Windows SW for advanced data analysis

In summary, the conversation is about the creation of a macro in Excel to gather data from a vehicles database. The macro is able to extract specific fields and import them into a spreadsheet. The conversation then turns to the need for a more powerful software to analyze the data, such as MATLAB or Python, which allow for more advanced data analysis and visualization. The person also mentions their interest in finding a visual interactive data analyzer for Windows.
  • #1
I wrote this small Excel macro to gather data from vehicles database:

Sub ImportCarQueryDB()
    Call JSON2Excel("2,3,4,8,12,14,20,21,26,27,28,29,31,32,33") ' Specify which fields to extract/import
End Sub

Sub JSON2Excel(ByVal fields As String)
    Filename$ = "C:\temp\fiat2.txt"
    Open Filename$ For Input As #1
        contents = Input(LOF(1), 1) ' Legge intero file
        FillNull$ = Replace(contents, "null", """""") ' sotituisce campi vuoti
        contents = Replace(Replace(FillNull$, "]});", ""), "?({""Trims"":[", "") ' elimina marcatori inizio-fine
        DestRow = 2
        FirstTime = True
        While InStr(contents, ":") > 0
            InizioRecord = InStr(contents, "{")
            FineRecord = InStr(contents, "}")
            rowtext = Mid$(contents, InizioRecord, FineRecord - InizioRecord + 1) ' estrapola singola riga
            Debug.Print rowtext
            contents = Replace(contents, rowtext, "")
            DestCol = 1
            FieldNumber = 1
            While InStr(rowtext, """") > 0
                FirstQuote = InStr(rowtext, """")
                SecondQuote = InStr(FirstQuote + 1, rowtext, """")
                ThirdQuote = InStr(SecondQuote + 1, rowtext, """")
                FourthQuote = InStr(ThirdQuote + 1, rowtext, """")
                If IncludeField(FieldNumber, fields) = True Then
                    FieldValue = Mid$(rowtext, ThirdQuote, FourthQuote - ThirdQuote + 1) ' valore campo
                    If FirstTime = True Then
                        FieldName = Mid$(rowtext, FirstQuote + 1, SecondQuote - FirstQuote - 1)
                        Cells(1, DestCol) = FieldName
                    End If
                    Cells(DestRow, DestCol) = Mid$(FieldValue, 2, Len(FieldValue) - 2) ' memorizza campo in foglio
                    DestCol = DestCol + 1
                End If
                CutField = Mid$(rowtext, FirstQuote, FourthQuote - FirstQuote + 1) ' stringa-campo da eliminare da riga
                rowtext = Replace(rowtext, CutField, "") ' elimina stringa-campo da riga
                FieldNumber = FieldNumber + 1
            DestRow = DestRow + 1
        FirstTime = False
    Close #1
End Sub

Function IncludeField(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal s As String) As Boolean
    s = s & ","
    temp = False
    While InStr(s, ",") > 0
        FieldNumber = Mid$(s, 1, InStr(s, ",") - 1)
        'DeleteField = Mid$(s, 1, InStr(s, ","))
        s = Mid$(s, InStr(s, ",") + 1, Len(s) - InStr(s, ","))
        If Val(FieldNumber) = i Then
            IncludeField = True
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function

Data source:

Example query:

Macro works fine... but now I need something more powerful than Excel to analyse data!
For example, I created an additional column showing Nm/kg ratio and another one showing W/kg ratio; if I create a scatter plot between these columns, I get a multi-dots plot where I can apparently identify three groups of data; I'd like to be able to select those groups to figure out to which vehicles they match, or click on a single dot and see which vehichle it represents, or delete single dots from the chart. Excel does not help in this.

Another interesting scatter plot is Nm/kg vs "seconds to 100kph", which higlights a group of vehicles I'd like to identify.

Which SW do you usually use on Windows to perform advanced data analysis like this?
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  • #2
I generally use MATLAB or Python (using the Anaconda distribution on Windows).
  • #3
I meant a visual interactive data analyzer...
  • #4
No ideas?
  • #5

I would recommend using a software specifically designed for advanced data analysis, such as MATLAB or R. These programs offer a range of tools and functions for data manipulation, visualization, and statistical analysis. They also have the ability to handle larger datasets and provide more complex analyses than Excel. Additionally, both MATLAB and R have a strong community of users and resources available for support and guidance.

Related to Windows SW for advanced data analysis

What is "Windows SW for advanced data analysis"?

"Windows SW for advanced data analysis" refers to software that is specifically designed for performing complex data analysis tasks on a Windows operating system. This type of software typically offers advanced features and tools to manipulate, visualize, and analyze large datasets.

What are the benefits of using "Windows SW for advanced data analysis"?

The benefits of using "Windows SW for advanced data analysis" include the ability to handle large and complex datasets, a user-friendly interface, a wide range of data analysis tools and techniques, and compatibility with the Windows operating system.

Is "Windows SW for advanced data analysis" suitable for all types of data?

Yes, "Windows SW for advanced data analysis" can handle various types of data, such as numerical, textual, and categorical data. It also offers features for data cleaning, preprocessing, and transformation to make the data suitable for analysis.

What are some popular "Windows SW for advanced data analysis" tools?

Some popular "Windows SW for advanced data analysis" tools include Microsoft Excel, IBM SPSS Statistics, SAS, and Tableau. These tools offer a wide range of features and are widely used in different industries for data analysis purposes.

Do I need programming skills to use "Windows SW for advanced data analysis"?

While some "Windows SW for advanced data analysis" tools may require programming skills, many others offer a user-friendly interface and do not require coding knowledge. However, having some basic understanding of programming concepts can be beneficial in using the advanced features of these tools.

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