Math Challenge - August 2020

In summary, this conversation covers topics in mathematics such as compact subsets, bounded operators, Banach spaces, probability spaces, continuous functions, holomorphic functions, logarithmic functions, and integrals. It also involves solving problems related to these topics, including the Tychonoff theorem, axiom of choice, Borel-measurable sets, meromorphic functions, and rational solutions. There is also a question about the probability of two pocket aces in Texas Hold'em.
  • #36
Let [itex]K\subseteq \mathbb C[/itex] be non-empty compact. Suppose [itex]\{\gamma_n \in K \mid n\in\mathbb N\} \subseteq K[/itex] is dense in [itex]K\ \ [/itex] ([itex]\mathbb C[/itex] is separable). Let [itex]D : e_n\mapsto \gamma_ne_n[/itex] be a diagonal operator (in the infinite case [itex]H\cong \mathbb C^\omega[/itex], otherwise [itex]H\cong \mathbb C^N[/itex]).

For any [itex]n\in\mathbb N[/itex] we have [itex]\gamma_n\in\sigma (D)[/itex], because [itex]D-\gamma_n\mathrm{id}[/itex] is not injective. If we look at the kernel, we have
\sum \lambda _k(D-z_n\mathrm{id})(e_k) = \sum _{k\neq n} (\lambda _k\gamma_k - \gamma _n)e_k + (\lambda_n -1)\gamma _n e_n = 0.
We can clearly see [itex]\lambda _k \equiv 0[/itex] is not forced.

Since [itex]\sigma (D)[/itex] is closed, we also have [itex]K\subseteq \sigma (D)[/itex]. On the other hand, suppose [itex]\lambda\notin K[/itex]. Then
[tex]F \left ( \sum \lambda _ke_k\right ) := \sum\frac{\lambda _k}{\gamma _k-\lambda}e_k[/tex]
is the inverse of [itex]D-\lambda \mathrm{id}[/itex], thus [itex]\lambda\notin \sigma (D)[/itex]. Indeed, we can check for basis elements. We have
(F \circ (D-\lambda \mathrm{id}))(e_k) = F((\gamma _k-\lambda)e_k) = \frac{\gamma _k-\lambda}{\gamma _k-\lambda}e_k = e_k
((D-\lambda \mathrm{id}) \circ F)(e_k) = (D-\lambda \mathrm{id}) \left ( \frac{1}{\gamma _k-\lambda}e_k \right ) = e_k.
Altogether [itex]\sigma (D) = K[/itex].
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  • #37
nuuskur said:
Let [itex]K\subseteq \mathbb C[/itex] be non-empty compact. Suppose [itex]\{\gamma_n \in K \mid n\in\mathbb N\} \subseteq K[/itex] is dense in [itex]K\ \ [/itex] ([itex]\mathbb C[/itex] is separable). Let [itex]D : e_n\mapsto \gamma_ne_n[/itex] be a diagonal operator (in the infinite case [itex]H\cong \mathbb C^\omega[/itex], otherwise [itex]H\cong \mathbb C^N[/itex]).

For any [itex]n\in\mathbb N[/itex] we have [itex]\gamma_n\in\sigma (D)[/itex], because [itex]D-\gamma_n\mathrm{id}[/itex] is not injective. If we look at the kernel, we have
\sum \lambda _k(D-z_n\mathrm{id})(e_k) = \sum _{k\neq n} (\lambda _k\gamma_k - \gamma _n)e_k + (\lambda_n -1)\gamma _n e_n = 0.
We can clearly see [itex]\lambda _k \equiv 0[/itex] is not forced.

Since [itex]\sigma (D)[/itex] is closed, we also have [itex]K\subseteq \sigma (D)[/itex]. On the other hand, suppose [itex]\lambda\notin K[/itex]. Then
[tex]F \left ( \sum \lambda _ke_k\right ) := \frac{\lambda _k}{\gamma _k-\lambda}e_k[/tex]
is the inverse of [itex]D-\lambda \mathrm{id}[/itex], thus [itex]\lambda\notin \sigma (D)[/itex]. Indeed, we can check for basis elements. We have
(F \circ (D-\lambda \mathrm{id}))(e_k) = F((\gamma _k-\lambda)e_k) = \frac{\gamma _k-\lambda}{\gamma _k-\lambda}e_k = e_k
((D-\lambda \mathrm{id}) \circ F)(e_k) = (D-\lambda \mathrm{id}) \left ( \frac{1}{\gamma _k-\lambda}e_k \right ) = e_k.
Altogether [itex]\sigma (D) = K[/itex].

Seems to work! Working with diagonal operators was also what I had in mind. Here is a more sophisticated approach using the theory of ##C^*##-algebras:

Consider the ##C^*##-algebra ##C(K)##. Then the inclusion ##i: K \to \Bbb{C}## has spectrum ##K##. Next, choose a Hilbert space ##H## and an injective ##*##-homomorphism ##\varphi: C(K) \to B(H)## (GNS-construction). Then ##\varphi(i)## is a bounded operator on ##H## with spectrum ##K##.

I will look at the other solution attempt soon.
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  • #38
@TeethWhitener If I take ##a=3/2## and ##b=1/2## in your example, then ##f(3/2)-f(1/2)=1## and ##g(3/2)-g(1/2)=1## are both integers.
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  • #39
Suppose [itex]V/W[/itex] is complete. Let [itex]x_n\in V,\ n\in\mathbb N,[/itex] be a Cauchy sequence. Let [itex]\pi :V\to V/W[/itex] be the projection, then [itex]\pi (x_n),\ n\in\mathbb N,[/itex] is Cauchy in [itex]V/W[/itex]. For some [itex]x\in V[/itex] we have [itex]\pi (x_n) \xrightarrow[]{}\pi (x)[/itex]. By definition of infimum pick [itex]z_n\in V[/itex] such that [itex]\|x_n-x-z_n\| \leq \|\pi (x_n-x)\| + \frac{1}{n},\ n\in\mathbb N.[/itex] Then [itex]\|x_n-(x+z_n)\| \to 0[/itex]. So we would have [itex]x_n \to x+\lim z_n[/itex]. This is justified, because by triangle equality
\|z_n-z_m\| \leq \|x_n-x-z_n\| + \|x_n-x_m\| + \|x_m-x-z_m\| \xrightarrow[m,n\to\infty]{}0.
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  • #40
Infrared said:
@TeethWhitener If I take ##a=3/2## and ##b=1/2## in your example, then ##f(3/2)-f(1/2)=1## and ##g(3/2)-g(1/2)=1## are both integers.
I must have misread the question then. Are you looking for a proof that it's true for all ##f,g## given the problem constraints? I thought the question was just asking for an example.
  • #41
TeethWhitener said:
I must have misread the question then. Are you looking for a proof that it's true for all ##f,g## given the problem constraints? I thought the question was just asking for an example.
Given arbitrary continuous maps [itex]f,g[/itex] on [itex][0,2][/itex] we are to show such [itex]a\neq b[/itex] exist. I'm thinking Intermediate value theorem might help. Not sure, right now.
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  • #42
For every [itex]x\in\mathbb R[/itex] we have [itex]\mathbb P\{X\leq x\}\in \{0,1\}[/itex]. Let [itex]F[/itex] be the distribution function for [itex]X[/itex]. [itex]F[/itex] is right continuous and we have [itex]\lim _{x\to\infty} F(x) = 1[/itex] and [itex]\lim _{x\to -\infty}F(x) = 0[/itex]. This implies there exists [itex]c\in\mathbb R[/itex] such that [itex]F = I_{[c,\infty]}[/itex]. Now [itex]\mathbb P\{X<c\} = F(c-) = 0[/itex], therefore [itex]X=c[/itex] a.s.
We have [itex]\mathbb P\{X\leq x\} \in\{0,1\}[/itex] for every [itex]x\in\mathbb R[/itex]. One readily verifies [itex]X[/itex] is independent of itself. Put [itex]c:= \inf \{x\in\mathbb R \mid X\leq x\}[/itex]. It is finite, because [itex]\lim _{x\to \infty} \mathbb P\{X\leq x\} = 1[/itex], therefore for sufficiently large [itex]x_0[/itex] we have [itex]\mathbb P\{X\leq x_0\}=1[/itex]. By Kolmogorov's 0-1 law [itex]\mathbb P\{X=c\}=1[/itex].
Since [itex]X[/itex] is almost surely constant, the probability it takes any other value is zero, hence its variance is zero. Therefore [itex]\mathbb E(X-\mathbb E(X))^2 = 0[/itex] implies [itex]X=\mathbb E(X)[/itex] a.s. The first moment exists, because variance is finite.
nuuskur said:
.. by triangle equality
Triangle equality 😂 I meant triangle inequality.
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  • #43
fresh_42 said:
Summary:: functional analysis, operator theory, topology, measure theory, calculus
Authors: Math_QED (MQ), Infrared (IR), Wrobel (WR), fresh_42 (FR).

9. Show that there exists no continuous function g:C∖{0}→C such that eg(z)=z for all z∈C∖{0} (i.e. there is no continuous logarithm on C∖{0}). (MQ)
(Corrected version, credits go to @PeroK for pointing out and solving the original problem.)

I beg to differ: A Course of Modern Analysis, 3rd ed. Whittaker & Watson pg 589 (heading A6) says ##\log z = \Log |z| + i \arg z## is a continuous multi-valued function of ##z## since ##|z|## is a continuous function of ##z##.
  • #44
benorin said:
I beg to differ: A Course of Modern Analysis, 3rd ed. Whittaker & Watson pg 589 (heading A6) says ##\log z = \Log |z| + i \arg z## is a continuous multi-valued function of ##z## since ##|z|## is a continuous function of ##z##.
I suspect you can make log continuous by taking the domain to be a set of complex planes disconnected at the branch cuts.

These are, of course, Riemann surfaces.

In any case it's ##\arg z## that is discontinuous.
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  • #45
nuuskur said:
Oh brother, this simply connected business for [itex]\mathbb C^*[/itex] is simply not necessary. Let's go again.
Suppose [itex]g:\mathbb C^* \to \mathbb C[/itex] is continuous with [itex]e^{g(z)} \equiv z[/itex]. Then [itex]g[/itex] is holomorphic, because the exponential map is holomorphic and
\lim _{z\to z_0} \frac{g(z) - g(z_0)}{z-z_0} = \lim _{g(z)\to g(z_0)} \frac{g(z)-g(z_0)}{e^{g(z)} - e^{g(z_0)}}.
By differentiating we get [itex]1 = g'(z) e^{g(z)} = zg'(z)[/itex], which implies [itex]g'(z) = \frac{1}{z}[/itex] on [itex]\mathbb C^*[/itex]. But now by Cauchy's integral theorem, we get
0 = \oint _{|z|=1} g'(z) dz = \oint_{|z|=1} \frac{1}{z} dz = 2i\pi.
Thus, such a [itex]g[/itex] cannot exist.
Maybe I'm hunting a fly with a 50 cal rifle with armor-piercing rounds..
We can kill a fly with a fly swatter. Don't need the rifle.
Suppose [itex]g:\mathbb C^* \to\mathbb C[/itex] is continuous and satisfies the identity [itex]e^{g(z)} = z[/itex]. Since [itex]g[/itex] is right inverse to [itex]\exp[/itex], it is injective, thus [itex]g(\mathbb C^*) \cong \mathbb C^*[/itex]. But now [itex]\exp[/itex] is forced to be injective on [itex]\mathbb C^*[/itex]. Indeed, for any [itex]u,v\neq 0[/itex] we have
[tex]e^u = e^v \Leftrightarrow e^{g(z)} = e^{g(w)} \Leftrightarrow z=w \Rightarrow u=v.[/tex]
But that's impossible.
  • #46
@nuuskur Where did you use continuity (this is definitely a necessary condition)? Anyway, you seem to be claiming that ##g## is surjective in saying ##g(\mathbb{C}^*)=\mathbb{C}^*##. How do you know this? If you only mean that ##g## gives a bijection from ##\mathbb{C}^*## to its image, then how are you writing ##u=g(z), v=g(w)##?
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  • #47
PeroK said:
If we try to make ##\beta## continuous, then without loss of generality we can take ##\beta(0) = 0##, hence ##\beta = \theta## and we get a discontinuity at ##\theta = 0##. More generally, for any ##\phi## we could could take ##\beta(\phi) = \phi + 2n\pi## and get the discontinuous branch cut at ##\theta = \phi##.

Hmm, I need a little more details here. Explain why the discontinuities arise. I find your argument a bit too handwavy.
  • #48
Infrared said:
@nuuskur Where did you use continuity (this is definitely a necessary condition)? Anyway, you seem to be claiming that ##g## is surjective in saying ##g(\mathbb{C}^*)=\mathbb{C}^*##. How do you know this?
Continuity is implicit. I'm working in the category with continuous maps. No, [itex]g[/itex] is injective, therefore it's an isomorphism onto its image.
  • #49
nuuskur said:
Continuity is implicit.
Which part of your argument fails if ##g## is not required to be continuous?

nuuskur said:
No, [itex]g[/itex] is injective, therefore it's an isomorphism onto its image.

Please explain this line.

nuuskur said:
[tex]e^u = e^v \Leftrightarrow e^{g(z)} = e^{g(w)} \Leftrightarrow z=w \Rightarrow u=v.[/tex]
What are ##z## and ##w## in relation to ##u## and ##v##? It looks to me like you're assuming that ##g## is surjective here (by saying that you can write ##u=g(z), v=g(w)##)
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  • #50
nuuskur said:
Continuity is implicit. I'm working in the category with continuous maps. No, [itex]g[/itex] is injective, therefore it's an isomorphism onto its image.

You really need that ##g(\Bbb{C}^*) = \Bbb{C}^*## for your argument to work. Also, when using the symbol ##\cong##, explain what you mean with the symbol. I assume that you mean isomorphism in the category of continuous maps, but how are you even sure the inverse on the image is continuous as well?
  • #51
nuuskur said:
This implies there exists [itex]c\in\mathbb R[/itex] such that [itex]F = I_{[c,\infty]}[/itex].

Explain this line.
  • #52
Math_QED said:
Hmm, I need a little more details here. Explain why the discontinuities arise. I find your argument a bit too handwavy.
Effectively it boils down to the discontinuity of ##\arg z##. I thought that was trivial and well established!
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  • #53
nuuskur said:
We can kill a fly with a fly swatter. Don't need the rifle.
Suppose [itex]g:\mathbb C^* \to\mathbb C[/itex] is continuous and satisfies the identity [itex]e^{g(z)} = z[/itex]. Since [itex]g[/itex] is right inverse to [itex]\exp[/itex], it is injective, thus [itex]g(\mathbb C^*) \cong \mathbb C^*[/itex]. But now [itex]\exp[/itex] is forced to be injective on [itex]\mathbb C^*[/itex]. Indeed, for any [itex]u,v\neq 0[/itex] we have
[tex]e^u = e^v \Leftrightarrow e^{g(z)} = e^{g(w)} \Leftrightarrow z=w \Rightarrow u=v.[/tex]
But that's impossible.
Ok, here are the details. Firstly, since [itex]g[/itex] is injective, it means [itex]g(\mathbb C^*) \cong \mathbb C^*[/itex] as sets. That means any [itex]u\neq 0[/itex] can be written uniquely as [itex]u=g(z)[/itex]. But we also have a homemorphism with the obvious choice ( this is forced, really) [itex]f(g(z)) := z,\ z\neq 0[/itex]. For continuity of [itex]f:g(\mathbb C^*) \to \mathbb C^*[/itex] suppose [itex]g(z_n) \to g(z)[/itex], then continuity of exponential map implies [itex]e^{g(z_n)} \to e^{g(z)}[/itex] which by assumption is the same as [itex]z_n\to z[/itex] so [itex]f[/itex] is continuous.

What fails if [itex]g[/itex] is not continuous: it wouldn't be a morphism in the category with continuous maps, so the above won't apply.
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  • #54
Math_QED said:
Explain this line.
By definition of limit. As [itex]x\to -\infty[/itex] we must have [itex]A>0[/itex] such that [itex]x\leq -A[/itex] implies [itex]F(x) = \mathbb P\{X\leq x\}=0[/itex]. Since such [itex]A[/itex] are bounded from below, take the infimum i.e [itex]c := \inf \{x\in\mathbb R \mid X\leq x\}[/itex]. Now, whatever happens for [itex]x>c[/itex] must occur with probability [itex]1[/itex] (otherwise [itex]c[/itex] wouldn't be the infimum). There can be no in-betweens so [itex]F = I_{[c,\infty]}[/itex] is forced due to right continuity of [itex]F[/itex] i.e [itex]F(c+) = 1[/itex].
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  • #55
Suffices to show [itex]C(f) = \{x\in X \mid f\text{ is continuous at }x\}[/itex] is a Borel set, it can also be empty. Then [itex]C(f)^c = D(f)[/itex] is a Borel set. Let's chase epsilons from the definition of continuity. [itex]f[/itex] is continuous at [itex]x\in X[/itex] if and only if
\forall n\in\mathbb N,\ \exists \delta >0,\ \forall z\in X,\quad z\in B(x,\delta) \Rightarrow f(z) \in B\left (f(x), n^{-1}\right ).
In other words we have [itex]\{x\}= \bigcap _{n\in\mathbb N} \{U\subseteq X \mid x\in U,\ U\text{ is open and }f(U) \subseteq B(f(x), n^{-1}) \}[/itex]. Do this for all points of continuity, then we have the [itex]G_\delta[/itex] set
\bigcap _{n\in\mathbb N} \bigcup \left\{ U\subseteq X \mid U\text{ is open, }\ \sup_{u,v\in U} d_Y(f(u),f(v)) \leq n^{-1} \right \} = C(f).
The equality should be clear.
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  • #56
nuuskur said:
That means any [itex]u\neq 0[/itex] can be written uniquely as [itex]u=g(z)[/itex].

  • #57
Infrared said:
Oops, that's bad expression by me. I really had in mind that [itex]u[/itex] is identified uniquely with [itex]g(z)[/itex]. But now [itex]e^u = e^v \Rightarrow e^{g(z)} = e^{g(w)}[/itex] might break. Thanks for noticing. The homemorphism part still works, but usable if [itex]g[/itex] is an inclusion as @Math_QED said.

I'll stick to my rifle at #32 for now. Yet I'm not convinced continuity is a required assumption. I get a feeling [itex]e^{g(z)} =z[/itex] forces [itex]g[/itex] to be continuous and in this case, holomorphic.
  • #58
nuuskur said:
Yet I'm not convinced continuity is a required assumption. I get a feeling [itex]e^{g(z)} =z[/itex] forces [itex]g[/itex] to be continuous and in this case, holomorphic

It doesn't. ##g(z)=\ln|z|+\arg(z)## is a counterexample
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  • #59
Infrared said:
It doesn't. ##g(z)=\ln|z|+\arg(z)## is a counterexample
Of course *smacks forehead*. I had a thought maybe [itex]|z|\leq |e^z|[/itex], but that's not true in [itex]\mathbb C[/itex].
  • #60
Math_QED said:
Hmm, I need a little more details here. Explain why the discontinuities arise. I find your argument a bit too handwavy.
We have a function ##\beta (\theta)## for ##0 \le \theta < 2\pi## with ##\cos \beta (\theta) = \cos \theta## and ##\sin \beta (\theta) = \sin \theta##. We know that ##\beta(0) = 2\pi n## for some ##n##. As adding a constant does not effect the continuity of a function we can, wlog, take ##\beta(0) = 0##.

The technical point outstanding is that if ##\beta## is continuous, then ##\beta(\theta) = \theta##.

In general, we have ##\beta(\theta) = \theta + 2\pi n(\theta)## with ##n(0) = 0##, as above.

The only continuous functions of the form ##2\pi n(\theta)## are constant functions. I'll spare everyone an epsilon-delta proof of that. Therefore, we must have ##g(z) = i\theta = i\arg z## for ## 0 \le \theta < 2\pi##.

The second technical point is that ##\arg(z)## is discontinuous on the unit circle. I'll quote that as a known result.

In any case, that proves that ##g## cannot be continuous.
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  • #61
fresh_42 said:
11. Let ##a < b < c < d## be real numbers. Sort ##x = ab + cd, y = bc + ad, z = ac + bd## and prove it.

The sorted order is ##y < z < x##, which is proved as follows by first proving 2 pairwise inequalities.

y - z = (bc + ad) - (ac + bd) = c(b-a) + d(a-b) = (c-d)(b-a) < 0
\Rightarrow (y - z) < 0 \Rightarrow y < z
where ##(c-d)(b-a) < 0## follows from the fact that ##c < d## and ##b > a## as per the given conditions.

x - z = (ab + cd) - (ac + bd) = a(b-c) + d(c-b) = (d-a)(c-b) > 0
\Rightarrow (x - z) > 0 \Rightarrow x > z
where ##(d-a)(c-b) > 0## follows from the fact that ##d > a## and ##c > b## as per the given conditions.

Combining the 2 inequalities gives the ordering inequality ##x > z > y##.
  • #62
Problem 8.
I first state the Bohr-Mollerup theorem,
Let ##f:(0, \infty ) \rightarrow \mathbb R^+## be a function satisfying:
(i) ##f(x+1)=xf(x)##.
(ii) f is a log-convex function.
(iii) ##f(1)=1##.
##f(x)=\Gamma (x)## on it's domain.

##\Gamma## is meromorphic. The identity theorem states: If two meromorphic functions in ##\mathbb C## agree on a set with a limit point in ##\mathbb C##, then they agree everywhere in ##\mathbb C##. In particular, two meromorphic functions that agree on ##(0, \infty )## agree everywhere on ##\mathbb C##.

Thus condition (i) above holds in the complex plane. The two meromorphic functions, ##\Gamma (z+1)## and ##z\Gamma (z)##, that agree on ##(0, \infty )## implies ##\Gamma (z+1)=z\Gamma (z)## for all ##z \in \mathbb C##.
Wielant's theorem ( states that condition (ii) "f is a log-convex function" can be replaced by "##f(x)## is in the bounded strip ##\{ z\in \mathbb C | 1 \leq \mathfrak{ R}(z) \leq 2\}##".
Because ##F(z)## is in the bounded strip ##\{ z\in \mathbb C | 1 \leq \mathfrak{ R}(z) \leq 2\}## it satisfies the Bohr-Mollerup theorem, extended to the complex plane, up to a real constant ##F(1) = a## and thus ##F(z)=F(1)\Gamma (z)##.
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  • #63
Fred Wright said:
Problem 8.
I first state the Bohr-Mollerup theorem,
Let ##f:(0, \infty ) \rightarrow \mathbb R^+## be a function satisfying:
(i) ##f(x+1)=xf(x)##.
(ii) f is a log-convex function.
(iii) ##f(1)=1##.
##f(x)=\Gamma (x)## on it's domain.

##\Gamma## is meromorphic. The identity theorem states: If two meromorphic functions in ##\mathbb C## agree on a set with a limit point in ##\mathbb C##, then they agree everywhere in ##\mathbb C##. In particular, two meromorphic functions that agree on ##(0, \infty )## agree everywhere on ##\mathbb C##.

Thus condition (i) above holds in the complex plane. The two meromorphic functions, ##\Gamma (z+1)## and ##z\Gamma (z)##, that agree on ##(0, \infty )## implies ##\Gamma (z+1)=z\Gamma (z)## for all ##z \in \mathbb C##.
Wielant's theorem ( states that condition (ii) "f is a log-convex function" can be replaced by "##f(x)## is in the bounded strip ##\{ z\in \mathbb C | 1 \leq \mathfrak{ R}(z) \leq 2\}##".
Because ##F(z)## is in the bounded strip ##\{ z\in \mathbb C | 1 \leq \mathfrak{ R}(z) \leq 2\}## it satisfies the Bohr-Mollerup theorem, extended to the complex plane, up to a real constant ##F(1) = a## and thus ##F(z)=F(1)\Gamma (z)##.
Well, problem #8 IS Wielandt's theorem. You just shifted the problem to Bohr-Mollerup. This is a bit like proving AC by Zorn.

There is still another - in a way elementary - proof possible. It uses a common theorem of complex analysis.
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  • #64
nuuskur said:
Of course *smacks forehead*. I had a thought maybe [itex]|z|\leq |e^z|[/itex], but that's not true in [itex]\mathbb C[/itex].
Nor is it true in ##\mathbb{R}## (negative numbers)!
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  • #65
SPOILER #9:g would have to restrict a continuous injection from the unit circle to the line {it: all t in R}, which is impossible. I.e. g is injective since e^g is injective, and the only complex numbers z with e^z lying on the unit circle are of form z = iy with y real, so g would hve to rstrict to a continuous injection from the unit circle to the "imaginary real line" of complex numbers of form iy with y real. Now it is immediate that a continuous map from the unit circle to a copy of the real line cannot be injective, since it has a maximum say M at p and a minimum say m at q, and then both arcs joining p to q on the circle must map onto the same interval [m,M], by the intermediate value theorem, so g is not injective.

With a larger weapon, one could say that since g is locally inverse to exp, it must be smooth if it is continuous, so using the strong smooth jordan curve theorem, it maps the unit circle isomorphically onto a smooth manifold, whose interior in the complex plane serves as its boundary. Then integrating the pullback of the closed form dtheta, gives a contradiction of the sort suggested earlier using Cauchy's theorem to integrate dz/z. I.e. since the pullback is closed, the integral of d of it over the interior of the manifold is zero, but since the boundary is parametrized by g, which pulls back the form dtheta to itself, the integral is 2π, contradicting stokes theorem.

More abstractly, these maps, if they existed, would induce a group homomorphism of fundamental groups, or of 1st homology groups, whose composition would be the identity map Z-->Z, while nonetheless factoring though the zero group Z-->0-->Z, an impossibility. Or as Bott put it long ago, to prove there is no such map, all you need is "a homotopy invariant functor that does not vanish on the circle".

By covering space theory, which is essentially the same argument, since exp is a covering space of C*, via C-->C*, a map C*-->C* can only factor through exp if it induces a map on fundamental groups, whose image is zero, not the case for the identity map. The existence of g would also violate unique path lifting, since the parametrization t-->e^2πit of the circle is via a lift t-->2πit, through the exponential covering that sends the two ends points 0 and 2π to different points of C, while the existence of g would give a lift that sends them both to the same point. This is the essential content of the earlier answer that any lift via g must be discontinuous as a map on the circle.

Oh yes, and now I see that my hint amounted to noticing that such a map g exists, only if one also exists for the restricted diagram: S^1-->iR-->S^1.

here is another similar argument. If such a g existed, its restriction to the unit circle would factor the injection from the unit circle to C*, through C, and hence would prove that this injection is homotopic to a constant. Then Cauchy's theorem, the homotopy version, would imply that any holomorphic differential in C* would integrate to zero over the unit circle, but that violates the integral of dz/z being 2πi, as pointed out earlier.

By the way this last argument, as well as those using fundamental group and 1st homology group, prove that even if you are allowed to replace exp by any continuous map of your choice, there still is no such map g. The fact that the given map is indeed exp, allows the more elementary first argument above, which only uses the intermediate value theorem.
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  • #66
@Fred Wright Nice solution for #8, I had thought of the Bohr-Mollerup theorem but didn't know how to prove log convexity.
  • #67
PeroK said:
We have a function ##\beta (\theta)## for ##0 \le \theta < 2\pi## with ##\cos \beta (\theta) = \cos \theta## and ##\sin \beta (\theta) = \sin \theta##. We know that ##\beta(0) = 2\pi n## for some ##n##. As adding a constant does not effect the continuity of a function we can, wlog, take ##\beta(0) = 0##.

The technical point outstanding is that if ##\beta## is continuous, then ##\beta(\theta) = \theta##.

In general, we have ##\beta(\theta) = \theta + 2\pi n(\theta)## with ##n(0) = 0##, as above.

The only continuous functions of the form ##2\pi n(\theta)## are constant functions. I'll spare everyone an epsilon-delta proof of that. Therefore, we must have ##g(z) = i\theta = i\arg z## for ## 0 \le \theta < 2\pi##.

The second technical point is that ##\arg(z)## is discontinuous on the unit circle. I'll quote that as a known result.

In any case, that proves that ##g## cannot be continuous.

This is much more readable to me than your previous post. Your approach has all the right ideas. Especially the line "The only continuous functions of the form ##2\pi n(\theta)## are constant functions." is the key to an elementary approach that does not use black magic. I consider this question solved. Well done!
  • Haha
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Likes PeroK and benorin
  • #68
@Math_QED +1 style point (and a like) for using the phrase "black magic" in reference to mathematics.
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Likes etotheipi
  • #69
nuuskur said:
For every [itex]x\in\mathbb R[/itex] we have [itex]\mathbb P\{X\leq x\}\in \{0,1\}[/itex]. Let [itex]F[/itex] be the distribution function for [itex]X[/itex]. [itex]F[/itex] is right continuous and we have [itex]\lim _{x\to\infty} F(x) = 1[/itex] and [itex]\lim _{x\to -\infty}F(x) = 0[/itex]. This implies there exists [itex]c\in\mathbb R[/itex] such that [itex]F = I_{[c,\infty]}[/itex]. Now [itex]\mathbb P\{X<c\} = F(c-) = 0[/itex], therefore [itex]X=c[/itex] a.s.

Your first solution + the clarification in post #54 solves the question (I didn't look at the second one though)! Well done! I guess I must come up with less routine exercises since you seem to solve all of them ;)
  • #70
@Infrared I wish to know... is #2 really as innocent as it looks? I was thinking IVT might be the only thing I need... on the other hand, it is bivariate (in a way) but the notion of continuity for many variables seems too strong for this problem. FYI you have the right to respond with your best "poker face."
  • Haha
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