Unexpected distant values of m/r in a finite universe

In summary, the toy universe has an unexpected effect on the m/r term when calculating the potential due to objects far away. This may or may not have relevance to the real universe.
  • #1
Jonathan Scott
Gold Member
I've often wondered about what happens when you try to add up the potential due to everything in the universe in a Newtonian way, especially in the context of the "Sum for Inertia" which seems to suggest a connection between Mach's Principle and GR in the context of rotation.

Today I noticed an oddity with m/r values when one considers a finite closed universe, which can easily be visualised using the toy model of the universe as the surface of a ball.

How should we measure the distance r to an extremely distant source as seen by an observer? The obvious answer is by parallax. If we move our viewpoint slightly sideways, the direction of the distant object appears to change and we can triangulate the distance. An alternative way to see the same quantity is to consider waves being emitted by the object, and to measure the curve of the wave fronts as they pass the observer, and to calculate the distance from that. Even if we don't have sufficiently sensitive equipment to do this in practice, we can at least define distance as the quantity which would be measured by that process in theory.

But what happens in a finite universe, illustrated by the ball shape? Imagine an observer at the north pole. Wave fronts from objects which are further and further away will have less and less of a curve. An object at the equator will produce a wave front which is a straight line locally by the time it passes the north pole, suggesting infinite distance. And an object which is further away than the equator (half way round our toy universe) will actually produce wave fronts which are curved in a converging direction towards the observer when they reach the north pole, giving a negative calculated distance, approaching zero for an object near the opposite pole of the toy universe.

In Newtonian theory, a negative distance would make the potential repulsive, so anything more than half of the universe away in our toy ball universe would repel gravitationally rather than attracting, and the repulsion would be greater for the most distant objects (although perhaps in a more realistic universe m would be red-shifted too much to have much effect, and this toy model also fails to take into account the finite speed of light and the expansion of the universe).

I don't know whether this unexpected effect on m/r terms might have any relevance to the real universe, but it shows up an interesting and unexpected side-effect of attempting to apply Newtonian thinking on that scale.
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  • #2
I see two problems with your toy model that may possibly make your idea invalid. Firstly, the universe expands in a way that makes it (spatially) virtually flat at present. Even if it is spatially marginally closed, it must be so big that the cosmological horizon at the pole would have a tiny radius, as fraction of the circumference. So there is no hope of observing signals from your 'equator'.

I do not understand what you mean by "measure the curve of the wave fronts as they pass the observer". How is this different from parallax measurement? You would still need a very long baseline detection.
  • #3
Jorrie said:
I do not understand what you mean by "measure the curve of the wave fronts as they pass the observer". How is this different from parallax measurement? You would still need a very long baseline detection.
It is intended to be identical to parallax measurement (and equally difficult to detect in practice) but easier to visualise.

And I agree there would be many problems in relating it to reality. My main point is merely that any semi-Newtonian concept of adding up the gravitational potential due to distant galaxies contains a surprise if you evaluate it in the way that you would for nearby objects.

Related to Unexpected distant values of m/r in a finite universe

1. What are "unexpected distant values of m/r"?

"Unexpected distant values of m/r" refers to the phenomenon where the ratio of mass (m) to radius (r) in a finite universe is significantly different from what would be expected based on our current understanding of physics and cosmology.

2. How do these unexpected values impact our understanding of the universe?

These unexpected values can challenge our current theories and models of the universe, as they suggest that there may be unknown or unaccounted for factors at play in the formation and structure of the universe.

3. What could be causing these unexpected values?

There are several potential explanations for these unexpected values, including the presence of dark matter or dark energy, the effects of gravitational waves, or the possibility of a multiverse.

4. Have these unexpected values been observed in our universe?

There is ongoing research and debate in the scientific community about the existence and significance of these unexpected values. Some studies have suggested evidence for their existence, while others have found no significant deviation from expected values.

5. How can we further investigate and understand these unexpected values?

Continued research and advancements in technology, such as improved telescopes and simulations, can help us gather more data and refine our understanding of these unexpected values. Collaborative efforts between different scientific fields, such as physics and astronomy, can also contribute to a deeper understanding of this phenomenon.

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