What is Physics: Definition and 990 Discussions

Physics (from Ancient Greek: φυσική (ἐπιστήμη), romanized: physikḗ (epistḗmē), lit. 'knowledge of nature', from φύσις phýsis 'nature') is the natural science that studies matter, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. Over much of the past two millennia, physics, chemistry, biology, and certain branches of mathematics were a part of natural philosophy, but during the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century these natural sciences emerged as unique research endeavors in their own right. Physics intersects with many interdisciplinary areas of research, such as biophysics and quantum chemistry, and the boundaries of physics are not rigidly defined. New ideas in physics often explain the fundamental mechanisms studied by other sciences and suggest new avenues of research in academic disciplines such as mathematics and philosophy.
Advances in physics often enable advances in new technologies. For example, advances in the understanding of electromagnetism, solid-state physics, and nuclear physics led directly to the development of new products that have dramatically transformed modern-day society, such as television, computers, domestic appliances, and nuclear weapons; advances in thermodynamics led to the development of industrialization; and advances in mechanics inspired the development of calculus.

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  1. S

    Exploring the Pros and Cons of Variable-Based Physics Problem-Solving

    Once students reach Physics, no matter students' major fields, they are forced to (just experience where I attended) handle MOST of the setup and algebraic work using only variables, FOR ALL NUMBERS; and then to solve the whole problem or exercise still all in variables. Then, the last thing...
  2. Sandeep T S

    How to install FORM (for high-energy physics) on Windows?

    Is anybody aware of how to install FORM(hep) for symbolic calculation? Is that support on windows? Can you share any pdf about installation
  3. Falgun

    Schools University Search for a Physics Major

    I will be applying to schools for a physics major in about a year or so. And so far my list of Unis consists of ridiculously competitive schools. Of course I realize that this is not realistic for most if not all people. I know about the extraordinary schools like MIT, Princeton, etc. But I was...
  4. M

    What Can We Learn About Science from Mary's Teaching?

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  5. rudransh verma

    Intro Math Maths needed to advance my physics understanding

    I am a 10(high school)+ 2 years student. I have a basic knowledge of calculus, trigonometry, algebra, arithmetic. I need to advance as an undergraduate to start my physics journey. I want a mathematics book for physics which if it will cover some basics in early chapters will be of much help...
  6. Thytanium

    I Are Newton's Laws of physics compatible with thermodynamics?

    Good day friends. I want to know and ask you if Newton's laws are incompatible with thermodynamics.
  7. F

    Physics Career Advice For Final Year Physics Student (UK)

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  8. F

    Mainstream math and physics teaching/education journals

    What are they, those that discuss textbook materials rather than learning outcome in particular?
  9. Blackberg

    And the 2021 Nobel prize for Physics goes to....

    Climate models! https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/2021/press-release/
  10. Parkour

    Self teaching Calculus for physics?

    Summary:: I want to teach myself physics and was wondering if Thomas' Calculus is a good book to learn the Calculus I need to learn introductory physics. Hi, I am following a guide by Susan Rigetti (https://www.susanrigetti.com/physics) which aims to help and give sort of structured learning...
  11. S

    Studying Advice for a Self-Studying AP Physics 1/2 Student?

    Hi! Feel free to yell at me if this is the wrong forum; I'm a little new at this. I'm self-studying AP Physics 1 and 2 this year, and so far it's going quite well! My only fear is that, because I don't have a specific AP Physics teacher, there may be something really important about the...
  12. Falgun

    I Exploring Uncommon Coordinate Systems in Physics

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  13. rudransh verma

    Intro Physics Exploring Potential Errors in Feynman Lectures on Physics: A Scientific Inquiry

    I was reading Motion chapter 8 in Vol 1 and I came across a line in speed topic which seemed confusing. So I checked with others and we concluded that its a mistake. Are there printing mistakes in this book? I will be surprised. Its pearson.
  14. Jason-Li

    Comp Sci Harmonic Amplitudes - 3rd & 101st

    I have attempted the question using the large formula here with figures from the waveform with n as 3 & 101: however I think that the large formula is for the total waveform encompassing all harmonics as the 3rd and 101st harmonic amplitudes are very similar 10.9662222 *10^-6V for the 3rd...
  15. Andreas S-H

    What are some recommendations for a math and physics topic in high school?

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  16. Z

    I What is the Definition of Quantum Physics?

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  17. V

    Physics Transitioning to Physics after 10+ years in software, low gpa

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  18. S

    A Any model or theory in physics akin to "Law without law"?

    When trying to explain from where did all the laws come from, John Wheeler proposed the anaphorism of "Law without law". He proposed that at the "beginning" there were no laws whatsoever, only pure chaos, and that they emerged from randomness and chaos when our universe was created. In his own...
  19. Tapias5000

    How can I solve these two physics problems? (equilibrium and moment)

    I tried to solve it and I got the following is it correct? and 2 My solution... is a negative distance?
  20. R

    B According to current physics, is vacuum still something or nothing?

    Before that, Lawrence Kraus stated "Empty space is a boiling, bubbling brew of virtual particles that pop in and out of existence in a time scale so short that you can't even measure them" . After reading https://www.physicsforums.com/insights/physics-virtual-particles/ especially this statement...
  21. N

    What Are Some Possible Topics for an IB Physics Extended Essay?

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  22. Philip Koeck

    A Volume constraint in micro-canonical derivation of statistical physics

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  23. PeroK

    The role of mathematics in physics

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  24. mmcnaught831

    How to translate force into upward hinging motion between two panels?

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  25. Monsterboy

    Do you agree with Jeff Bezos on theoretical physics?

    I recently watched a video of Jeff Bezos explaining his journey from Princeton to Amazon. (watch from 24:39) He said when it comes to theoretical physics, if you are not in the top 50, you are probably just wasting time. How accurate is this opinion ? Are most theoretical physicists just...
  26. M

    Programs Maths vs Physics degree for theoretical physics

    Hi, I'm interested in doing research in theoretical cosmology (the kind or work hawking did). Should I do an undergraduate degree in mathematics or physics? I'm in the UK so I can't do a double major. I'm well aware of the fact that interests change a LOT later on, but ideally which one is...
  27. doggy

    Electronics NPN transistor is always flickering and on

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  28. jordy1113

    Studying Build Physics Intuition: Solve Phys Mech Problems Easily

    Hi all, I'm a physics major and I'm taking a physical mechanics class and I have a really hard time even starting homework problems. Physics does not come easily to me and I have zero intuition when it comes to what formulas, rules, etc to use where/to start phys mech problems. How can I build...
  29. E

    I am having some difficulties solving a combination circuits problem

    I'm having difficulties finding the current for a 9-ohm resistor only, not the 20-ohm My attempt was to find the voltage of a 20ohm resistor which is V = (0.75A)(20-ohm) = 15V. I got the 0.75A by adding the currents of the two resistors (8-ohm and 16-ohm) together that were in parallel and it...
  30. mncyapntsi

    Intro Physics homework help - distance and velocity

    I have tried this problem over 4 times and keep getting the exact same answer, which is incorrect. Could someone please help by pointing out what I did wrong, or letting me know if I am actually on the completely wrong path? Thanks! Have a wonderful day :)
  31. Tapias5000

    Can Derivative Methods Determine the Correct Angle in Physics Problems?

    This is the image of the problem: I tried to solve it and I got the following is it correct? derive and equal to 0 because it is between an angle of 0 and 180° is this statement correct?
  32. E

    B The Mysterious Water Bottle: Uncovering the Physics Behind It

    Today, I filled a bottle with water and I created a small hole beneath the bottle on the side. I realized that if I open the cock of the bottle, the water flowed out of the hole but if I close it, the water stopped flowing. WHY?
  33. E

    B The Physics Behind Moving Opposite the Car: Exploring the Mystery

    I a car,why do you move back when the car accelerates forward. You move forward when the car accelerates backwards,You move right when the car turns left on a bent road, you move left when the car turns right on a bent road. What actually makes you move in the opposite direction of the car.
  34. D

    I Is time continuous or discrete in quantum physics?

    I was working on plotting fidelity with time for two quantum states. First I used discrete time( t= 0,1,2,3...etc) to plot my fidelity. I got constant fidelity as 1 with continuous value of time. Next I used discrete set of values ( t=0 °,30 °,60 °,90 °). Here I saw my fidelity decreases and...
  35. S

    Masters in physics with a bachelors in liberal arts

    I am a liberal arts student who is interested in pursuing physics after graduating. I've taken some physics courses over the last 2 years. They are waves and oscillations, classical electrodynamics, Qm1 and Qm2, statistical physics, and one course in experimental physics. I have learned topics...
  36. M

    Calculate vacuum loss by using principles of physics, not physical testing?

    We (company I am interning for) are meeting with various suppliers in efforts to find a new source of vacuum pumps for our brake boosters. We are looking to make a switch to an electrical pump versus the mechanically-driven pump we used previously. One of the issues we are having with this is...
  37. Vividly

    Where can I take a general physics course 101 at online?

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  38. R

    Programs How to pursue a physics grad program with a math degree?

    Hello, I hold a BS in mathematics and want to pursue a career in physics. Is there any way where I can directly join a physics grad program from my current background? What are the options available? And would it be better to pursue an MS in applied math and then switch to physics? Would a good...
  39. ergospherical

    Other Who were the British physicists in the race for absolute zero?

    I need some gentle bedtime reading... where can I find some stories about various notable physicists who grew up or were based in the uk?
  40. B

    B When do marbles behave like a liquid in a beaker?

    If we place a cork in a beaker then filled the beaker with normal-sized marbles, the cork will remain stationary at the bottom of the beaker. However, if we continuously decrease the size of the marble, at a certain point, the marbles will behave like a liquid and the cork will rise to the top...
  41. F

    Admissions Statement of Purpose for Physics Masters Degree Application

    I need advice in writing statement of purpose, particularly on my field of interest. I come from an undergraduate university which there is nothing much going on, just take courses and lab work, no research or anything like that available, hence I don't really have enough experience to describe...
  42. J

    Intro Physics Introductory Physics, by John D. Mays

    I understand the reaction from the majority of those here in PF to John's reference to his faith in this book: however, if you set aside all such references for the moment and just look at the way Physics is presented in the book how would you who have read it rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 for...
  43. D

    How Do Engineers Design AntiNoise to Effectively Reduce Ambient Noise?

    Summary:: AmbientNoise + AntiNoise combined calculation I am having trouble with this question: Noise cancelling headphones use both passive (insulated earphones) and active (electronic “anti-noise”) methods to nullify ambient noise. One task of a sound engineer is to design low-energy...
  44. Viishnu

    Searching for a book like Evolution of Physics or Physics for the Inquiring Mind

    How did you find PF?: QuorA Can you please suggest me a book similar in content to evolution of physics or physics for the inquiring mind perhaps a book with more detail and scope but maintaining the clarity of content shown in the previous listed books above please reply if you know
  45. R

    Physics How to start a career in physics having a degree in applied math?

    Hello, I have a Bachelor's degree in mathematics and I want to pursue a career in physics. I have a good understanding of physics and have the ability to learn very advanced topics by myself just by reading college books and solving the exercises. I am more attracted to experimental physics but...
  46. K

    Enrolling in a Graduate Physics Program with an Architecture Degree

    Hello, Is it possible to enroll in a graduate program in physics if I have an an undergraduate degree in architecture? Or is an undergraduate degree in physics- or in a related field- required to qualify? (Assuming that I have studied extensively physics (alone) while obtaining my degree in...