A question for Belgian engineers.

  • Thread starter Jurgen
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In summary, an industrial engineer designs machines that do manufacturing, packaging, etc., while a civil engineer builds bridges and skyscrapers.
  • #1
A question about Belgian engineers.

What is the difference between an industrial and a civil engineer ?
I have heard industrial engineering is more practical (hands-on) than civil engineering.
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Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'm not sure if it matters if they're Belgian or not.

Industrial engineers build machines that do manufacturing, packaging, etc. Civil engineers build bridges and skyscrapers.

- Warren
  • #3

I was referring to the education level of both. In Belgium you can choose industrial engineering or civil engineering (both are Electrical engineering).
But the difference is that industrial engineering is 4 years and civil engineering is 5 years of study.

  • #4
Jurgen said:

I was referring to the education level of both. In Belgium you can choose industrial engineering or civil engineering (both are Electrical engineering).
But the difference is that industrial engineering is 4 years and civil engineering is 5 years of study.


Hoi jurgen, I'm belgian. (Alles goe?). I can tell you that the difference between industrial and civil engineering is quite big. Civil engineers get a much broader and deeper education, while industrial engineers are much more into studying for very concrete applications.

Basically, civil engineering is much more difficult and hard.

And like warren said: industrial engineers are mostly hired by companies to design simple mixers and fridges, while civil engineers invent new things and build much more difficult things , like space elevators and olympic stadiums.
  • #5
Jurgen said:

I was referring to the education level of both. In Belgium you can choose industrial engineering or civil engineering (both are Electrical engineering).
But the difference is that industrial engineering is 4 years and civil engineering is 5 years of study.


Designing a machine wrong might kill a person or two.

Designing a bridge wrong might kill a few dozen. Hence the extra year.

Just a guess.

  • #6
shonagon53 said:
Hoi jurgen, I'm belgian. (Alles goe?). I can tell you that the difference between industrial and civil engineering is quite big. Civil engineers get a much broader and deeper education, while industrial engineers are much more into studying for very concrete applications.

Basically, civil engineering is much more difficult and hard.

And like warren said: industrial engineers are mostly hired by companies to design simple mixers and fridges, while civil engineers invent new things and build much more difficult things , like space elevators and olympic stadiums.
Hey thanks,

I have another question :

What IQ does one have to have to complete engineering study ?
I have between 110 and 120. :smile:
  • #7
Jurgen said:
Hey thanks,

I have another question :

What IQ does one have to have to complete engineering study ?
I have between 110 and 120. :smile:

Hi Jurgen, ik kom ook van het fantastische belgenland...

Ik zal ook maar in engels schrijven zeker ?
I studied fysics in Gent and i am going to continue for civil engineer. I give a lot of tutoring and i have some experience on math and fysics-teaching for university-students.

I can tell you that the question of IQ is not important, unless one has an IQ of 80 or so. Then it will be difficult on the university. The most important factor is that you have DOORZETTINGSVERMOGEN (sorry, don't know the word in english). what did you study in high-school ? That is also important in order to get a good start...

nikolaas van der heyden
  • #8
Hoi Nikolaas,

I studied Informatica (technisch secundair) with 7 hours of math.
I have been working 10 years, and now I am thinking to go back to school.
I had problems with math, because i didn't do much for it.
I would like to brush up my math skills (I have time), I already bought a couple of calculus books, and i am understanding more of it then in high-school.
What books do you recommend further (maybe lineair algebra or others).
  • #9
Ik denk dat ge wel wat werk gaat hebben, maar het moet zeker te doen zijn.

Ik zou al zeker starten met de DELTA-boeken voor wat betreft analyse (integralen,...).Daarin zult ge zeker alle nodige kennis vinden die ge moet hebben om goed te starten. Indien ge nu burgerlijk wilt gaan doen zal uw grootste moeilijkheid de lineaire algebra zijn. ik doel hier vooral op zaken als lineair afhankelijk/onafh. basistransformaties, abstracte bewijzen ivm vektoren en hun eigenschappen. al deze zaken worden zeker gezien in het ASO (6-8uur wiskunde). Ivm algebra verwijs ik best naar de boeken van Jennekens.

denk er ook aan dat ge U regelmatig moet laten testen zodat ge zeker weet of ge de zaken wel correct hebt ingestudeerd. Indien ge nog info wenst moogt ge mij ook mailen op nikolaas.vanderheyden@ugent.be
  • #11
Hoi Nikolaas,

Die wiskunde test ziet er moeilijk uit, ik denk dat ik toch veel in te halen heb.
Ik zal u zeker nog mailen als ik vragen heb.
  • #12
Jurgen said:
What is the difference between an industrial and a civil engineer ?
I have heard industrial engineering is more practical (hands-on) than civil engineering.

For reference, I'm a civil engineer (Brussels) and I also did a masters and a PhD in physics. I have been teaching to industrial engineers (Hogeschool Gent). I can tell you that on the surface, there is not so much difference (same kinds of courses and so on), but in reality these are two completely different worlds. An industrial engineer is a kind of boosted technician, and a civil engineer is a scientist. I know that industrial engineers won't accept that, but it is a fact. It is not because they have had courses which have similar titles that the requirements for passing are comparable, I can testify this!
On the other hand it is true that for most so-called "engineering jobs" you don't really need the skills of a civil engineer.


Related to A question for Belgian engineers.

What is the role of Belgian engineers?

Belgian engineers play a crucial role in designing, building, and maintaining various structures, machines, and systems that are essential for the functioning of our society. They use their knowledge and expertise in mathematics, science, and technology to solve complex problems and improve the quality of life.

What are the typical job responsibilities of a Belgian engineer?

The job responsibilities of a Belgian engineer vary depending on their field of expertise. However, some common tasks include designing, testing, and analyzing structures and systems, developing and implementing new technologies, managing and supervising projects, and ensuring compliance with safety and environmental regulations.

What qualifications are required to become a Belgian engineer?

To become a Belgian engineer, one must have a degree in engineering or a related field from a recognized university or college. They should also have a strong background in mathematics, science, and technology. Additionally, many engineers pursue further education and obtain professional certifications to enhance their skills and knowledge.

What are the challenges faced by Belgian engineers?

Belgian engineers face various challenges in their work, such as tight deadlines, budget constraints, and increasing pressure to develop sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions. They also need to keep up with the rapidly evolving technologies and constantly update their skills to meet the demands of the industry.

How can I become a successful Belgian engineer?

To become a successful Belgian engineer, one should have a passion for problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. Continuous learning and staying updated with the latest technologies and industry trends are also essential. Developing strong communication and teamwork skills, as well as networking with other engineers and professionals, can also contribute to success in this field.

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