2018 REU and Summer Program Acceptance Thread

In summary, most people applied to REU programs or other summer jobs. SULI and SURF come to mind. Some people are waiting on decisions to be made, while others are excited for what they have applied for.
  • #1
It is that time of year again. Here's a space to check on acceptances for REU programs or other summer jobs. SULI and SURF come to mind. I imagine most of them will start coming by the end of the month. What are you waiting on? What are you excited for? What do you wish you had applied for? What will you do for the summer if you don't get an REU posting?
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  • #2
I'll start the conversation off. I got accepted into the SULI program at BNL. I have till next week to accept it and I haven't heard back anywhere else so I think I'm going to take it
  • #3
lessconfused said:
I'll start the conversation off. I got accepted into the SULI program at BNL. I have till next week to accept it and I haven't heard back anywhere else so I think I'm going to take it

Congrats. My wife and I met in an internship program at BNL. Her academic schedule resulted in her arriving a couple weeks late, so I made sure I stopped by the Curie House (female dorm) the night she arrived to welcome her ... :). The rest is history.

I think you'll have lots of fun at Brookhaven. Oh yeah, lots of good science too.
  • #4
Congrats on your acceptance!

I applied for Fermilab for SULI and I'm still waiting to hear from them, though from what I've seen in other threads they generally take a bit longer to accept. My second choice was BNL. It was really more of a proximity choice than anything, because I'm from Texas and being 650 miles away from my family for college is bad enough.

I think overall I'm excited because it would basically be a totally new experience for me. I really wasn't educated at all on internship programs and I thought SULI was the only one of it's kind when I applied last December, so I wish I had done more research and applied to more programs. And if I don't get it, I won't be too bummed. There's plenty of really fun things I can think of to do over the summer. I just wish I knew already! :-p
  • #5
Has anyone applied to/heard back from Cornell CLASSE, Maryland TREND, or Purdue's REU? I am a freshman so I'm not expecting to be accepted but I still would like to know if they have sent anything out (so that way I know whether or not I still have a chance!)
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Likes Jason Bennett
  • #6
I have gotten rejections from Duke and SAO.
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Likes Jason Bennett
  • #7
I received a first round waitlist from LSU at around 12 noon last Sunday. In reply to the above comment, I haven’t heard from Purdue yet either.
  • #8
Has anybody heard back from LBNL yet?
  • #9
john cruishack said:
Has anybody heard back from LBNL yet?
Didn’t apply to this one sorry.
  • #10
I applied to TREND, LIGO, Fermilab/SLAC SULI, Notre Dame, Nevis Labs, Rochester and University of Washington.

I hadn't heard anything back from until I got an offer from TREND on Monday! I am really glad and I will accept it. I am a student at a Scottish University in second year and have the equivalent of a 4.0 GPA. I was told 170 people applied for 11 places at TREND.
  • #11
I accepted an offer from SULI PPPL. However I also applied to MIT's MSRP, but they won't release decisions until next week. If I get into MIT, I would have to withdraw my acceptance to SULI.
  • #12
Ethan vW said:
I applied to TREND, LIGO, Fermilab/SLAC SULI, Notre Dame, Nevis Labs, Rochester and University of Washington.

I hadn't heard anything back from until I got an offer from TREND on Monday! I am really glad and I will accept it. I am a student at a Scottish University in second year and have the equivalent of a 4.0 GPA. I was told 170 people applied for 11 places at TREND.
Ethan vW said:
I applied to TREND, LIGO, Fermilab/SLAC SULI, Notre Dame, Nevis Labs, Rochester and University of Washington.

I hadn't heard anything back from until I got an offer from TREND on Monday! I am really glad and I will accept it. I am a student at a Scottish University in second year and have the equivalent of a 4.0 GPA. I was told 170 people applied for 11 places at TREND.

Fantastic man congrats! I also applied to Notre Dame Rochester and Washington and haven’t hear yet either! Getting nervous!
  • #13
kubaanglin said:
I accepted an offer from SULI PPPL. However I also applied to MIT's MSRP, but they won't release decisions until next week. If I get into MIT, I would have to withdraw my acceptance to SULI.

  • #14
Just received word of acceptance into Indiana University Bloomington REU program! Stoked about this one, one of my top choices.
  • #15
Jason Bennett said:
Just received word of acceptance into Indiana University Bloomington REU program! Stoked about this one, one of my top choices.
Have a week to reply so I’ll wait until I hear about any others and make a decision!
  • #16
Rejection from SUNY Geneseo:(
  • #17
Has anyone heard from Ligo yet?
  • #18
Tm72 said:
Has anyone heard from Ligo yet?
  • #19
Congrats to everyone who has been accepted to their desired internships! Has anyone heard back from Argonne or NREL for suli?
  • #20
Waiting to here back from UChicago's REU for Minorities and Women. Anybody hear anything?
  • #21
Anyone heard back from UC Davis?
  • #22
AbeC said:
Anyone heard back from UC Davis?

I reached out after getting an acceptance elsewhere to inquire about the status of my app.
They “currently have offers out with a deadline of this upcoming Friday March 16th”
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  • #23
mjp_123 said:
Congrats to everyone who has been accepted to their desired internships! Has anyone heard back from Argonne or NREL for suli?

Didn’t apply sorry!
  • #24
Oods said:
Waiting to here back from UChicago's REU for Minorities and Women. Anybody hear anything?

Didn’t apply sorry!
  • #25
Also did anyone hear back from Notre Dame, UIUC, Purdue, or Minnesota?
  • #26
I applied to:

Duke TUNL - Rejected
Notre Dame
Kansas State
Coe College
Georgia Tech
University of Arkansas

I've only heard from Duke so far, so I hope I hear something soon.
  • #27
AbeC said:
Also did anyone hear back from Notre Dame, UIUC, Purdue, or Minnesota?

I reached out to ND Purdue and Minn for update on my status this afternoon. Received an offer to Indiana which I have to reply to within the week.
I’ll let you know if I hear back!
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  • #28
salemclay said:
I applied to:

Duke TUNL - Rejected
Notre Dame
Kansas State
Coe College
Georgia Tech
University of Arkansas

I've only heard from Duke so far, so I hope I hear something soon.

Have not heard from ND or Lehigh either.
Just reached out this afternoon^^^ if I hear I’ll let you know!
  • #29
Jason Bennett said:
Have not heard from ND or Lehigh either.
Just reached out this afternoon^^^ if I hear I’ll let you know!
Thank you! I'd appreciate that
  • #30
Tm72 said:
Has anyone heard from Ligo yet?
I emailed them and they said they aren't sending out responses until mid-March.
  • #31
I was rejected from University of Wyoming, Northwestern CIERA, and LSU. Received acceptances from University of Oklahoma, NRAO, and Maria Mitchell on Nantucket (astronomy). I have to decide by the end of the day and I'm terribly conflicted. Haven't heard back from ~10 places.
  • #32
Just received a rejection from LIGO Cal Tech.
  • #33
Just received an aceeptabce from Lehigh! Paired with exactly the professor I was hoping for!
This is going to be a tough decision!
  • #34
Jason Bennett said:
Just received an aceeptabce from Lehigh! Paired with exactly the professor I was hoping for!
This is going to be a tough decision!
  • #35
Accepted to BU Photonics REU for Neurophotonics and Vanderbilt VINSE REU in Effects of radiation on Electronic Devices. Need help deciding! Does anyone know anything about these institutions or programs? Thanks!

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