Help understanding flow of electricity

In summary, the flow of electricity through a circuit is due to the movement of free electrons. These electrons are located in the conduction band of the material and can travel freely to any point in the material. In a DC circuit, the electrons make one revolution every few hours, while in an AC circuit, they make tiny motions back and forth. The atoms of the material, including N, P, and e-, are locked into place and cannot move. Only some of the electrons, typically the ones located in the highest energy levels, can move. This is why there is no movement of atoms or mass when electricity flows. The voltage source, such as a battery, causes a net flow of electrons in a particular direction, creating current.
  • #1
I know very little about electricity, but I'm trying to understand it better. I'm trying to wrap my head around something- I have heard it said that, "the flow of electricity through a circuit is due to the movement of electrons". While this explanation sounds simple enough, I have some questions:
Let's look at electricity being passed through a copper wire from - to + on a battery. If I am correct, I believe that electricity flows from - to +, and current flows from + to that right?
1. If the atoms of the wire are comprised of N, P and e-, why don't the N and P move?
2. If atoms make up mass, why isn't a portion (no matter how minute) of the mass moved over a long period of time?
3. Or are we talking "free" electrons, as in static electricity?
4. Or is it a collision of electrons (perhaps from free electrons "overloading" the shells in atoms of the copper wire) causing a chain reaction to transfer e- along a path (the wire)?
5. Or is it the simple fact that we are hooked to a battery + on one side and - on the other?
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  • #2
Think of electricity as a bicycle chain. The energy in the voltage source causes a flow all the way around the circuit at the same time. Also you might find it interesting to Google "electron drift velocity"

In a DC circuit, if the circuit is physically small the chain might make one revolution every few hours (thinking of the links in the chain as the electrons). In an AC circuit the chain makes tiny backwards and forwards motions, never going anywhere in the long run.
  • #3
Thanks for the response, but I still need more help with the questions I presented; in fact, it added yet another new question. After reading the article on edv, it said, "Copper has one free electron per atom", so is that free electron the one that is transferring the energy from atom to atom, like a pinball effect?
  • #4
Electricity is not a phenomenon in and of itself, but is more like a category of related phenomena. For basic circuits, you have three primary concepts: Voltage, Current, and Resistance.

Current is the flow of charged particles. In a most electrical circuits you encounter in your everyday life, electrons are the charged particles that are flowing. Thus, current flows from negative to positive. However, because of historical reasons, you will often encounter something known as 'conventional current' which is where current is modeled as positive charges flowing from positive to negative. For most applications you can use either model as long as you are consistent and the results are the same.

Voltage is a measure of the electric potential energy between two points. In other words, when you apply 10 volts to a circuit, the charges have a certain amount of potential energy that can be used. A higher voltage causes more current to flow through a circuit with a given resistance.

Resistance is a measure of how difficult it is for current to flow. A simple explanation is that electrons collide with the nuclei and other electrons and give up some of their energy, which manifests as resistance to current flow and as heat.

MaterSammichM said:
1. If the atoms of the wire are comprised of N, P and e-, why don't the N and P move?
2. If atoms make up mass, why isn't a portion (no matter how minute) of the mass moved over a long period of time?
3. Or are we talking "free" electrons, as in static electricity?
4. Or is it a collision of electrons (perhaps from free electrons "overloading" the shells in atoms of the copper wire) causing a chain reaction to transfer e- along a path (the wire)?
5. Or is it the simple fact that we are hooked to a battery + on one side and - on the other?

1. The neutrons and protons are located in the nucleus of the atoms that make up the material. These nuclei are locked into place and are immobile and cannot move at all. It is only some of the electrons that can move, typically the ones located in the highest energy levels which are the furthest away from the nucleus.

2. Because atoms aren't moving, only electrons.

3. We are talking free electrons, but we aren't talking about electrostatics.

4. No, the electrons that make up the current occupy the conduction band of the material and can travel freely to any point in the material. The fact that charges are moving around does tend to cause other charges to move since they repel each other, but it isn't as simply as a chain reaction with each electron causing one other electron to move.

5. A battery is simply a voltage source. There are many different voltage sources, and the way that a circuit works has little to do with the particular voltage source you are using.
  • #5
MaterSammichM said:
Thanks for the response, but I still need more help with the questions I presented; in fact, it added yet another new question. After reading the article on edv, it said, "Copper has one free electron per atom", so is that free electron the one that is transferring the energy from atom to atom, like a pinball effect?

Not really. Each atom contributes one electron to the conduction band of the material. These electrons move about randomly thanks to their thermal motion. Applying a voltage causes electrons to move more in one particular direction, which means you have a net movement of charges, which is current flow. It's not a pinball effect with each electron impacting a neighboring electron and transferring energy to it.
  • #6
Thanks, that helped! So, if I understand you correctly, we are displacing electrons from one (Cu) atom in the metal to another when voltage is applied?
Can you expound a little more on the electron contributed to the conduction band?
Is this the single outer shell electron in copper? Also, please expound on what the "conduction band" is. Are you speaking of the Valence band?
  • #7
The free electron given up by the copper atoms is, in a way, already displaced simply by the atom bonding with other copper atoms. In effect, the free electron is shared by all other copper atoms in the metal.

Yes, the electron shared in copper belongs to the outer shell. The conduction band does not always overlap with the valence band. In semiconductors and insulators the conduction band is a higher energy band than the valance band, and electrons have to be excited from the valance band into the conduction band. In metals both bands fall in the same energy range so the electrons naturally sit in the conduction band without being excited above their ground states.

You can say that the conduction band only exists when the atoms are bonded together. A lone copper atom has no conduction band but it does have a valance band which consists of up to several energy levels corresponding to the energy of each valance electrons.
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  • #8
Thank you very much!

Related to Help understanding flow of electricity

1. How does electricity flow through a wire?

Electricity flows through a wire when an electrical current is applied. This current is typically generated by a power source, such as a battery or power plant, and is made up of moving electrons. The electrons flow through the wire in a continuous path, creating an electrical circuit.

2. What factors affect the flow of electricity?

The flow of electricity can be affected by several factors, including the material and diameter of the wire, the temperature, and the presence of any resistance in the circuit. Thicker wires and lower temperatures generally allow for easier flow of electricity, while resistance can impede the flow of electrons.

3. How does voltage impact the flow of electricity?

Voltage is a measure of the electrical potential difference between two points in a circuit. It is what pushes electrons through the circuit and determines the speed and strength of the electrical current. Higher voltage can allow for a greater flow of electricity, but it also increases the risk of electrical hazards.

4. What is the difference between AC and DC electricity flow?

AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) are two types of electrical current. AC electricity flows in a back-and-forth motion, while DC electricity flows in a continuous, one-way direction. AC is the type of electricity used in most homes and buildings, while DC is commonly found in batteries and electronic devices.

5. How is the flow of electricity measured?

The flow of electricity is measured using units of current, usually in amperes (amps). This measurement represents the number of electrons flowing through a wire per second. Other units used to measure electricity include voltage (volts), resistance (ohms), and power (watts).

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