Max Subway Speed & Time b/w Stations, Avg Max Speed w/Stops

  • Thread starter mossfan563
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In summary, the problem involves finding the maximum speed a subway train can attain between stations, the travel time between stations, and the maximum average speed of the train. To solve for the maximum speed, you need to use the displacement and time equation and remember to use only half the distance. For the travel time, you need to double the distance and use the same formula. Finally, to find the maximum average speed, you need to accelerate the train for half the distance at 1.54 m/s2 and then decelerate for the remaining half. The formula to use for this is v = v_0 + at.
  • #1

Homework Statement

(a) If the maximum acceleration that is tolerable for passengers in a subway train is 1.54 m/s2 and subway stations are located 816 m apart, what is the maximum speed a subway train can attain between stations? (b) What is the travel time between stations? (c) If a subway train stops for 20.0 s at each station, what is the maximum average speed of the train, from one start-up to the next?

Homework Equations

velocity & time:
v = v_0 + a t

displacement & time:
x = x_0 + v_0 t + (1/2) a t^2

velocity & displacement:
v^2 = v_0^2 + 2 a \\Delta x

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried the displacement and time equation for part A and it didn't work. I had no idea how to do the other two parts.
How do you start this problem?
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  • #2
mossfan563 said:
I tried the displacement and time equation for part A and it didn't work.

Hi mossfan563! :smile:

It's difficult to say why it didn't work if you don't show us what you did! :wink:

I'll guess for now :rolleyes: … did you remember to use only half the distance? :smile:
  • #3
tiny-tim said:
Hi mossfan563! :smile:

It's difficult to say why it didn't work if you don't show us what you did! :wink:

I'll guess for now :rolleyes: … did you remember to use only half the distance? :smile:

Well I simply plugged in the distance between stations as the equation's displacement and the acceleration is given. I have to use half the distance?
  • #4
mossfan563 said:
Well I simply plugged in the distance between stations as the equation's displacement and the acceleration is given. I have to use half the distance?

erm … depends on whether you want people to be able to get on and off without nets! :biggrin:
  • #5
Seriously, how do i start this problem?
  • #6
mossfan563 said:
Seriously, how do i start this problem?
You need to accelerate it for 408m at 1.54 m/s2, and then decelerate it for the other 408m. :smile:
  • #7
tiny-tim said:
You need to accelerate it for 408m at 1.54 m/s2, and then decelerate it for the other 408m. :smile:

So the maximum speed would be the point between accelration and deceleration. So 408 would be the correct displacement instead of 816.
Speed would be 35.449 m/s.
Does that sound right?

And for part B I would use the number I just got in the formula:
V = V_0 + at?
  • #8
Ok I got part B wrong. How do you do part B?
  • #9
mossfan563 said:
Ok I got part B wrong. How do you do part B?

Why do you make us guess? :confused:

Well … I'm going to guess :rolleyes: … that you forgot to double the distance? :smile:
  • #10
tiny-tim said:
Why do you make us guess? :confused:

Well … I'm going to guess :rolleyes: … that you forgot to double the distance? :smile:

Well I'm sorry if I'm making you guess. Trying to multitask. I know you use 816 as the displacement for this part. Acceleration is still 1.54. I'm just confused as to what formula to start with.

Maybe this formula?:
[tex] x = x_0 + v_0 t + (1/2) a t^2 [/tex]
  • #11
Can anyone point me towards the right formula?

Related to Max Subway Speed & Time b/w Stations, Avg Max Speed w/Stops

1. What is the average maximum speed of a subway train?

The average maximum speed of a subway train varies depending on the city and the type of train, but it is typically between 50-70 miles per hour.

2. How long does it take for a subway train to travel between stations?

The time it takes for a subway train to travel between stations also varies, but on average it takes 1-2 minutes between each stop. However, this can be affected by factors such as the length of the route, number of stops, and any delays or disruptions.

3. What is the fastest recorded speed of a subway train?

The fastest recorded speed of a subway train was achieved by the Shanghai Maglev Train in China, which reached a speed of 267 miles per hour. However, the average maximum speed of most subway trains is significantly lower.

4. How do stops affect the average maximum speed of a subway train?

Stops can significantly affect the average maximum speed of a subway train. Each time a train stops, it must accelerate again to reach its maximum speed, which can slow down the overall average. The more stops a train has, the lower the average maximum speed will be.

5. Is the average maximum speed of a subway train the same for every city?

No, the average maximum speed of a subway train can vary greatly between cities. Factors such as the type of train, track conditions, and speed limits set by each city's transportation authority can all impact the average maximum speed.

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