What is Molecule: Definition and 462 Discussions

A molecule is an electrically neutral group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. Molecules are distinguished from ions by their lack of electrical charge.
In quantum physics, organic chemistry, and biochemistry, the distinction from ions is dropped and molecule is often used when referring to polyatomic ions.
In the kinetic theory of gases, the term molecule is often used for any gaseous particle regardless of its composition. This violates the definition that a molecule contain two or more atoms, since the noble gases are individual atoms.A molecule may be homonuclear, that is, it consists of atoms of one chemical element, as with two atoms in the oxygen molecule (O2); or it may be heteronuclear, a chemical compound composed of more than one element, as with water (two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom; H2O).
Atoms and complexes connected by non-covalent interactions, such as hydrogen bonds or ionic bonds, are typically not considered single molecules.Molecules as components of matter are common. They also make up most of the oceans and atmosphere. Most organic substances are molecules. The substances of life are molecules, e.g. proteins, the amino acids they are made of, the nucleic acids (DNA & RNA), sugars, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. The nutrient minerals ordinarily are not molecules, e.g. iron sulfate.
However, the majority of familiar solid substances on Earth are not made of molecules. These include all of the minerals that make up the substance of the Earth, soil, dirt, sand, clay, pebbles, rocks, boulders, bedrock, the molten interior, and the core of the Earth. All of these contain many chemical bonds, but are not made of identifiable molecules.
No typical molecule can be defined for salts nor for covalent crystals, although these are often composed of repeating unit cells that extend either in a plane, e.g. graphene; or three-dimensionally e.g. diamond, quartz, sodium chloride. The theme of repeated unit-cellular-structure also holds for most metals which are condensed phases with metallic bonding. Thus solid metals are not made of molecules.
In glasses, which are solids that exist in a vitreous disordered state, the atoms are held together by chemical bonds with no presence of any definable molecule, nor any of the regularity of repeating unit-cellular-structure that characterizes salts, covalent crystals, and metals.

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  1. A

    How do you calculate the temp at which a H2O molecule splits into single atoms?

    Hi I want to figure out how to calculate the temperature at which more energy is required to keep hydrogen and oxygen together (as in the case of H2O) than to separate them...in other words the temperature at which hydrogen and oxygen will no longer combine due to extreme temperatures. How...
  2. R

    How do electrons revolve around in molecule bonded by covalent bonds?

    How do electrons revolve around in molecule bonded by covalent bonds? An electron revolves around one nucleus. But if it is going to be shared by another nucleus(as in covalent bond), then how will the electron revolve? does it go all around both the nucleus? Please explain a little deeply.
  3. C

    Questions about rigid rotating dumbbell molecule

    I would like some help with the following problems 1. Consider in R^{j}={f : f = \Sigma^{l}_{m=-l} a^{m}f^{l}_{m}} the operator \stackrel{\rightarrow}{e}\bullet\stackrel{\rightarrow}{J}, where \stackrel{\rightarrow}{e} is a unit vector in 3-dimensional space. (a) Calculate the probabilities...
  4. O

    What property of molecule structure can be a conductor - electricity?

    As we know, plastic is non-conductor, iron metal is conductor, does anyone have any suggestions on what kind of property in term of molecule structure allows electricity to get through? Thanks in advance for any suggestions
  5. N

    Derivation of the average translational kinetic energy of a molecule

    Homework Statement Hello, this is not actually a homework problem. I just can't seem to understand the derivation of the average translational kinetic energy of a molecule. I am startled by the way the velocities are added. Homework Equations My undergraduate level textbook says...
  6. P

    I am Looking for a green color molecule less than 3 angstrom in size

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  7. E

    Calculate Resonance Frequency of a Molecule

    Is there any systematic, predictive way to calculate the resonance frequency of a given molecule? Say I'm given a formula and a structure but nothing else. Is there any way to calculate it without just experimenting? I'm not sure if this question is in the right place, and I'm not...
  8. G

    What Temperature is Required to Break a Water Molecule?

    Hello, I was confused about which bond is stronger, ionic or covalent... thinking and searching about that, I found (or better, realized) that when we talk about the boiling point of water, its just that it's INTERMOLECULAR forces get weaker, not the covalent bond present between the ATOMS ...
  9. V

    What is the other axis in molecule XeF4's D4h character table?

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  10. E

    Measuring the size of a molecule

    Hi, Homework Statement I am trying to determine the size of a molecule..by doing the oil drop experiment where we drop a tiny droplet of oil on water covered with a thin layer of powder...and then make calculations based on the diameter of the circle... the droplet forms in oil. The Attempt...
  11. A

    Why does the change in one molecule effect the another?

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  12. D

    Kinetic Energy of a Rotating Water Molecule

    When calculating the kinetic energy of a rotating water molecule (translational and vibrational motion not important here), am I correct in assuming that you do all the calculations from the center of mass and analyze each axis of rotation (x,y,z)? The bent geometry is throwing me off! Any...
  13. D

    Kinetic Energy of Rotating Water Molecule

    When calculating the kinetic energy of a rotating water molecule (translational and vibrational motion not important here), am I correct in assuming that you do all the calculations from the center of mass and analyze each axis of rotation (x,y,z)? The bent geometry is throwing me off! Any...
  14. J

    Identifying the Molecule in Fig.A and Fig.B - John

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  15. D

    Electronics properties of C60 molecule

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  16. V

    Diatomic molecule vibrational frequency

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  17. H

    Short Answer SHM of diatomic molecule

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  18. D

    Forming O2 Molecule: Heat or Chemistry?

    How do individual oxygen atoms combine to form the O2 molecule? Can it be done with heat?
  19. A

    Sketching a Phase Portrait for Diatomic Molecule

    Homework Statement I have to sketch a phase portrait (in phase space) for a system which is a diatomic molecule. The effective potential is equal to a potential that is attractive at long range and repulsive at short range plus the centrifugal barrier. It basically looks like a Morse...
  20. G

    How to determine which molecule has the highest melting point?

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  21. A

    How do molecules of ethene combine together to form a poly(ethene) molecule?

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  22. P

    Chemistry Name the following organic molecule (IUPAC)

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  23. E

    Is the hydrogen molecule bonding really covalent?

    Hi there! I'm studying the hydrogen molecule. According to the MO technique I start from one-electron molecular orbitals to construct the wave function of the entire molecule. Afa hydrogen is concerned, I can construct two ^1\Sigma_g orbitals: \Phi_A=\Phi_g(1)\Phi_g(2)\chi_{0,0}...
  24. B

    Vibrational frequency of diatomic molecule

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  25. F

    Potential energy curve of a molecule

    Does anyone tell me why the potential energy increase(becomes more positive) when two atom put closer to each other which is smaller than the equilibrium bond distance while potential energy decrease(becomes more negative) when two atoms put closer to each other (which is close to equilibrium...
  26. A

    How can molecules be designed to respond to radio signals?

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  27. J

    Harmonic oscillator - rotating molecule?

    I have a planar molecule with a torsional oscillation mode where it twists around a C-C bond by an angle \theta from some equilibrium position. The restoring force is a function of theta, and the potential energy involved is given by V(\theta) = V_0(1-cos(2\theta)) I need to "use a Taylor...
  28. S

    What does reverse polarity in a DNA molecule mean?

    Ok I can see the 5 end is negative, is the 3 end positive due to OH. So in other strand this goes other way round. Is this what they mean when they say there is reverse polarity in a DNA molecule. Thanks!
  29. W

    Third level of a certain molecule

    The energies of the ground and third level of a certain molecule are 1.15 x 10-20 J and 4.31 x 10-20 J respectively. What is the frequency (in Hz) of the photon emitted when this molecule drops from the third vibrational level to the ground level? You don't have to solve it. Could someone...
  30. T

    Number of electron of a Hydrogen atom (molecule)

    Hi, If the normalized 1D wave-function of hydrogen atom for n=1, l=0, m_l=0; \psi_{1s}(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi} a_{0}^{3/2}}e^{-x/a_{0}} and probability distribution of wave-function, \mid\psi_{1s}(x)^2\mid so integration of rho over all x should give the number of electrons which is equal to...
  31. N

    Rotational energy of diatomic molecule

    Hi, I consider harmonic model of diatomic molecule: two atoms connected with a massless rod. Let one axis be along the rod, other two perpendicular to it. Let rotational velocity have components only trough perpendicular axes. In one book it is said that rotational energy of such diatomic...
  32. Evo

    Weirdest Molecule Names - Look for Yourself

    Look for yourself. If a member posted one of these, he'd probably get an infraction. Cummingtonite, ok it's a mineral. http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/sillymolecules/sillymols.htm
  33. N

    Chemistry Finding the volume of one water molecule

    Homework Statement Hi guys I know the molar mass (i.e. g/mole) of H and O, but from this, then how do I find the volume of 1 water molecule? I know the densities of H and O as well, from which I can find the volume of H and O. Do I just add these, one of V_oxygen and two of V_hydrogen (I...
  34. N

    Calculating Rotational & Vibrational Energy of Hydrogen Molecule

    Homework Statement The potential energy V between the two hydrogen atoms ( mH = 1.672*10^(-24) g) in a hydrogen molecule is given by the empirical expression  V = V0 [ exp(-2a(r-r0)) - 2exp(-a(r-r0))] where V0 = 7*10^(-12) erg, a = 2*10^8 cm-1, r0 = 8*10^-9 cm. (a) Estimate the...
  35. B

    Modern I: Finding energy involving a rotator HCl molecule.

    Homework Statement The energy of a rotator ( a dumbbell-shaped object) is given by L^2/2I, where L is the angular momentum and I is the rotational inertia (moment of inertia) of the dumbbell. Consider an HCl molecule, in which the atomic weights of H and Cl are 1 and 35, respectively, and...
  36. K

    General calculation of the oscillation freq of a hydrogen molecule

    Homework Statement Okay here's the problem, normally I can get all this stuff, but right now this is blowing my mind, partly because its too general. "In other problems and examples in the textbook we found the effective spring stiffness corresponding to the interatomic force for aluminum...
  37. H

    Calculate electric force between unlike atoms of a molecule?

    How can I calculate the attractive electric force between the unlike atoms of a water molecule? Would I use Coulomb's law? Using Coulomb's law: I don't understand the radius I would use?
  38. S

    What are the allowed transitions in the pure rotational spectra of CO2 molecule?

    I know that the selection rule is : \DeltaJ = +/- 1 but our prof said that according to some quantum mechanical calculations the odd values of J are not allowed. So, the allowed transitions are : J 0 <-> 1 ; 2 <-> 3 ; 4 <-> 5... as...
  39. A

    Statistical mechanics - characteristics temperature of the HF molecule

    Homework Statement Spectroscopic data (rotational-vibrational lines) show that the hydrogen fluoride molecule has a vibrational frequency of 7.8x10^14 rad/sec and a moment of inertia of I=1.35x10^-47 kg.m^2. Find the relevant characteristic temperatures of the HF molecule. Homework...
  40. B

    What is the Name of this Unknown Molecule?

    I've studied a little organic chemistry but I couldn't figure it out. I've never seen it before but I'm sure it's simple to name, yet I couldn't find anything on Google.
  41. L

    Is the smallest carbon molecule smaller than C20?

    Does there/or could there exist a molecule made only of carbon, that is smaller than C20?
  42. J

    Fat molecule, protein molecule

    I'm not a science student. So, please keep your reply simple and straightforward. Thank you. A fat molecule is made up of two types of molecules: glycerol and fatty acid. There are different kinds of fatty acids. Are there also different types of glyceol, does it come only in one variety...
  43. O

    Probability that a molecule will travel a distance at least equal to the mean free pa

    Homework Statement a) Find the probability that a molecule will travel a distance at least equal to the mean free path before its next collision. b)After what distance of travel since the last collision is the probability of having suffered the next collision equal to 1/2? Homework...
  44. A

    How Is the Diameter of an Oxygen Molecule Calculated?

    Homework Statement Value of the Van der walls constant for the oxygen is 32 cubic centimeter. Find the diameter of the oxygen molecule? Homework Equations thermodynamics problem The Attempt at a Solution
  45. M

    Perfect gasses temperature vs kinetic energy per molecule

    Homework Statement I have been wondering about temperature and it's relation to kinetic energy I didn't study thermodynamics so I hope that replies could be simplified.I am trying to think about the perfect gas law to relate kinetic energy per molecule to temperature, and I want to know if I...
  46. M

    Estimating Air Molecule Motion at STP

    Homework Statement From the average separation between air molecules at STP, and their mean speed, estimate how long it would take one molecule to move into the region occupied by another. Assume that air consists mainly of nitrogen molecules. Homework Equations 1/2mv^2 = 3/2KT...
  47. T

    Is it Reasonable to Measure Fluorescence with Single Molecule in 1 Second?

    Hi, I'm doing some calculations on fluorescence and I'm a little stuck on statistics. Let's say I need to measure 20 seconds to collect 10000 photons from a single molecule. Then I can say well I want to measure at most 1 second and therefore I need 20 molecules in order to collect 10000...
  48. S

    Force on a polarized molecule due to a charged wire

    Homework Statement A polarized water molecule is near a long charged wire and experiences a force due to the charge. How do you determine the net force on this molecule assuming the molecule is perpendicular to the center of the rod and nothing polarizes further. The Attempt at a Solution...
  49. X

    What is the approximate diameter of an oil molecule?

    You can obtain a rough estimate of the size of a molecule with the following simple experiment: Let a droplet of oil spread out on a fairly large but smooth water surface. The resulting ”oil slick” that forms on the surface of the water will be approximately one molecule thick. Given an oil...
  50. H

    3D isotropic harmonic oscillator vs. diatomic molecule

    The Hamiltonian of the diatomic molecule is given by H = p1^2 / 2m + p2^2 / 2m + 1/2 k R^2, where R equals the distance between atoms. Using this result, given in standard texbooks, I keep geting C = 9/2 kT instead of 7/2 kT for heat capacity. I've traced down my problem to the potential energy...