Is this a homeomorphism that does not preserve metric completeness?

In summary, There is a discussion about finding a counterexample for homeomorphism not preserving metric completeness. The idea of using the sequence {an} = pi/2 - 1/n on the interval [-pi/2, pi/2] is brought up, along with the functions f(x) = arctan(x) and f-1(x) = tan(x) as the homeomorphism functions. It is determined that the first metric would be complete, but the second metric would not be complete since the sequence {an} would not converge in the set. It is suggested to adjust the idea and use ]-\pi/2,\pi/2[ and \mathbb{R} as the spaces, and to pull
  • #1
I'm well aware and understand that homeomorphism do not need to preserve metric completeness, I'm just trying to work out a simple counterexample. I have tried searching around just for kicks, but only seem to find more complex ones. I'm wondering if the one I have works for it for sure?

On the interval [-pi/2, pi/2], use the sequence {an} such that an = pi/2 - 1/n. Then {an} converges to pi/2. Use the functions f(x) = arctan(x) and and f-1(x) = tan (x) as the functions for the homeomorphism. Then the fist metric would be complete since {an} is cauchy and converges in the set, but the second metric would not complete since an would not converge in the set.

Does that work? Am I off a little bit?
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  • #2
What would [itex]f(\pi/2)[/itex] be?? A function must have an image for each point.
  • #3
f(pi/2) = arctan(pi/2) which is like 1.000?? something isn't it? Do you mean f-1? because tan(pi/2) would be undefined sadly...

Making it an open interval wouldn't help would it? Because then an wouldn't be convergent since pi/2 is not in the set.
  • #4
Indeed, so that won't work. But perhaps we can adjust the idea a bit?

We know that there is a homeomorphism between [itex]]-\pi/2,\pi/2[[/itex] and [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex]. Indeed, the tangent you just listed.

Now, [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex] carries a metric (the absolute value function). So what if we "pull back that metric through the homeomorphism.

That is, for [itex]x,y\in ]-\pi/2,\pi/2[[/itex], define [itex]d(x,y)=|\tan(x)-\tan(y)|[/itex]. Is the sequence in your OP a Cauchy sequence for your metric?? Is the space complete under this metric??

Of course, we also equip [itex]]-\pi/2,\pi/2[[/itex] with the usual absolute value metric. Does the sequence in your OP converge for your metric?? Is the space complete under this metric??

Does there exist a homeomorphism between these two spaces??
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  • #5
I must say I'm a little confused my topology isn't great, so I'm trying to get there.

The first metric would be Cauchy and complete I think? The second one wouldn't? Can you use the original functions to to create the homeomorphism? And weren't we trying to construct the homeomorphism between [-∏/2, ∏/2] and ℝ, which were the ones I listed?

Sorry, I feel way off now..
  • #6
mathgirl313 said:
I must say I'm a little confused my topology isn't great, so I'm trying to get there.

The first metric would be Cauchy and complete I think?

The sequence would not be Cauchy in the first metric. But the space would be complete.

The second one wouldn't?

The sequence would be Cauchy in the second metric, so not convergence. So the space would not be complete.

And weren't we trying to construct the homeomorphism between [-∏/2, ∏/2] and ℝ, which were the ones I listed?

Yeah, but that won't work. So I'm trying to give you two metric spaces (one of which is complete and one of which is not) that are homeomorphic.
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  • #7
micromass said:
Indeed, so that won't work. But perhaps we can adjust the idea a bit?

We know that there is a homeomorphism between [itex]]-\pi/2,\pi/2[[/itex] and [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex]. Indeed, the tangent you just listed.

I disagree. Homeomorphisms preserve, among other things, compactness. While [itex][-\pi/2,\pi/2] [/itex] is compact (by, say, Heine-Borel), [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex] is not.
  • #8
Congruent said:
I disagree. Homeomorphisms preserve, among other things, compactness. While [itex][-\pi/2,\pi/2] [/itex] is compact (by, say, Heine-Borel), [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex] is not.

I never said there is a homeomorphism between the two spaces you listed. I said there is one between the OPEN interval and [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex].
  • #9
micromass said:
I never said there is a homeomorphism between the two spaces you listed. I said there is one between the OPEN interval and [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex].

Possibly I'm having trouble with the formatting, but it looks an awful lot like you used the closed brackets.

In any event, apologies for the misunderstanding.
  • #10
The definition I was given for complete is that a space is complete if every Cauchy sequence is convergent in the space. So for the first metric, how could the space couldn't be complete if the sequence was not Cauchy.. The absolute value of arctan should get closer and the functions does not sprout off to infinity like tan(x) would, so I don't quite get that.

Can you use just a simple f:(-∏/2, ∏/2) defined by f(x)= x, just to keep it simple. Then ℝ would be complete but (-∏/2, ∏/2) wouldn't be with the metrics above?
  • #11
And just to help my confusion, in your post explaining each metric, you said the first metric was cauchy and was not cauchy
  • #12
mathgirl313 said:
The definition I was given for complete is that a space is complete if every Cauchy sequence is convergent in the space. So for the first metric, how could the space couldn't be complete if the sequence was not Cauchy..

To show that the first space is complete, then it of course isn't sufficient to show that that sequence is Cauchy. We need to prove more.

However, there is an isometry between the open interval [itex]]-\pi/2,\pi/2[[/itex] with the first metric and [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex] with the standard metric. And this isometry preserves completeness.

The absolute value of arctan should get closer and the functions does not sprout off to infinity like tan(x) would, so I don't quite get that.

mathgirl313 said:
And just to help my confusion, in your post explaining each metric, you said the first metric was cauchy and was not cauchy

Sorry, that were typos. I meant to say that the first metric is cauchy and the second metric is not.

Furthermore, I made another typo. I want the first metric on [itex]]-\pi/2,\pi/2[[/itex] to be


I corrected it.
  • #13
micromass said:
We know that there is a homeomorphism between [itex]]-\pi/2,\pi/2[[/itex] and [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex].

Micro, a little off-topic, is this a modern trend to use ]0, 1[ to denote the open unit interval? I've seen it, but not very often. Is it gaining mindshare because people confuse (0,1) with a particular point in 2-space?
  • #14
SteveL27 said:
Micro, a little off-topic, is this a modern trend to use ]0, 1[ to denote the open unit interval? I've seen it, but not very often. Is it gaining mindshare because people confuse (0,1) with a particular point in 2-space?

Don't know that really. I have always learned to use ]0,1[ and not (0,1).
This page: says that the difference in notation is between Europe and America. That would make sense.

I don't know if it's gaining much mindshare.
  • #15
It's sufficient to say I'm lost...I think I'm exhausted from looking at top. all day..

So we have a complete metric space and an incomplete metric space, they're both on the open interval from -pi/2 to pi/2 into the reals. So all you need are the continuous functions linking the two metrics? Still using the sequence an = pi/2 - 1/n
  • #16
mathgirl313 said:
It's sufficient to say I'm lost...I think I'm exhausted from looking at top. all day..

So we have a complete metric space and an incomplete metric space, they're both on the open interval from -pi/2 to pi/2 into the reals. So all you need are the continuous functions linking the two metrics? Still using the sequence an = pi/2 - 1/n

All I'm saying is that if we equip the open interval [itex]]-\pi/2,\pi/2[[/itex] with the metric


then the space will be complete.
If we equip the open interval with the metric


then the space will be incomplete.

However: [itex]T:]-\pi/2,\pi/2[\rightarrow ]-\pi/2,\pi/2[:x\rightarrow x[/itex] is a homeomorphism.

Alternatively, you can show that both [itex]]-\pi/2,\pi/2[[/itex] and [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex] with their standard metrics are homeomorphic. But one space is complete and the other one is not. That might be a little bit easier than my weird metrics.
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  • #17
They both help, big time! Thank you! My biggest problem was that I've not seen a straight up example, just was told this fact, so was having trouble constructing and trying to include the metrics, and figuring out completeness since we didn't do a whole with that either..just all confused me
  • #18
send punctured circle to real line.

Related to Is this a homeomorphism that does not preserve metric completeness?

1. What is a homeomorphism?

A homeomorphism is a mathematical concept in topology that describes a function between two topological spaces that is continuous, bijective, and has a continuous inverse. Basically, it is a way to map one space onto another while preserving certain properties, such as the number of holes or connectedness.

2. What does it mean to preserve metric completeness?

Metric completeness refers to the property of a metric space where every Cauchy sequence (a sequence of points that get closer and closer together) converges to a point within that space. A homeomorphism that preserves metric completeness means that the function preserves this property, so that if the original space was metrically complete, the mapped space will also be metrically complete.

3. Can a homeomorphism not preserve metric completeness?

Yes, it is possible for a homeomorphism to not preserve metric completeness. This can happen if the function distorts the original space in a way that causes Cauchy sequences to no longer converge to a point within the mapped space. This can occur in spaces with non-Euclidean geometries or in cases where the function is not well-behaved.

4. How can I determine if a homeomorphism preserves metric completeness?

To determine if a homeomorphism preserves metric completeness, one can analyze the properties of the function and the original space. If the function is continuous and has a continuous inverse, and the original space is metrically complete, then the function should also preserve metric completeness in the mapped space.

5. What are the implications of a homeomorphism not preserving metric completeness?

If a homeomorphism does not preserve metric completeness, it means that the mapped space is not equivalent to the original space in terms of its completeness. This can have implications in applications where completeness is important, such as in analysis or engineering. It also means that certain properties, such as the existence of limits, may not hold in the mapped space.

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