What is Perpendicular: Definition and 507 Discussions

In elementary geometry, the property of being perpendicular (perpendicularity) is the relationship between two lines which meet at a right angle (90 degrees). The property extends to other related geometric objects.
A line is said to be perpendicular to another line if the two lines intersect at a right angle. Explicitly, a first line is perpendicular to a second line if (1) the two lines meet; and (2) at the point of intersection the straight angle on one side of the first line is cut by the second line into two congruent angles. Perpendicularity can be shown to be symmetric, meaning if a first line is perpendicular to a second line, then the second line is also perpendicular to the first. For this reason, we may speak of two lines as being perpendicular (to each other) without specifying an order.
Perpendicularity easily extends to segments and rays. For example, a line segment



{\displaystyle {\overline {AB}}}
is perpendicular to a line segment



{\displaystyle {\overline {CD}}}
if, when each is extended in both directions to form an infinite line, these two resulting lines are perpendicular in the sense above. In symbols,





{\displaystyle {\overline {AB}}\perp {\overline {CD}}}
means line segment AB is perpendicular to line segment CD. For information regarding the perpendicular symbol see Up tack.
A line is said to be perpendicular to a plane if it is perpendicular to every line in the plane that it intersects. This definition depends on the definition of perpendicularity between lines.
Two planes in space are said to be perpendicular if the dihedral angle at which they meet is a right angle (90 degrees).
Perpendicularity is one particular instance of the more general mathematical concept of orthogonality; perpendicularity is the orthogonality of classical geometric objects. Thus, in advanced mathematics, the word "perpendicular" is sometimes used to describe much more complicated geometric orthogonality conditions, such as that between a surface and its normal.

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  1. H

    Proving Perpendicular Lines in a Quadrilateral

    Homework Statement ABCD is a quadrilateral with AB=CD P,Q,R,S are the midpoints of AD,AC,BD,BC respectively Prove that PS is perpendicular to QR Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I've tried a bunch of different avenues, but I think that the most promising one is...
  2. T

    Determining perpendicular tangent line

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  3. W

    Finding a vector field perpendicular to the surface of a sphere

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  4. C

    Find a vector perpendicular to another vector

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  5. N

    Acceleration is perpendicular to velocity

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  6. M

    Perpendicular relative velocities

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  7. A

    Perpendicular vector using dot not cross product.

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  8. T

    How to Calculate a Unit Vector Perpendicular to a Plane?

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  9. P

    Finding Perpendicular Vectors in R^4 Using Gaussian Elimination

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  10. N

    Relation Between Complex Slopes of Perpendicular Lines

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  11. D

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  12. W

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  13. C

    Proving perpendicular vectors using Dot Product

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  14. jegues

    Curve Perpendicular to Surface at Point

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  15. M

    Parallel and perpendicular components of acceleration

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  16. G

    Parallel and perpendicular vectors

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  17. N

    Perpendicular Vector with given magnitude

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  18. T

    Finding vector perpendicular to another vector

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  19. P

    Applying a force perpendicular to an object moving in the x direction.

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  20. U

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  21. G

    Perpendicular bisector question and general checking

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  22. O

    Perpendicular component of momemtum?

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  23. O

    What is the perpendicular component of the rate of change?

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  24. M

    Infinite number of perpendicular vectors?

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  25. X

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  26. I

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  27. T

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  28. B

    Dot Product Question, Perpendicular

    pretty much this is all i was given. I have no idea how to even approach it. I do not need an answer (would be nice though), just an idea on how to go about starting it.
  29. D

    Circular motion - Force perpendicular to velocity does not change magnitude.

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  30. T

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  31. J

    Find Parametric Equations for Perpendicular Line Through Point

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  32. T

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  33. matqkks

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  34. Y

    Question with the prove of r(t) ande r'(t) is perpendicular.

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  35. B

    Max speed perpendicular to the wave's direction

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  36. K

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  37. D

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  38. J

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  39. D

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  40. Telemachus

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  41. X

    Vector perpendicular to the plane

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  42. N

    What is the Path of a Point Mass with Perpendicular Acceleration?

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  43. O

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  44. N

    Co-ordinate of Point on Plane & Perpendicular Line

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  45. L

    Magnetism - Circular Loop in a Perpendicular Magnetic Field

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  46. 1

    Given two vectors find a unit vector that is perpendicular

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  47. V

    Find the scalar equation for a plane perpendicular to another plane

    Find the scalar equation of a plane that contains the point P(4,9,-3) and is perpendicular to the plane 3x - 5z + 3 = 0 I know that the normal vector of the given plane is 3,0,-5. I also know that in order for two planes to be perpendicular, their normal vectors must also be perpendicular. I...
  48. A

    Find the Plane: Perpendicular to yz-Plane & y=-2, z=4

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  49. A

    Determining coordinates of a point on a line perpendicular to a vector

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