I was just thinking and wondering to myself How many of my fellow

  • Thread starter mcknia07
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In summary, the question of how many people share the same thoughts and musings as oneself is a common one. It is a reflection of our desire for connection and understanding in a world that can often feel overwhelming and isolating. Whether through seeking out like-minded individuals or simply pondering the vastness of the human experience, this question is a testament to our inherent need for belonging.
  • #1
I was just thinking and wondering to myself...How many of my fellow

I was just thinking and wondering to myself...How many of my fellow PFers have had either one and how long did you have to wear them, or still wearing them? Or did you have perfect teeth or need them and can't get them? Just an odd and random question that popped up while I was brushing my teeth.

I had them for 2 years and I am pretty faithful at wearing my retainers. I have only missed maybe a few days in the 5 years I have had them off. I don't want my teeth to ever look bad.
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  • #2

I had braces for two and a half years upto last Feb. Now I sort of wear my retainer...
  • #3

I wonder which is more costly ... retainers or other teeth straightners or cosmetic surgery that reforms your bone structure. BTW bone structure defines your face , including your teeth ... whether they stick out or not.
  • #4

I never had them. I thought for a while I would need them, but then my teeth magically straightened themselves.
  • #5

Lucky you tribodg...

I think it's probably cheaper to have the braces and retainer combo. (roughly 4k) Surgery might be more, not sure. Oh and the greatest part for me, was that most people never knew and still don't know that I had braces. (Thank God for clear ones :biggrin:)

So GCT, are you saying we shouldn't make our teeth straigher and more rounded, because it changes us?
  • #6

mcknia07 said:
Lucky you tribodg...

I think it's probably cheaper to have the braces and retainer combo. (roughly 4k) Surgery might be more, not sure. Oh and the greatest part for me, was that most people never knew and still don't know that I had braces. (Thank God for clear ones :biggrin:)

So GCT, are you saying we shouldn't make our teeth straigher and more rounded, because it changes us?

No , I was not being sarcastic , I was really wondering whether it would be simpler to have your bone structure reformed with cosmetic surgery - by altering your bone structure the teeth not only get straighter - or does it ? - but the whole lower part of your face gets optimized , if you simply want a more beautiful face why not go for the whole kaboodoole rather than soley straight teeth?
  • #7

Well, to realter my face totally would be way more money. Though, I guess would save time and money in the long run, but to see a pre-teen girl with a face surgery, it might look pretty bad...then who knows how I would have turned out, maybe even uglier than I am now.
  • #8

If you have a jaw that sticks out then simply cutting off some pieces of your jaw bone would improve your overall appearance. There is this mathematical theory of beauty that has been circulating out there , originally by the French it seems , that defines that ideal parameters of the face.

My question stems from pure curiosity , it isn't a suggestion for the path you take.
  • #9

My jaw was always in a good place, just my teeth were kinda crooked. I also had to have over 12 teeth removed, I have a small mouth and not enough toom for all my teeth.

I'm wondering if I should have waited to get them or if doing them the time I did was best?

Yeah, I know what you are saying, nor do I plan to go out and have any surgery.
  • #10

I used to have an under-bite.
  • #11

If people don't like me 'cos my teeth are skew, then they are sad little people. Like the orthodontist said, "If they don't cause any problem eating and when you talk, then there is little reason to change them". I agree.
  • #12

I had about £15,000 worth of orthodontic work done when I was between about 8 and 16 (8 teeth removed, and about 5 different braces). Good old NHS.
  • #13

mcknia07 said:
Well, to realter my face totally would be way more money. Though, I guess would save time and money in the long run, but to see a pre-teen girl with a face surgery, it might look pretty bad...then who knows how I would have turned out, maybe even uglier than I am now.
Umm - you're a cutie!

mcknia07 said:
This is a picture of me. It was one of my Senior pics :biggrin: and right after I cut my hair for Locks of Love :!)
  • #14

I wore braces for a couple of years as a child. My teeth grew nearly straight forward out of my mouth. I had 4 teeth pulled to make room for the others to get pulled back in. I was not diligent about putting the rubber bands in and that made the process take longer. But they did eventually straighten out and I'm a better man for it. When my wisdom teeth came in, they buckled the line of my bottom teeth slightly but not enough to make me want to fix it.
  • #15

Astronuc said:

Teeth/face look normal (or better) at least in that picture. Really don't know what's wrong with them.

Mine are normal (little non white -I don't really take care of them- and *upper ones are ahead by approximately 0.5-1 cm which must be due to my grinding problem* which still looks normal) but I have nighttime teeth grinding problem. Doctor said to get a teeth guard but that's too much work.

I am not thinking about teeth until I get old.
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  • #16

Nope.. never worn braces, and never needed to. In fact, I've never had a tooth taken out, or a filling (which you yanks would probably call a cavity) :approve:
  • #17

rootX said:
Teeth/face look normal (or better) at least in that picture. Really don't know what's wrong with them.

Mine are normal (little non white -I don't really take care of them- and might be off by few micro metre) but I have nighttime teeth grinding problem. Doctor said to get a teeth guard but that's too much work.

I am not thinking about teeth until I get old.

rootx, if you grind your teeth now as a young person, you may not have any teeth to think about when you're old - seriously.
  • #18

lisab said:
rootx, if you grind your teeth now as a young person, you may not have any teeth to think about when you're old - seriously.


Yep, I just saw some pictures and they are scary! I think I do need to think about it sooner.
  • #19

I have the most perfect teeth ever seen by a dentist ever. So no I've never needed any of those things. Considering I'm now officially omnipotent that comes as no surprise.
  • #20

Kurdt said:
Considering I'm now officially omnipotent that comes as no surprise.

Sorry to hear that. You should see your doctor, or at least order some pills online.
  • #21

cristo said:
Nope.. never worn braces, and never needed to. In fact, I've never had a tooth taken out, or a filling (which you yanks would probably call a cavity) :approve:

Are you from Spain?
  • #22

mcknia07 said:
My jaw was always in a good place, just my teeth were kinda crooked. I also had to have over 12 teeth removed, I have a small mouth and not enough toom for all my teeth.

I'm wondering if I should have waited to get them or if doing them the time I did was best?

Yeah, I know what you are saying, nor do I plan to go out and have any surgery.

The earlier the better.
  • #23

cristo said:
In fact, I've never had a tooth taken out, or a filling (which you yanks would probably call a cavity) :approve:
That's not natural! What planet are you from?
  • #24

Thanks Astro and rootX. I still wouldn't go as far as to say I'm a cutie, but thanks :biggrin:. That was a picture of me after I had braces for the 2 years and faithfully wearing my retainers (still do too).

cristo, you are one lucky man then.
  • #25

mcknia07 said:
Thanks Astro and rootX. I still wouldn't go as far as to say I'm a cutie, but thanks :biggrin:. That was a picture of me after I had braces for the 2 years and faithfully wearing my retainers (still do too).
Trust me. I know about these things from way back 30+ years ago. You're a beautiful. :approve: :cool: So put up another piccie.

cristo, you are one lucky man then.
Ummm - we still haven't determined the planet of his origin, so we're not really sure he's human. No real human has perfect teeth like that. :biggrin:
  • #26

When I find a decent looking pic, I'll post another one, so be looking out for it. :biggrin:

Where do we think he could be from ?? Pluto?
  • #27

mcknia07 said:
When I find a decent looking pic, I'll post another one, so be looking out for it. :biggrin:
We will.

Where do we think he could be from ?? Pluto?
I think a lot further than that. Probably from somewhere near Sagittarius, and probably beyond that. He knows way too much to be from around here. :biggrin:
  • #28

Astronuc said:
I think a lot further than that. Probably from somewhere near Sagittarius, and probably beyond that. He knows way too much to be from around here. :biggrin:

:smile: :smile:That sounds about right!

Well, my teeth aren't exactly perfect.. one of my bottom front teeth is mostly fake. Weird story: I had a dream that I bit my front tooth out of my mouth. When I woke up and looked in the mirror there was a huge gap there! Luckily, my dentist is pretty damned good, and let me stay on his books as an NHS patient since I was so little trouble. He built it back up and it looks and feels exactly like a real tooth!
  • #29

I'm in the same boat as cristo. We just have good teeth in Britain, contrary to popular belief. :biggrin:
  • #30

My youngest daughter has perfect teeth, upper and lower, never needed braces, no cavities.

My older daughter was like a shark, she kept replacing teeth. We finally had to take action when her THIRD set of teeth (second set of permanent teeth) started coming in. The orthodontic surgeon had to cut the roof of her mouth open and extract the extra set of teeth to prevent anymore from growing. He said it was actually quite common. She had to have two sets of braces at different ages. Now her teeth look perfect.
  • #31

mcknia07 said:
Thanks Astro and rootX. I still wouldn't go as far as to say I'm a cutie, but thanks :biggrin:. That was a picture of me after I had braces for the 2 years and faithfully wearing my retainers (still do too).

Do you watch too much TV (and/or) mirror? (They were pretty good in that picture)

Yesterday, when I saw my teeth in the mirror I realized that they weren't perfect. Whenever I see mirror, I find something to worry about (once in a month or two).

  • #32

Kurdt said:
I'm in the same boat as cristo. We just have good teeth in Britain, contrary to popular belief. :biggrin:

I'm still blaming my British ancestry for my bad teeth. Now that I'm teaching dental students, I keep telling them they better do very well in school, because I NEED good dentists in this town! :bugeye:

I've never had braces, my problem wasn't crooked teeth. I have a little bit of a gap between my upper medial incisors, but that's never bothered me (I think I have it from a combination of my childhood dentist monkeying around with my baby teeth so one of them didn't fall out before the new tooth tried growing in, and I have little peg teeth for upper lateral incisors...I tell people that just means I'm more carnivorous than average because I have an extra set of pointy teeth). My real problem is my cavity proneness. What's really not fair is I was always the kid who didn't eat anything much sugary, brushed my teeth like I was supposed to, and I think I've only once not had a cavity (or three) when going to the dentist. My sister was always the sweets eater, and never had cavities. I seem to have gotten my Dad's teeth (he had teeth that had to be pulled when they erupted, because they came in with no enamel...at least I'm not quite that bad).

But, I'll take what I got. I can always get dentures when I get old. My sister has really bad allergies that have developed into asthma as an adult, so I'm glad I don't have that.
  • #33

cristo said:
...or a filling (which you yanks would probably call a cavity) :approve:

Fillings are what fix cavities.
  • #34

I suppose I'm rather fortunate. I grew up on sweets so it seems when I look back on my childhood and I only brush once a day since I'm lazy. I guess I have strong teeth. :redface:
  • #35

rootX said:
Do you watch too much TV (and/or) mirror? (They were pretty good in that picture)

Yesterday, when I saw my teeth in the mirror I realized that they weren't perfect. Whenever I see mirror, I find something to worry about (once in a month or two).


Thanks...but My teeth I still don't think they are perfect, though, they are very nice now. Now I need more money to finish getting them to where I would like them to be, but $700 a tooth is pretty pricey...

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