What is Matter: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In classical physics and general chemistry, matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space by having volume. All everyday objects that can be touched are ultimately composed of atoms, which are made up of interacting subatomic particles, and in everyday as well as scientific usage, "matter" generally includes atoms and anything made up of them, and any particles (or combination of particles) that act as if they have both rest mass and volume. However it does not include massless particles such as photons, or other energy phenomena or waves such as light. Matter exists in various states (also known as phases). These include classical everyday phases such as solid, liquid, and gas – for example water exists as ice, liquid water, and gaseous steam – but other states are possible, including plasma, Bose–Einstein condensates, fermionic condensates, and quark–gluon plasma.Usually atoms can be imagined as a nucleus of protons and neutrons, and a surrounding "cloud" of orbiting electrons which "take up space". However this is only somewhat correct, because subatomic particles and their properties are governed by their quantum nature, which means they do not act as everyday objects appear to act – they can act like waves as well as particles and they do not have well-defined sizes or positions. In the Standard Model of particle physics, matter is not a fundamental concept because the elementary constituents of atoms are quantum entities which do not have an inherent "size" or "volume" in any everyday sense of the word. Due to the exclusion principle and other fundamental interactions, some "point particles" known as fermions (quarks, leptons), and many composites and atoms, are effectively forced to keep a distance from other particles under everyday conditions; this creates the property of matter which appears to us as matter taking up space.
For much of the history of the natural sciences people have contemplated the exact nature of matter. The idea that matter was built of discrete building blocks, the so-called particulate theory of matter, independently appeared in ancient Greece and ancient India among Buddhists, Hindus and Jains in 1st-millennium BC. Ancient philosophers who proposed the particulate theory of matter include Kanada (c. 6th–century BC or after), Leucippus (~490 BC) and Democritus (~470–380 BC).

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  1. F

    Exploring Vacuum: Matter, Energy, and the EM Field

    Dear Forum, Vacuum is classically interpreted as the absence of everything. But the quantum view of vacuum sees it as a bubbling, dynamic entity from which particles and antiparcles emerge for very short intervals of time. Relativity teaches us that energy and matter can be converted into each...
  2. W

    Why only Closed Forms Matter in DeRham Cohomology?

    Hi All, One gets homological/topological information (DeRham cohomology ) from a manifold by forming the algebraic quotients H^Dr (n):= (Closed n-Forms)/(Exact n- Forms) Why do we care only about closed forms ? I imagine we can use DeRham's theorem that gives us a specific...
  3. X

    Mathematical Analysis on Cold Dark Matter

    Hi Guys, Can anyone provide links, books which explain the mathematical background of the field theory that explains the current accepted ^CDM model of the universe? Thanks Adarsh
  4. M

    Photons interacting with multiple matter particles

    Everyone learns the picture associated with e.g. the Balmer series in Hydrogen: a photon with a precise energy flies in and is absorbed by an electron which is excited into a higher energy state, which then decays to the ground state, re-radiating a photon of that precise frequency. If we...
  5. L

    Dark matter, entropy and gravity

    If dark matter affects normal matter (by gravity), does that mean that normal matter also affects dark matter? I think it does... In which case; Black holes could attract BOTH dark and normal matter? Does this give any opportunity to "information loss"? What if some information in normal...
  6. A

    Can motion be turned into matter?

    Im wondering if motion can be turned into matter, since I heard that motion is like stored energy. Im not in any physics classes so I don't really know anything about the subject. edit: I am also wondering if this is true: Energy is effected by gravity, and movement is stored energy. So if a...
  7. A

    Gravitational deviation of matter travelling near c by a massive body

    Light traveling transverse to a massive body (e.g. Sun) is deviated by an angle twice the amount predicted by Newtonian gravitational theory. This is predicted by GR and proven experimentally. What would be the deviation of a matter particle traveling near c transverse to a massive body...
  8. S

    Why does the amount of dark matter increase the further away from the

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  9. A

    Expanding space thru matter vs matter thru space

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  10. Z

    NFW Dark Matter Halos and Virial Radius

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  11. M

    Job aspects, medical physics or experimental condensed matter physics

    Hi all It may sound rather silly, but I am a second year graduate student doing experimental condensed matter physics. Recently I've been thinking about the future like job aspects and salaries etc. One of my friend recently transferred to medical physics PhD and said its better in job...
  12. L

    Dark matter -best introductory books

    Hello fellows, Properly introducing myself into dark matter so in the quest for book suggestions from those of you who are into the topic. Thanks in advance
  13. Quarlep

    Exploring E=mc² and the Discovery of Antimatter by Paul Dirac

    Hi I am curios about something we know E2=(mc2)2+(pc)2 than Paul Dirac maid E2=(mc2)2 than we know he find antimatter I want to said there's a chance to E=-pc because its logical you can say photon and antiphoton is same but I think there's no reason to say this is false.
  14. A

    Stigmas against "physics of matter"

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  15. S

    Is the clustering found in the universe a matter of perspective?

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  16. S

    Is energy of a wave based solely on its frequency? And for matter?

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  17. D

    Exploring Theories and Opinions on Dark Matter: A Community Discussion

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  18. J

    Can Dark Matter Radiate Heat or Form Black Holes?

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  19. S

    States of Matter: 3 vs 5? School Help

    For school my teacher told me there were 3 states of matter but the internet told me there were 5. Help?
  20. A

    Master in Condensed Matter Physics or Astrophysics

    Hi guys, I have a bachelor's degree in IT (software development, BAC+3), I am 27 years old and I live in Europe. I've always love space and astrophysics but I am interested in physics in general. I decided to go back to school to get a degree in physics but I am not quite sure about which...
  21. T

    Expansion of the universe | Potential Effects on Energy / Matter

    I have been thinking for the past couple months on how the expansion of the universe effects the matter and energy within it. Please read every line, skipping any part of this thread will lead to confusion. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this amazing new question of universal expansion...
  22. J

    Dark Matter. Space-Time curvature. Galaxy formation

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  23. M

    Interaction of matter and radiation

    To whom is able to answer this: I think that when radiant energy get in contact with matter three basic phenomena take place: 1.- Transmission 2.- Reflection 3.-Absorption and emission I think this three basic phenomena enclose all phenomena that can occur after the interaction I wait for...
  24. D

    Do the number of blades in a propeller matter?

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  25. 2Chewz

    Create Matter: Can it be Reverse Engineered from Nothing?

    If matter and anti matter can combine to cancel each other out, can your reverse the process to pull matter and anti matter from nothing? I ask in a theoretical sense, not weather we are currently capable or not. Looking forward to your responses!
  26. R

    Does School Matter for ME Majors?

    Hey, guys! I'm a ME major and I am going into my second year (I know, gen. ed and copious amount of math classes lol). Anyway, I am currently attending UNLV and I've heard that it isn't a "good" school for ME. I am very motivated and I strive for a high GPA and I will be looking into...
  27. J

    Smells from Solid Matter: Wood

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  28. T

    How much does relativity effect matter?

    Hi everyone, I have a few questions about relativity. I've been reading about relativity and its effects and I began to wonder at what point does it become a variable worth mentioning? Suppose there were 3 solar systems each with an Earth that revolved around the sun. Earth 1 does not...
  29. M

    Time and matter, is there a smallest unit?

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  30. C

    Where on earth is Dark Matter?

    Dark Matter constitutes 26.8% (wikipedia) of the observable universe. So where is it? I ask this question because although it is said to be not visible. It must interact with light matter at a gravitational level. It only makes sense to me that dark matter must be all around us and...
  31. Warpspeed13

    Can a plasma be compressed more than other forms of matter?

    Can a plasma be compressed to greater densities than other forms of matter?
  32. arnesinnema

    Dark matter = ligh energy, Dark Energy = also light energy?

    I'm not a physicist nevertheless I wonder about these things so here goes: On wikipedia I read that the universe contains: 68.3% Dark energy 26.8% Dark matter 4.9% Normal matter But I wonder why normal (light energy) is not mentioned here. Since the beginning of the universe a lot of light...
  33. M

    Matter & Energy: Is it the Same Thing?

    Is matter and energy the same thing?Is energy something that "is there" or is it just a description of matter, like the term speed?
  34. S

    Fermi energy condensed matter exam problem

    Homework Statement Hello, I am preparing a condensed matter exam and I was wondering if I could get some help on the following question from a past exam paper: Show that for the free electron gas at zero temperature the Fermi energy is given by: ε_{F}=\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2m}(3π^{2}N)^{2/3} and...
  35. K

    Which type of wave does de Broglie's theory suggest for matter?

    De broglie had proposed that matter had wave character. Which wave does he mean? Transverse or longitudinal?
  36. M

    Quantum vacuum in proximity of matter

    This quantum vacuum thing... I'm thinking about these virtual particles popping in and out of existence. Does that happen everywhere including inside atoms(within electron orbitals), protons, quarks and whatever is smaller? Or just in the space between Atoms... what i would call vacuum? im a...
  37. Useful nucleus

    Equilibrium with respect to matter flow

    Homework Statement A two component gaseous system has a fundamental equation of the form S=AU1/3V1/3N1/3 + (BN1N2)/N N=N1+N2 where A and B are positive constants. V is volume , S is entropy, U is internal energy, N is mole number. A closed cylinder of total volume 2V0 is separated into two...
  38. J

    Is Dark Matter Consumption by Black Holes Equal in a Galaxy?

    Is the amount of Dark Matter in a Galaxy equal the amount of Matter consumed by all the Black Holes in that Galaxy?
  39. J

    Can we perceive matter directly?

    I'm not sure if we can. We can see it, but are we actually sensing matter when we see it, or just light?
  40. shahbaznihal

    Decoupling condition for dark matter WIMP

    Hi, I am a research student in Theoretical Dark Matter Cosmology. I am currently working on the evolution of dark matter WIMP in the early universe. I am trying to understand how to derive the famous condition for dark matter decoupling,T = m/26. How do you get this condition from the...
  41. Q

    Testing whether entanglement is a matter of information or non-local?

    Depending on who one asks and their interpretation of QM, entanglement seems to be either: a) No problem at all. It's just a matter of information. If you knew one entangled electron was spin up, then the other must have been spin down by inference of the prepared state of the system. b)...
  42. A

    I keep failing tests no matter how hard I try

    It's just this one class I'm taking. It's really, really demoralizing. I normally do pretty well in my classes, I'm majoring in electrical engineering and I've so far kept a 3.2 GPA. I've only had to repeat one class, calculus II, and that was over a year ago, all of my other math classes I...
  43. Ranku

    Ratio of matter to radiation density

    Is the ratio of matter to radiation density constant in the universe? Or does it vary over time, as matter annihilates to radiation and vice-versa?
  44. S

    Properties of Matter in Vacuum (Space)

    Hi. This is something I've been wondering about. If one looks at a phase chart like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase_diagram#mediaviewer/File:Phase_diagram_of_water.svg you notice something. First off, as the pressure is reduced, the liquid range shrinks and then disappears at...
  45. Y

    Space-Time & Matter: Explaining the Difference

    Hello experts, Could someone suggest some materials that would explain to me the current state of knowledge about how space and time are two aspects of the same thing, but matter is not? I've seen and read many popular explanations of how space-time was unified by Einstein's theories of...
  46. M

    Dark Matter & Space-Time Tunnels: Is Grammar OK?

    Hey, guys. I'm writing a science fiction novel and would like to know if you guys think there's anything wrong with the grammar in this sentence: "Space-time tunnels required large amounts of dark matter to stay open, and they could not be closed during the course of the mission, for it took...
  47. S

    Can perturbative quantum gravity explain dark matter?

    I have heard that perturbative quantum gravity calculation predicts an increase of constant G at large distances. So I simply wonder can this growth in G naturally explain the galaxy rotation velocity curve?
  48. kyphysics

    What is the Smallest Piece of Matter We Can Observe?

    I was just recently listening to a radio program, where a scientist said that we cannot observe electrons visually, but know they exist from their effects. That got me wondering... What is the smallest piece of matter that we DO have the capability of seeing? And, also, how much of what...
  49. E

    What if there is no Dark Matter?

    I need some smart people to explain to me why this idea I have, doesn't work. It's impossible for me to believe others have not thought it, since it's so obvious. What if spacetime is slipping backwards at the black hole at the center of every galaxy? So like a helicopter with no rotar...