinates (x,y,z and 2 rotational). When I express Kinetic Energy (T) as: $$T = 1/2m\dot{x^{2}}+1/2m\dot{y^{2}}+1/2m\dot{z^{2}} +...
  23. T

    I Playing with Lagrangian and I screw up

    I am sorry for all these questions this morning. Could someone read the attached and tell me where I am going wrong?
  24. E

    A Effective Lagrangian: Breaking Causality or Non-Local?

    As I have read, the effective Lagrangian are non local sometimes, does that mean they break causlaity ? Are they non local because the heavy particles ( propagators) are integrated out?
  25. L

    Relativity Special relativity in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian language

    Some introduction books on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics use classical mechanics as the theoretical framework, and when it come to special relativity it goes back to the basics and force language again. I would like to ask for some recommendations on good books that introduces Lagrangian...
  26. D

    I Dimensional confusion with a Lagrangian problem

    Hi I have been doing a question on Lagrangian mechanics. I have the solution as well but i have a problem with the way the question is asked regarding dimensions. The 1st part of the question says that a particle of mass m with Cartesian coordinates x , y , z moves under the influence of...
  27. E

    I Solving 2-Body Problem w/ Lagrangian: What Substitutions?

    Hi, I was trying to solve the classical two body problem with Lagrangian Principle. I replaced the angular velocity before taking the partial derivatives (which respect to the distance to the virtual particle) and the result was completely different. I would like to ask, therefore, which...
  28. L

    I Benefits of Lagrangian mechanics with generalised coordinates

    I have sometimes seen the claim that one advantage of Lagrangian mechanics is that it works in any frame of reference, instead of like Newtonian mechanics which will hold only in the inertial frame of reference. However isn't this gain only at the sacrifice that the Lagrangian will need to take...
  29. Haorong Wu

    I A problem about decomposing a Lagrangian

    Hi, there. Suppose I write down a Langrangian as ##L(t, x, y, z, f)## where ##t##, ##x##, ##y## and ##z## are identified as variables, and ##f=f(t, x, y, z)##. Now the Euler-Lagrange equations$$\sum_{\mu=0} ^3 \frac d {dx^{\mu}}\left (\frac {\partial L }{\partial (\partial_\mu f)} \right )...
  30. K

    Find the Conserved Quantity of a Lagrangian Using Noether's Theorem

    So Noether's Theorem states that for any invarience that there is an associated conserved quantity being: $$ \frac {\partial L}{\partial \dot{Q}} \frac {\partial Q}{\partial s}$$ Let $$ X \to sx $$ $$\frac {\partial Q}{\partial s} = \frac {\partial X}{\partial s} = \frac {\partial...
  31. Istiak

    Find the equation of motion using the Lagrangian for this Atwood machine

    My understanding of the system from the image (which was given in book) I could see there's 3 tension in 2 body. Even I had seen 2 tension in a body. It was little bit confusing to me. I could find tension in Lagrangian from right side. But left side was confusing to me...
  32. M

    A Interpretation of Lagrangian solution (complex numbers)

    Hi Guys Finally after a great struggle I have managed to develop and solve my Lagrangian system. I have checked it numerous times over and over and I believe that everything is correct. I have attached a PDF which has the derivation of the system. Please ignore all the forcing functions and...
  33. gromit

    Using Lagrangian to show a particle has a circular orbit

    Hi :) This is a problem from David Tong's Classical Dynamics course, found here: http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/tong/dynamics.html. In particular it is problem 6ii in the first problem sheet. Firstly we can see the lagrangian is ##L = \frac{1}{2}m(\dot{r}^2+r^2\dot{\theta}^2+\dot{z}^2) -...
  34. K

    A Dissipation function is homogeneous in ##\dot{q}## second degree proof

    We have Rayleigh's dissipation function, defined as ## \mathcal{F}=\frac{1}{2} \sum_{i}\left(k_{x} v_{i x}^{2}+k_{y} v_{i j}^{2}+k_{z} v_{i z}^{2}\right) ## Also we have transformation equations to generalized coordinates as ##\begin{aligned} \mathbf{r}_{1} &=\mathbf{r}_{1}\left(q_{1}, q_{2}...
  35. M

    A Lagrangian for a double spring pendulum connected through a rigid bar

    Hi Guys I am looking for some guidance with regards to a Lagrangian problem I am trying to solve. Please refer to the attached documents. Please neglect all the forcing functions for the time being. I am currently just trying to simulate the problem using initial conditions only I have...
  36. Istiak

    Find the values of A, B, and C such that the action is a minimum

    > A particle is subjected to the potential V (x) = −F x, where F is a constant. The particle travels from x = 0 to x = a in a time interval t0 . Assume the motion of the particle can be expressed in the form ##x(t) = A + B t + C t^2## . Find the values of A, B, and C such that the action is a...
  37. M

    A Lagrangian Multipliers with messy Solution

    Hi Guys Please refer to the attached file. I have not included any of the derivatives or partial derivatives as it does get messy, I just just included the kinetic and potential energy equations and the holonomic constraint. The holonomic constraint can be considered using Lagrange...
  38. p1ndol

    I Trouble simplifying the Lagrangian

    Hello, I have posted a similar thread on this question before, but I'd like to get some help to simplify the answers I've got so far in order to match the solutions provided. If anyone could help me, I would really appreciate it. Since (c) is quite similar to (b), I'll leave here what I've done...
  39. p1ndol

    I Trouble understanding coordinates for the Lagrangian

    Hello, I'm having some trouble understanding this solution provided in Landau's book on mechanics. I'd like to understand how they arrived at the infinitesimal displacement for the particles m1. I appreciate any kind of help regarding this problem, thank you!
  40. p1ndol

    I Understanding the Coordinates in the Lagrangian for a Pendulum

    So I've been studying classical mechanics and have come across a small doubt with the solution provided to the problem in question from Landau's book. My question is: why are the coordinates for the particle given as they are in the solution? I imagine it has something to do with the harmonic...
  41. D

    I Morse Theory & Lagrangian Mechanics: Is There a Connection?

    I read somewhere that Morse originally applied his theory to the calculus of variations. I'm wondering, is this application useful in physics and mechanics, like maybe it sheds light on lagrangian mechanics? Does anyone know?
  42. Wannabe Physicist

    Lagrangian Problem (Find Relation between Amplitude and Momentum)

    The given lagrangian doesn't seem to correspond to any of the basic systems (like simple/ coupled harmonic oscillators, etc). So I calculated the momentum ##p## which is the partial derivative of ##L## with respect to generalized velocity ##\dot{q}##. Doing so I obtain $$p =...
  43. Paulpaulpa

    Spacetime translations and general Lagrangian density for Field Theory

    In Sydney Coleman Lectures on Quantum field Theory (p48), he finds : $$D\mathcal{L} = e^{\mu} \partial _{\mu} \mathcal{L}$$ My calulation, with ##\phi## my field and the variation of the field under space time tranlation ##D\phi = e^{\mu} \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial x^{\mu}}## ...
  44. M

    I Laws of Motion for New Lagrangian: Partial Differential Equations

    $$\partial^\beta F_{\beta\alpha} +\partial^\beta A_\mu A^\mu \delta^\alpha_\sigma \delta^\rho_\beta+\mu^2 A_\alpha = 2A_\mu (\partial_\rho A^\rho) +\frac {4\pi}{c}J_\alpha$$
  45. M

    I Solving Proca Lagrangian w/ Extra Operator: Find Laws of Motion

    The euler lagrange equation I am using is: $$\frac {\partial^\beta \partial L}{\partial(\partial^\beta A^\alpha) }= \frac {\partial L} {\partial A^\alpha}$$ Now the proca lagrangian i am using is $$L= -\frac {1}{16\pi} F_{\alpha\beta} F^{\alpha\beta} + \frac {\mu^2} {8\pi} A_\alpha A^\alpha -...
  46. sophiatev

    Symmetries in Lagrangian Mechanics

    In Classical Mechanics by Kibble and Berkshire, in chapter 12.4 which focuses on symmetries and conservation laws (starting on page 291 here), the authors introduce the concept of a generator function G, where the transformation generated by G is given by (equation 12.29 on page 292 in the text)...
  47. P

    Lagrangian mechanics - rotating rod

    Hello, It might sound silly, but when I try to calculate the kinetic energy of a rotating rod to form the Langrangian (and in general), why it has both translational and rotational kinetic energy? Is it because when I consider the moment of Inertia about the centre I need to include the...
  48. M

    I General relativity - covariant superconductivity, Meissner effect

    I am doing a project where the final scope is to find an extra operator to include in the proca lagrangian. When finding the new version of this lagrangian i'll be able to use the Euler-Lagrange equation to find the laws of motion for a photon accounting for that particular extra operator. I...
  49. stevendaryl

    I Time-Dependent Lagrangian Leads to Time Dilation?

    This is just something unexpected that I noticed recently, and I hadn't heard anyone mention it before. The relativistic Lagrangian for a particle moving under a scalar potential ##\Phi## is this: ##L = \frac{1}{2} m g_{\mu \nu} \dfrac{dx^\mu}{d\tau} \dfrac{dx^\nu}{d\tau} - \Phi## This leads...
  50. snypehype46

    Computing the spectrum of a Lagrangian in field theory

    I have the following lagrangian density: $$L = \bar{\psi}i \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \psi - g\bar{\psi}(\sigma + i\gamma^5\pi)\psi + \frac{1}{2}(\partial_\mu \sigma)^2+ \frac{1}{2}(\partial_\mu \pi)^2 -V(\sigma^2 + \pi^2)$$ where $\pi$ and $\sigma$ are scalar fields. I have show that this...