What is Oxygen: Definition and 375 Discussions

Oxygen is the chemical element with the symbol O and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group in the periodic table, a highly reactive nonmetal, and an oxidizing agent that readily forms oxides with most elements as well as with other compounds. After hydrogen and helium, oxygen is the third-most abundant element in the universe by mass. At standard temperature and pressure, two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless and odorless diatomic gas with the formula O2. Diatomic oxygen gas currently constitutes 20.95% of the Earth's atmosphere, though this has changed considerably over long periods of time. Oxygen makes up almost half of the Earth's crust in the form of oxides.Dioxygen provides the energy released in combustion and aerobic cellular respiration, and many major classes of organic molecules in living organisms contain oxygen atoms, such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and fats, as do the major constituent inorganic compounds of animal shells, teeth, and bone. Most of the mass of living organisms is oxygen as a component of water, the major constituent of lifeforms. Oxygen is continuously replenished in Earth's atmosphere by photosynthesis, which uses the energy of sunlight to produce oxygen from water and carbon dioxide. Oxygen is too chemically reactive to remain a free element in air without being continuously replenished by the photosynthetic action of living organisms. Another form (allotrope) of oxygen, ozone (O3), strongly absorbs ultraviolet UVB radiation and the high-altitude ozone layer helps protect the biosphere from ultraviolet radiation. However, ozone present at the surface is a byproduct of smog and thus a pollutant.
Oxygen was isolated by Michael Sendivogius before 1604, but it is commonly believed that the element was discovered independently by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in Uppsala, in 1773 or earlier, and Joseph Priestley in Wiltshire, in 1774. Priority is often given for Priestley because his work was published first. Priestley, however, called oxygen "dephlogisticated air", and did not recognize it as a chemical element. The name oxygen was coined in 1777 by Antoine Lavoisier, who first recognized oxygen as a chemical element and correctly characterized the role it plays in combustion.
Common uses of oxygen include production of steel, plastics and textiles, brazing, welding and cutting of steels and other metals, rocket propellant, oxygen therapy, and life support systems in aircraft, submarines, spaceflight and diving.

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  1. N

    What is the size difference between Hydrogen and Oxygen

    Hi I would like to know What the size difference ratio between Hydrogen and Oxygen gas atoms, in the form of the following question...' If i had two identically separate 1 liter containers, (one containing Hydrogen, and the other Oxygen), at the very same pounds psi, Which container...
  2. H

    An appropriate replacement for oxygen in water

    I am trying to model the behavior of oxygen in water. However there is so little oxygen in water I don't think I could measure concentrations of it experimentally. Does anyone have advice on what I might be able to use as a replacement for oxygen? I need to find something (a gas?) that...
  3. J

    Dutch words for hydrogen and oxygen

    So, I was just fooling around on Google Translate, and I decided to translate from Dutch to English for no good reason. I typed in hydrogen, and got back waterstof. Water-stuff! Or alternatively, water-dust, or water-material. So, I thought to myself "Hey, oxygen is also in water. Let's...
  4. A

    Calculating Gas Ratio for Safe Diving at 50m Depth

    Pressure Problem! Homework Statement Oxygen at pressures much greater than 1 atm is toxic to lung cells. By weight, what ratio of helium gas (He) to oxygen gas (O2 ) must be used by a scuba diver who is to descend to an ocean depth of 50.0 m? Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  5. T

    Collision rate termination reaction hydrogen oxygen explosion/combustion

    Hello, I'm making a question on the explosion of hydrogen/oxygen. All the things you need to know are the following. The formation of H-radicals in the H2-O2 mixture are responsible for ignition of the explosion. This means the H-radicals need to be formed faster than they are destructed to...
  6. B

    Atomic/Nuclear Bombs in Space: Oxygen Required?

    Can atomic or nuclear bombs be detonated in space? There is no oxygen and I was wondering in an effort to deter an asteroid if they really could be used - do they need oxygen to work? For example would they work if you fired one to the moon?
  7. P

    Wavelengths of Oxygen - Calculate or Lookup Info

    Hi, I'm not a physicist. but I'm looking for the wavelengths of oxygen. I want to pump the electrons up to n=3 and I need to know what wavelengths given off from n=3 to n=2 and n=2 to n=1. I plan to use leds at those values to excite the electrons. If I had the books, I could calculate the...
  8. B

    Stupid question - is it possible to use up all the oxygen in your room?

    I have a stupid question to ask you all. Let's just say that you shut your door, and then shut all your windows so there isn't any ventilation and stayed in your room for several days. Could you end up breathing until you've reduced the oxygen to dangerous levels?
  9. N

    What is Chlorine Trifluoride and How Does it React with Fire?

    I know that oxygen is necessary for fire to exist, but could there perhaps be another element that the combusting material could bond to? What is so special about oxygen? Couldn't the right conditions create a reaction similar to oxidation, but with a different element?
  10. M

    Mechanism of combustion in limited oxygen

    I have read this in many places that carbon or any fuel for that matter example methane when undergoes combustion in limited supply of oxygen forms carbon monoxide as a major product. Could anyone explain me why this happens? I mean why can't the carbon atoms simply react with the required...
  11. H

    Partial pressure of oxygen during Al deposition

    Homework Statement From Milton Ohrings "Materials science of thin films", problem 3.5. An Al film was deposited at a rate of ~1\mum/min in vacuum at 25°C, and it was estimated that the oxygen content of the film was 10^{-3}. What was the partial pressure of oxygen in the system...
  12. R

    The Physics of Fire: Understanding Ignition & Oxygen

    Does anyone know a good resource that describes the physics of fire (not the album)? I understand the chemistry of it, breaking apart of hydrocarbons, and combining them with oxygen, but I have been trying to figure out what is actually happening on the atomic level. What is an "ignition...
  13. 2

    How did moluculair oxygen devoleped on Mercury?

    Hello, A question about the devolepment of oxygen on Mercury: I learned that all the oxygen (O2) at our planet was formed by photosynthesis of bacteria. So how could oxygen develop on mercury without life?? (Composition of the atmosphere of Mercury...
  14. U

    If Oxygen is flammable why dont we blow up while we were using a cigar lighter

    Oxygen is flammable.But why don't we blow up while we were using a cigar lighter? I asked this question to my physics teachers..and the told me if the oxygen in air wouldn't be 23 percent we would blow up.This didnt sound true to me.What do you guys think about that?
  15. T

    Exploring Shape Resonance in Air: Oxygen and Nitrogen

    Greetings. I've been reading papers on plasma kinetics and have come across the term "shape resonance" a few times when describing peaks in electron impact cross section (function of energy). I have seen calculations attempting to explain these for atoms like helium but I'm not sure how close...
  16. S

    CO2 exchange with Dissolved Oxygen in Water

    I hate to come across as a complete novice, but I am struggling with understanding this. I have found resources for the dissolved oxygen capacity of fresh and salt water based on pressure and temperature. I've also found many resources that infer how this process works, but I am not sure I'm...
  17. J

    Questions about oxygen level in humans

    1. The % of hemoglobin bound with Oxygen is different at high and low carbon dioxide concentrations when the partial pressure of O2 equals 0mm Hg True or false?? This should be false right...? if partial pressure is 0... Hb can't bind to any oxygen in the first place... is my reasoning...
  18. Z

    Thermochemistry and the formation of pure oxygen

    Homework Statement Pure oxygen was first obtained in the laboratory by the French scientist Antoine Lavoisier in the 18th century by decomposing red mercury(II) oxide, HgO, to give silver mercury liquid and gaseous oxygen: 2HgO(s) \Leftrightarrow 2Hg(l) + O2 (a) From values of \Delta f...
  19. C

    Methane in natural gas burns completely in oxygen

    Homework Statement The methane in natural gas burns completely in oxygen according to the reaction equation: CH4 +__O2 → __CO2 + __H2O Homework Equations a) Complete the reaction equation by filling in the missing coefficients for oxygen, carbon dioxide and water. b) How many kilograms...
  20. C

    Is the Spontaneous Reaction of Hydrogen and Oxygen Dependent on Temperature?

    Hydrogen and Oxygen "burn" Does anyone know the temperature at which this reaction becomes spontaneous? 2H2O--> 2H2 + O2 I can't find my book with thermodynamic data, but it should be cake for you guys. Thanks.
  21. S

    Hybridizing oxygen and nitrogen orbitals

    I was thinking about how you'd hybridize oxygen and nitrogen orbitals (should be pretty straightforward), but I was getting confused. It's clear to me for carbon binding to 3 atoms with a double bond on one (say C in benzene ring: electron from 2s gets promoted to 2p, then you have 3 sp2...
  22. K

    Will ionized particulates mimic ionized oxygen atoms?

    Say you built a magnetic array, and two long electrodes running perpendicular to the magnetic field, whose electric field is then perpendicular both the electrodes and the array. Most magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters (built as previously described) then send current at an enormous voltage through...
  23. FtlIsAwesome

    Jovian planet with breathable oxygen atmosphere.

    Could it be possible for a jovian planet to have an oxygen atmosphere breathable by humans? Let's say that the humans live in blimp-like stations, and the jovian planet is small like Neptune to reduce the high gravity.
  24. C

    Number of oxygen molecules in our lecture theatre

    1. Estimate the number of oxygen molecules in LTD under normal pressure and temperature. 2. I'm guessing you use PV=nRT to get the number of moles of gas in the room and work out the % of oxygen in the air, but I got a number which to me looks too small. 3. Volume of LTD is approx...
  25. N

    Power required to make gaseous Oxygen

    Hello, this is my first post, and I hope its in the correct forum! As the title says, I'm interested in the power needed to vaporise LOX(liquid oxygen). Specifically the physics involved for an old UK missile/rocket, called Blue Streak. Some info here for that rocket...
  26. C

    What is the Mass of Oxygen in a Leaking Tank?

    Homework Statement A welder using a tank of volume 8.00X10^-3 m^3 fills it with oxygen (with a molar mass of 32.0 g/mol) at a gauge pressure of 2.80×10^5 Pa and temperature of 39.0 Celsius. The tank has a small leak, and in time some of the oxygen leaks out. On a day when the temperature is...
  27. T

    Calculating Speed to Reach 1.11 fm from Oxygen Nucleus

    Homework Statement The oxygen nucleus 16O has a radius of 2.91 fm. With what speed must a proton be fired toward an oxygen nucleus to have a turning point 1.11 fm from the surface? Homework Equations Kinetic energy = 1/2 mv^2 Potential energy = 1/4(pi)Enot * q/radius min The...
  28. E

    Calculate density of Oxygen at STP

    Homework Statement Calculate the density of Oxygen at STP using the ideal gas law Homework Equations PV=nRT The Attempt at a Solution n = (X grams Oxygen / 16g/mol Oxygen) I set V = to 1 m3 P = 1 atm R = 8.315 J/Mol K T = 273 K PV = nRT PV/RT = n 1/(8.315*273) = X grams...
  29. M

    Hartree-Fock on a single Oxygen atom

    I'm using the TURBOMOLE program to do some basic HF calculations. They all went fine except for the single oxygen atom. After doing an extended huckel theory guess to begin with, it recommended these occupations (d2h symmetry). That looks fine to me. The top two orbitals (4 and 5) are singly...
  30. A

    Oxygen Tank Problem/Ideal Gas Law - solving for pressure

    Problem: A cylinder of compressed Oxygen is carried on a spacecraft headed for Mars. The compressed gas cylinder has a volume of 17000 L and is filled to a pressure of 157 atm at 234 K. The maximum pressure the cylinder can hold is 1000 atm. Question: The...
  31. J

    When water is boiled, and the dissolved oxygen that was in the water

    When water is boiled, and the dissolved oxygen that was in the water escapes, why does this raise the entropy of the system? The O2 gas has a higher entropy than the H20, so when it departs the liquid, shouldn't the entropy decrease as the gas is no longer present? Thanks.
  32. P

    What is the color of oxygen gas?

    The liquid oxygen is blue in color because of unpaired electron in it. (According to molecular orbital theory) In gaseous state also it has unpaired electron but it is colorless gas. Why? Why color appear due to presence of unpaired electron?
  33. A

    The composition of ozone is O3 and the oxygen O2 present in

    the composition of ozone is O3 and the oxygen O2 present in atmosphere.considering the masses of O3 and O2 , the O3 is more heavier than O2 then also ozone is situated above the oxygen (O2) present in atmosphere. why is it so? advanced thanks.
  34. S

    Negative oxygen ions reaction with hydrogen

    Under what conditions and how will negative oxygen ions react with hydrogen and hydrocarbons (such as methane or gasoline)?Does it require some catalyst or should be burned together? What is a way to harness spare electrons from oxygen when water is formed?
  35. O

    Issue regarding oxygen storage with other elements

    this is from Nick Lane's Oxygen book I didn't quite understand this paragraph regarding the sudden release of a large amount of oxygen from cyanobacteria following the ice ages i don't understand how it's better to bury it. surely reacting with organic matter would be better as it is...
  36. L

    Warning: Oxygen and Oil/Grease - Why Explosion?

    So, my welding book has this big ole warning that says this: If oxygen under pressure comes into contact with oil or grease. A violent reaction will occur. When they say "comes into contact" does this mean the outside of the O2 cylinder or just the actual pressurized O2? Second, Why...
  37. N

    Can an increased oxygen supply make you stronger?

    Hello, A friend of mine told me her dad used to work in the coal mines, like 800m under the ground, and he found that whenever he had to carry something heavy from inside to outside of the coal mine, he always noticed that carrying that same thing underground was easier than carrying it...
  38. S

    Mixture of hydrogen and oxygen

    Does mixture of hydrogen and oxygen actually has to be ignited or the reaction occurs even without ignition when some critical H:O proportion is reached?
  39. Z

    Can the Negative Ion of Oxygen be an Oxidizer?

    This is just a little question to satisfy my own curiosity, but can the Negative Ion of an Oxygen atom/molecule be used as an oxidizer? I would think not, because it wouldn't be able to accept another electron if it already has one. Am I right?
  40. C

    Enthalpies of Formation from Methane & Oxygen

    Homework Statement Enthalpies of Formation. burning methane in oxygen can produce three different carbon-containing products: soot (very fine particles of graphite), CO2 (g), and CO2 (g). A) Write three balanced equations for the reaction of methane gas with oxygen to produce these three...
  41. A

    How Is the Diameter of an Oxygen Molecule Calculated?

    Homework Statement Value of the Van der walls constant for the oxygen is 32 cubic centimeter. Find the diameter of the oxygen molecule? Homework Equations thermodynamics problem The Attempt at a Solution
  42. S

    Titan - Exposed to large amounts of Oxygen

    Titan has rivers of liquid methane creeping in an atmosphere of mostly nitrogen. The lack of oxygen prevents the planet from being ridiculously unstable. Here’s my question -- If an asteroid rich in oxygen (or H2O) crashes into Titan, could the oxygen present in the projectile be enough to...
  43. P

    What is the oxidation state of oxygen in the products of this reaction?

    2C2H2 + 5O2 -> 4CO2 + 2H2O Oxidation: 2C2- -> 4C4+ + 12e- I am confused to where the reduction products are becuse the oxygens are part of the carbon dioxide and the water. Could somone please help me?
  44. C

    Unlock More Power: Liquid Oxygen Injection

    Instead of drag racers injecting nitrous oxide and extra fuel with it . Why don’t they just inject liquid oxygen with more fuel . for more power , Any input will be much appreciated.
  45. T

    Determine whether or not oxygen can exist on the planet

    Homework Statement The escape velocity of Mars is 5 x 10 ^3 m/s . If the temperature of Mars is 300K , determine whether or not oxygen can exist on the planet . (Molecular mass of oxygen is 32 g/mol) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Using p=1/3 rho <c^2> p= 1/3...
  46. R

    Dissolved oxygen related to redox potential

    I have read a little bit about some industries deaerating water used in boilers made of iron to prevent them from becoming damaged. I think this is because removing dissolved oxygen from the water lowers its redox potential. I think that this works because once the redox potential of the...
  47. L

    Significance of delta in oxygen component of superconductors

    Various chemical formulae for the composition of superconductors quote the oxygen content, ie the number oxygen atoms present, as say Osub(10-delta). I would like to know the significance of delta.
  48. E

    1mol of an organic compound requires 3mol of oxygen gas

    Homework Statement For complete oxidation, 1mol of an organic compound requires 3mol of oxygen gas What could be the formula? a) CH3CHO b) CH3CH2OH c) CH3CH3 d) CH3CO2H Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution What does it mean by complete oxidation? Is it combustion?
  49. Y

    Oxygen-Free Oven: Effects on Objects & Chemicals

    Say for instance you created an oxygen free oven, by flowing a gas other than oxygen through it and then heating up that gas. What would happen to things placed inside the oven? Objects won't be able to burn or oxidise because of the lack of oxygen, but what would happen to them? Will objects...
  50. B

    Newtons from Bouyancy underwater comparing helium, oxygen, and hydrogen

    I have an under water application where I need the maximum amount of buoyancy with a limit to the volume i can use for a lifting device. My question is how much more Newtons would be exerted for helium instead of oxygen, or hydrogen instead of oxygen underwater? What is the percentage...