Swimming Freestyle: Propulsion Force & Drag Resistance

In summary, the conversation discusses the factors that affect speed and movement in swimming, specifically in the freestyle stroke. The main points include the role of drag forces and friction in the water, and the use of hands and feet to create surface area and propulsion. The conversation also touches on the possibility of using equations to estimate the resistance on the water's surface and submerged body parts. A helpful link is provided for further information.
  • #1
:rolleyes: Recently I have gained great interst on understanding how I gain speed and move through water while swimming in a race. Using the Freestyle as example I have my body in the water creating drag forces or a form of friction. And I must use my hands and feet(mostly hands/arms) to create surface area to apply force backwards on the water so that it will increase my forward velocity.

When this Push occurs is there any possible way to put numbers on these variables(drag force-on surface and under water, propulsion force-with the surface area and speed and pressure occurring on the pushing surface)

:confused: If anything an equation that I could use to calculate a general estimate of the resistance I receive on the surface of the water compared to the parts of my body the are completely submerged that create drag forces.o:) Any helps?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Try this link.

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  • #3

Hello there,

I can definitely understand your interest in understanding the forces involved in swimming freestyle. The propulsion force and drag resistance are two very important factors that determine your speed and movement in the water.

To answer your question, there are indeed equations that can help estimate the drag force and propulsion force in swimming. The drag force is dependent on several factors, such as the surface area of your body in contact with the water, the speed at which you are swimming, and the density and viscosity of the water. One of the most commonly used equations to estimate drag force is the drag equation, which is Fd= 1/2 * ρ * V^2 * Cd * A, where Fd is the drag force, ρ is the density of water, V is the velocity, Cd is the drag coefficient, and A is the surface area.

On the other hand, the propulsion force is generated by your hands and feet as they push against the water. This force is also dependent on the speed at which you are swimming and the surface area of your hands and feet. One way to estimate this force is by using the Bernoulli's principle, which states that an increase in the speed of a fluid results in a decrease in pressure. So as you push against the water, the pressure behind your hands and feet decreases, creating a forward force.

However, it is important to note that these equations provide a general estimate and may not be completely accurate for each individual swimmer, as there are many other factors that can affect propulsion and drag, such as body shape, technique, and water conditions.

I hope this helps answer your question and gives you a better understanding of the forces involved in swimming freestyle. Keep exploring and learning, and good luck with your swimming races!

Related to Swimming Freestyle: Propulsion Force & Drag Resistance

What is the purpose of studying "Swimming Freestyle: Propulsion Force & Drag Resistance"?

The purpose of studying "Swimming Freestyle: Propulsion Force & Drag Resistance" is to understand the physics behind the movement of a swimmer in the water. By understanding the forces and resistance involved, we can improve our technique and efficiency in the water, leading to faster swim times.

What is propulsion force in swimming freestyle?

Propulsion force in swimming freestyle refers to the force generated by a swimmer's arms and legs as they move through the water. This force is what propels the swimmer forward and helps them to overcome drag resistance.

How does drag resistance affect swimming freestyle?

Drag resistance is the force that opposes the movement of a swimmer through the water. The larger the surface area of a swimmer's body or the faster they are moving, the greater the drag resistance. This can slow down a swimmer and make it more difficult for them to move through the water.

What are some techniques to reduce drag resistance in swimming freestyle?

To reduce drag resistance in swimming freestyle, swimmers can focus on streamlining their body position, having a strong and consistent kick, and using a smooth and efficient arm stroke. Proper body rotation and breathing techniques can also help to minimize drag and improve overall speed.

How can a swimmer increase their propulsion force in swimming freestyle?

To increase propulsion force in swimming freestyle, swimmers can work on developing a strong and powerful pull and kick, as well as improving their overall strength and endurance. Proper technique and body position can also help to maximize the force generated by a swimmer's movements in the water.

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