Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

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  • Thread starter russ_watters
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In summary: However, if you are genuinely interested in engineering, you should become an engineer regardless of what branch you study.End question: Should I become an engineer?Answer: If you see beauty and elegance in physics and calculus, then maybe you are on the right track; but, if it bores you to learn about how things work, how they are built, and how to make them better, then you probably do not want to become an engineer.
  • #1,016
Sol: To answer the immediate question, you first need to address where you want to end up in say 20 years time. Then the pathway to that goal may be clearer.
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  • #1,017
Right now, I'm strongly considering an Engineering degree (probably Mechanical). I've always been fascinated with how things work, and I think math and physics are cool. I also love the flexibility of an ME degree. I love the idea of creating something that can benefit the world and the idea of working on the cutting edge of Engineering research, where all the really cool stuff is going on. One of my favorite games growing up was Roller Coaster Tycoon. I didn't care about running the park. I just wanted to build the best roller coasters I possibly could, taking notice of things like lateral Gs and giving the guests air time.

However, I am a bit clumsy at mechanical tasks. I get how things work mechanically, but actually performing the tasks isn't always the easiest.

My engineering degree would be my second degree. I will be 25 when I start it. I already have a BA in Economics, in which I got a 4.0, but I didn't find the subject material all that interesting or stimulating. Many times, it wasn't all that challenging either.

I've always been great at math. I've gotten an A in every math class I've ever taken, including the Calc I, Calc II, Calc III sequence. I took the first two in high school and got a 5 on the Calc BC AP test. I took the last recently and loved it because I could see all the applications of math. I was also the best in the class by far. In addition to my 4.0 in college, I was #1 in my high school class, with quite a bit of math and science, including AP Chemistry (another 5 on the AP test). My Math and Science ACT scores were both 35, I think (though one or both might have been 34 or 36).

I've always been smart and a hard worker. I'm a perfectionist, and I don't like giving anything less than my best. In the past, however, I've struggled with depression (to the point of being suicidal). It's under control now, but I am a little worried about the difficulty of an Engineering program. At the same time, though, it should be noted that I won't have quite as packed schedules as other Engineering students due to already having a degree. I can probably get through the degree in four years with an average of 12 or so credit hours per semester. Also, my depression is under control now.

Debt isn't too much of an issue. I got scholarships for my first degree, so I have no debt, and I'll be getting the Engineering degree from a relatively inexpensive school within commuting distance (so less cost for housing).

It looks like a good option, promising an interesting and rewarding career that pays well. I've always been a creative person, and I enjoy working in teams with competent and motivated people.
  • #1,018
russ_watters said:
- I'm a mechanical engineer working in the field of HVAC design. I started off studying aerospace engineering, but the math was just too much for me. I like mechanical engineering because it is a very wide field with all sorts of job opportunities everywhere.

The math was too much for you? you mean some kind of highly advanced calculus? i am planning to take up aerospace ,i don't have a problem with math but i am not sure whether i am good enough ,i signed up in ,can you recommend any particular courses that i must take ?
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  • #1,019
Okay, I'm a high school student, and I'm not really sure if I'm cut out for engineering. Help?
I'm good at maths, but I score really low in physics. I like physics, but I don't really understand everything. If I did, maybe...I also like astronomy, and chemistry. If someone could clear out all my physics-related doubts, I'd be the happiest person on earth. I seriously need help.

  • #1,020
To KarenXD: Although it is a bit unfair to say that engineers are 'failed physicists', there is some truth that in engineering you can specialise in branches which use the physics that you do understand. Even that is a bit sweeping because in real engineering day to day practice, you may have to turn to any branch of knowledge to solve a problem. However, the usual practice is to get help from someone who does know, if you are stuck. I have managed an engineering degree and a career in engineering although my school grades were woeful.
  • #1,021
To pongo38: Who should I ask? Thing is, I'm in Class 10, and I have to decide what to major in , and it's hard not knowing what I'm best at. I need help in deciding my career, my future, and not making a mistake that could ruin the rest of my life. So..can you help me, please? I want to know if I'm good at physics. In India there are two boards, the central board and the state board. I study in the state board, which is relatively esay compared to the central board. Most exams are based on the CB portions, and I find it really hard. I go for CB classes, but my professor is very hard to understand. He confuses himself.
  • #1,022
To KarenHD: If you are in India, then I cannot help you directly because I don't know the system. The general point I would make is that any decision you make is not likely to be as critical in the end as you appear to think. From a European point of view, there is usually more than one way to become an engineer. If you do take a wrong turning at some point, think of the system being a network rather than a single path, and you will be able to find a way back. Whatever you choose, I wish you well. You can succeed despite your professor who gets muddled. Learn to use other resources.
  • #1,023
russ_watters said:
At the suggestion of Shahil, I'm starting this thread as a general guidance thread for prospective engineers. Some typical questions:

-Should I become an engineer?
-What engineering discipline should I study?
-Is engineering difficult?

I encourage people to post personal experiences in school and in the professional world regarding the field of engineering.

Some background info on me - I'm a mechanical engineer working in the field of HVAC design. I started off studying aerospace engineering, but the math was just too much for me. I like mechanical engineering because it is a very wide field with all sorts of job opportunities everywhere.
  • #1,024
Most Engineers end up using just a miniscule fraction on their job, what they learned during their undergrad years. Not just the first few years - their entire career. However, knowing one's fundamentals well will keep one in good stead. In several subtle ways, one's wide knowledge will help at different stages. It can be when one selects a good piece of furniture. Just by a mere look at two different models, one can easily say which one is stronger and stabler. Same product made out of two different manufacturing processes will have different strengths. Selecting a pump and corresponding motor becomes easier. When an upgrade in technology occurs, you'll be the first one to appreciate the difference. When a 5-star rated energy efficient equipment is presented, you should be able to guess what modifications in it has resulted in superior efficiency.. All this if one has performed well as student and understood the concepts well. When your company hires an external consultant you may be able to understand the logic behind the recommendations better than others if your fundamentals are strong. Ideally, nobody should be able to take you for a ride if your subject knowledge is clear about all mechanical engineering subjects like metallurgy, design, manufacture, quality control, laws of motion, mechanics, thermodynamics etc
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  • #1,025
russ_watters said:
-Should I become an engineer?
-What engineering discipline should I study?
-Is engineering difficult?

I can use this thread as a "Q/A" right? Because I need some opinions on if I should continue to try and become an engineer.

(warning long because I'm adding a lot of background information on me to help others decide better.)

I'm currently in Grade 11, and I'm living in Ontario,Canada in Toronto. I literally have no idea what I should grow up to be, because I have a lot of interest areas. For example, every time I take one of those "What should you be when you grow up" quizzes I'll get results from all over the place. On my spare time, I love to write stories, watch animation, play video games, exercise, read about history, read about science, talk to friends, play music, and stuff like that I guess. I've also loved animals (But never owned them) and when I was younger I had a huge interest in Biology and Zoology. Now that I'm a bit older, I *love* computers, Chemistry and I would love to learn more about Physics, while still having a love for Animals and the Environment. I'm looking into the Engineer pathway because I think that I'd be able to work with or for the things that I love, and that I'm sort of interested in making a change in the world, and I think that if I became an Engineer it would probably help me begin to meet those goals. (Nothing major, just a want to reduce pollution.)

However I'm wondering if I'm the right fit for it. I still have another school year until Universities start looking at my marks, but I've been having some trouble keeping certain marks over certain thresholds. My family moves around a lot, and during my first 2 year of high school I was in a pretty bad environment, and my marks really showed that. I moved again for this year (But ended up missing the first 2 weeks of school due to familial issues), and so far I'm loving my new school and I'm taking all of the courses that I was interested in, but I'm having a bit of trouble with Chemistry so far. I'm getting As in literally the rest of my subjects (This semester I have English, Biology, and Music), but so far Chemistry is giving me a hard time (Mostly it's just small mistakes that I'm making, but a lot of small mistakes add up). Eventually, for my first Unit test in the course I think I might have finally fixed that issue (I don't have the test results back yet though), but I'm still very unsure. While I love Science, I'm not a big fan of math. I don't mind doing it, but it's not something that I exactly *love* to do as much as Science, which sort of made me doubt if I wanted to go into Engineering since I hear that they use a lot of Math. I think ultimately I'd be able to grin and bear it, as long as it's not to a crazy amount.

Another reason why I wonder if I'm the right fit for a Career in Engineering is that - and I hate to bring gender and race into this - but I'm a bit worried at how I'd be treated in a STEM workplace. It's a bit sad because most of the careers I'm looking into involve STEM, but as a girl and as a member of a visible (and apparently hated on the internet) minority group, I've just read a lot of articles about how people like me are treated, and it's a bit concerning for me. I don't think that the field is completely sexist/racist, but if someone could just answer me on exactly how bad it is, I would be grateful. I also sort of think that the potential of having to work in a potentially unsafe workplace could turn me off of looking into Engineering.

I also would like to work in an active workplace as well. Does engineering offer a lot of opportunities to travel around/ and or work outdoors? Will I be working in a more hands-on mode as opposed to being behind a computer all of the time? I personally like hands-on work and outdoors a bit better, but a mix would be best. Is Career Stability well/good? I especially ask the last because one day I hope to have a family. And lastly, after reading the paragraphs about me above, which engineering discipline do you think that I would find best?

Sorry if I'm a bit disorganized. I was a bit busy. But to summarize:

1. Judging from what I wrote above, should I even bother trying to become an Engineer?
2. If so, can anyone recommend me a sub-discipline?

Thanks in advance.
  • #1,026
russ_watters said:
-Should I become an engineer?
The answer to this question should be that one should try to become an Engineer if one wants to. As simple as that. Whether one will complete his degree in Engineering or not is a different thing. But if if one wants to be an Engineer then he must give it a try at least.
russ_watters said:
-What engineering discipline should I study?
Depends on which subject you found more interesting in your high school. If you liked Electrodynamics/Semiconductors then go for Electrical. If you found Thermodynamics and Mechanics more interesting then go for Mechanical/Civil. Similarly Chemical for Chemistry loving people and Software Engineering for those who like Coding.

russ_watters said:
-Is engineering difficult?

It depends on which branch you choose and how much you study everyday. But comparably we can say that Bachelors in Engineering is tougher than Bachelor on Science degree. It also depends on which University you are studying in. Some universities have a very difficult curriculum compared to other.
  • #1,027
Is a bachelor's in an engineering discipline required to become a certified PE? Or can one be certified with just a master's degree in an engineering discipline?

I have a bachelor's in computer science, but looking at different grad school options for engineering at this time.

Any help is appreciated.
  • #1,028
Cod said:
Is a bachelor's in an engineering discipline required to become a certified PE? Or can one be certified with just a master's degree in an engineering discipline?

I have a bachelor's in computer science, but looking at different grad school options for engineering at this time.

Any help is appreciated.
Usually one would obtain a degree in one of the engineering disciplines which is recognized by NSPE ( or one practices engineering under the guidance of an engineer, or licensed professional engineering. Anyway, one take a fundamentals tests (FE), which used to be the EIT or engineer-in-training. After some experience, one would take the PE, or P&P, which is the Principles and Practices test, in a particular discipline, e.g., Mechanical Engineering, Structural Engineering, . . . .

NSPE does not do the licensure, but rather NCEES, which is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing professional licensure for engineers and surveyors, develops, administers, and scores the examinations used for engineering and surveying licensure in the United States.

A PE is usually required in order to sign drawings and other engineering documents used in the design or construction of some engineered system. One becomes licensed in a given state of residence/practice, but there is often a reciprocal arrangement that eases the licensing in other states.
  • #1,029
Hello. I have some questions and I think this is a good place to get the answers. I'm thinking of studying mechanical engineering, because I always ponder about how a train or a clock works. I've recently made a career aptitude test and the top result was engineering. I've refrained from considering scientific or mathematical paths because in my home country the secondary school is divided in multiple categories and I chose humanities, which limited my professional prospects from early on. This means I barely have knowledge of any kind of science and I haven't made calculations, other than simple arithmetics used in day-to-day life, in more than five years. A cousin of mine is currently in his last weeks to get his Masters in Automotive Engineering, and our conversation in Christmas rekindled my interest. I still don't know if I'll try to enter into a Mechanical Engineering course, so I've decided to finally sign up to this forum in order to get some answers from a more informed and open mindset.

1) I want, first of all, to move to UK and study there. Is a course with a foundation year a good option for me, and what are my chances of entering, given that I have nothing more at all than just finishing high school? Consider that I live in the European Union, have family in England and I've passed several weeks there for the last two years. I read novels and magazines in the english language, and I'm capable of maintaining casual conversations with natives.

2) I am currently twenty years old, even if I enter this year in a foundation year I'll only get a diploma at 26, and this is if I can enter at the earliest chance and make it as fast as possible. How does it hurt my professional prospects if I just finish my degree in the late twenties?

3) Are there any programs, internships or workshops I can do now or during the next years to learn more about M. Engineering and improve my chances of entering a university and build my résumé? And is there anything I can do to know if I'm absolutely certain that I want to follow this professional path?

P.S.: 4) What are some daily activities, including leisure, that can improve my skills for anything mathematical and scientific?
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  • #1,030
I have a general question about engineering. I'd thought I just post here instead of making a new thread. So I am almost done with my sophomore year of engineering, only a few engineering core classes than I can transfer.

So how much harder is junior year? I heard it's way harder than sophomore year, however one of my engineering instructors said sophomore years the hardest... I heard as an ME student junior year you take fluid mechanics 1 and 2, thermodynamics, an upper level statics, machine design, and an upper differential equations class (forgot the name of it). Today while studying circuit analysis I saw an old classmate I took vector Calc with. He told me he was taking 300 and 400 level EE classes and not having a life. So I am pretty much not going to have a life junior year?
  • #1,031
ME_student said:
I have a general question about engineering. I'd thought I just post here instead of making a new thread. So I am almost done with my sophomore year of engineering, only a few engineering core classes than I can transfer.

So how much harder is junior year? I heard it's way harder than sophomore year, however one of my engineering instructors said sophomore years the hardest... I heard as an ME student junior year you take fluid mechanics 1 and 2, thermodynamics, an upper level statics, machine design, and an upper differential equations class (forgot the name of it). Today while studying circuit analysis I saw an old classmate I took vector Calc with. He told me he was taking 300 and 400 level EE classes and not having a life. So I am pretty much not going to have a life junior year?

Some of the classes you mention you probably should have already taken. What courses have you spent your first two years taking?

It's not clear what 'upper level statics' encompasses. Statics is pretty basic. Do you mean dynamics, perhaps?

Did you go to school to study engineering or to be a party animal?

It's not clear why you are concerned with what classes of yours can transfer. Are you thinking about changing schools and/or majors?

Look, getting your education is an opportunity to do something which will affect the rest of your life. Missing a couple of parties is a small sacrifice to make for a chance at getting a career.
  • #1,032
All I need to take is strength of materials, circuits 2, CAD, gen Chem 2, and a few Gen electives then I am good to go.

The core classes looked at by the university I am transferring to looks at Calc 1-4, differential equations, linear algebra, Gen Chem 1-2, Calc based phy 1-3, strengths, statics, dynamics, CAD, microecon, and a few more.

I've never partied in my life and I don't plan on partying ever. As of right now I don't have much of a life right now... When I was referring to not having a life I meant not just relaxing a bit from the studies. I don't plan on changing majors ever... I've put a lot of time and money into this career (been paying for college since I started), about half way why stop now? It's been a dream to be an ME since I started school.
  • #1,033
Dear ME STudent "So I am pretty much not going to have a life junior year?" I would say this IS your life that you have chosen, and you need to find a work-life balance in it. This phase of concentrated study doesn't last forever. You can be encouraged by the observation that many have trodden this path before you did, and have succeeded.
  • #1,034
Do many people attempt to get a graduate degree in engineering after studying physics in undergrad? What might make the transition easy or difficult?

I assume the answer here would vary depending upon the field of engineering, so assume that I am speaking about any of the closest engineering fields to physics.
  • #1,035
Hello PF !

I plan to go back to school in september but I don't know what I should choose. I am 27 years old and my initial plan was to go back to school for 5 years and get a degree in Condensed Matter Physics (in Luxembourg, it is 3 years for the bachelor's degree (undergraduate kind of) + 2 years to get the master's degree).

I want to work in sciences and I want a degree that will open me those doors. I know that a degree in physics can open a lot of doors like finance etc but I hate finance (I am a software developer in the financial sector at the moment and I have a bachelor's degree in IT). I am not sure I will have the motivation to try to get a PhD and finish school at 35 years old.

I often read that engineering is awesome for the job prospects (compared to Physics) if you want to work on a daily basis with sciences. The thing is that I am not sure I would like engineering. I love to understand how and why things work and as far as I know, I have no love for design or build things (I love software development though).

I read a lot about that and I think the best thing for me would be Computational Physics but I don't have the possibility to study it (no university offers that degree close to me).

I am not worried about my future because I will have a bachelor's degree in software development and a master's degree in Physics (if everything works of course :) ).

Any advice ?

  • #1,036
I'm a Class 12 student in a CBSE affiliated school in Saudi Arabia. I am strongly interested in Maths and Physics, and I am very strong in both of them. I've always been infatuated by space and have considered to be an astrophysicist. But currently I have started to feel lost. I don't know whether I should go for engineering or physics. Since becoming a physicist would take a lot of time(around 12 years I guess), I don't think I can afford it without a scholarship of some kind. So, can anyone please help me find scholarships?
  • #1,037
Should I become an engineer: I am currently a nursing student but I've always had a knack for computers and technology i take apart cell phones and mp3 players and laptops and put them back together to make them work more efficiently, and I am great with most math effortlessly, and today i realized those gifts could be nurtured in a career that id love and it would actually pay me (the pay being a bonus)

but I am 27 and i feel like id be starting all over and its too late in life to start over bc I am getting old and need to hurry up and get my degree.

if i do switch I am thinking magor computer hardware engineering with a minor in geology geared toward oil and gas extraction
  • #1,038
I think it's best for me to put this question here than to make a new thread. Apologies for threading jacking.

I am a student who is about to enter junior year for mechanical engineering. Do we have any petroleum engineers here on physics forum? I was wondering what classes were like junior year and give me a quick summary of what kind of work you do? Someone told me I should go to school for petroleum engineering... I don't think it's worth it since I will have to attend a college out of state and most likely move down south.
  • #1,039
jorcesca said:
Should I become an engineer: I am currently a nursing student but I've always had a knack for computers and technology i take apart cell phones and mp3 players and laptops and put them back together to make them work more efficiently, and I am great with most math effortlessly, and today i realized those gifts could be nurtured in a career that id love and it would actually pay me (the pay being a bonus)

but I am 27 and i feel like id be starting all over and its too late in life to start over bc I am getting old and need to hurry up and get my degree.

if i do switch I am thinking magor computer hardware engineering with a minor in geology geared toward oil and gas extraction
Do you like math, phy, science, programming, circuits analysis, not having a life (social life), and studying all the time? If you like the following then I say go for it!
  • #1,040
Shahil said:
Lastly, the money is good BUT you should


ever choose a career for the money - and I'll stand by that.

Hope this helps. :smile:

I have been a software engineer for 20+ years and that is so true. I have seen many people try to do engineering because of the money but they do not have the brain, patience, or whatever it is necessary to be a good engineer. They end up frustrated, angry, and in some cases, feeling like they're not intelligent. Not everyone is meant to be an engineer, just like not everyone is meant to be a politician, or a doctor.
  • #1,041
If you are debating as to which field of engineering to enter and want to ensure you will have employment when you obtain your degree, check out in what fields the engineering scholarships are being offered. Any field that needs engineers will be offering scholarships. At one time there were not enough engineers entering the fields of mineralogy, petroleum, and geology. The geology firms were so desperate, they were hiring first and second year students out of college to get workers. I wrote a blog about the Mohole Project which relates to that. The project was begun to bring attention to geology and to entice college bound in that field.
  • #1,042
russ_watters said:
-Is engineering difficult?
the person who ask this question..should be probably the last person to become an engineer on earth...
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  • #1,043
ME_student said:
I have a general question about engineering. I'd thought I just post here instead of making a new thread. So I am almost done with my sophomore year of engineering, only a few engineering core classes than I can transfer.

So how much harder is junior year? I heard it's way harder than sophomore year, however one of my engineering instructors said sophomore years the hardest... I heard as an ME student junior year you take fluid mechanics 1 and 2, thermodynamics, an upper level statics, machine design, and an upper differential equations class (forgot the name of it). Today while studying circuit analysis I saw an old classmate I took vector Calc with. He told me he was taking 300 and 400 level EE classes and not having a life. So I am pretty much not going to have a life junior year?
I remember the freshman and sophomore year classes to be the "weed out" non-engineer students. I had plenty of fun in all 4 years of my mechanical engineering undergraduate program. The list of classes you have -- thermo, fluids, thermal power systems was some of the best classes I ever took (you can tell I'm a true blood ME).

If you decide to major in ME, then the upper division EE classes you might have to take is either in Process Controls or in Automation. Those are useful classes and I really enjoyed the practical lab aspects of it. When it came to theory, not so much for me. And obviously it showed it my grades -- good thing I had stellar grades in the first two years such that my last two years of college only managed to pull me down to a 3.4 GPA. I aced every upper division class related to thermal / fluids / energy. I did my best to skip every upper division non-engineering courses.

The last two years is basically when you get to apply the knowledge you have gained and do fun stuff in classes and labs and projects. Oh, it was also in the last two years when I took on engineering internships of 20-30 hours per week on top of taking a full ride in courses. So I think your instructor might be on the right track...
  • #1,044
kevnst said:
I remember the freshman and sophomore year classes to be the "weed out" non-engineer students. I had plenty of fun in all 4 years of my mechanical engineering undergraduate program. The list of classes you have -- thermo, fluids, thermal power systems was some of the best classes I ever took (you can tell I'm a true blood ME).

If you decide to major in ME, then the upper division EE classes you might have to take is either in Process Controls or in Automation. Those are useful classes and I really enjoyed the practical lab aspects of it. When it came to theory, not so much for me. And obviously it showed it my grades -- good thing I had stellar grades in the first two years such that my last two years of college only managed to pull me down to a 3.4 GPA. I aced every upper division class related to thermal / fluids / energy. I did my best to skip every upper division non-engineering courses.

The last two years is basically when you get to apply the knowledge you have gained and do fun stuff in classes and labs and projects. Oh, it was also in the last two years when I took on engineering internships of 20-30 hours per week on top of taking a full ride in courses. So I think your instructor might be on the right track...
I transfer next term as a junior. I would say Sophomore year was a lot of fun. I did pretty well in all my engineering classes.
  • #1,045
So I'm in a bit of a difficult spot right now. I'm trying to decide between Engineering and Physics. I love Physics, but I don't know how much I love the idea of going on to a PhD. This decision is made more difficult by the fact that my school has a limited selection of Engineering majors. You can do only civil, mechanical, or electrical. The field that interests me the most is Materials Engineering. I can't switch schools because this is my second degree, and I'm only able to finance it because of student loans and living with my parents. I'm 26 and only in my second semester, so that's why I'm wary of going the Physics route. I'm not completely against the idea of a PhD, but I want to have more options when it comes time for that decision.

Technically, I could fit in a double major in either mechanical or electrical and physics, but that would require a pretty insane course load. It would also limit me when it comes to electives in both disciplines. I'd only be able to take the bare minimum.

As for my background, I'm doing very well in my physics classes. The lowest grade I've had on a physics test is a 91, and the class average is usually between 65 and 75 percent. I'm currently taking statics. My first test is tomorrow, and I think it should go pretty well. I feel like I get what's going on. I've also gotten through all my Calculus sequence and Differential Equations with an A in every class.

If this were my first degree, I wouldn't hesitate to go with physics, but at some point, I feel like I need to get an actual job.

I'm having trouble deciding between Mechanical and Electrical. Each one has courses that sound interesting and courses that don't. I wonder if I could do the Mechanical and take a few of the materials related electives in both Mechanical and Electrical and maybe sprinkle in a few elective courses in Physics and Chemistry.
  • #1,046
I am a Chemical Physics major for two years now, and now I think I will be switching majors to Chemical Engineering or Engineering Physics. For my University, the average courseload engineering students take is around 6 or 7 courses. That is insane! I have only at most done 5 courses in one term and it ended up being decent however, 7 seems suicidal. So my question for you folks is that, how does one manage to even DO 7 courses in a term (around 4 months)

Best Wishes,
  • #1,047
Zionic said:
That is insane! I have only at most done 5 courses in one term and it ended up being decent however, 7 seems suicidal. So my question for you folks is that, how does one manage to even DO 7 courses in a term (around 4 months)

I don't know how it's done elsewhere but in my country all degrees follow the same standard course load. Doing more courses just means the average work per course is lower. The highest workload I had in my mechanical engineering degree was while taking just 2 courses, on paper it was the standard course load I had taken throughout the rest of the degree, including a semester I took 7 courses.
  • #1,048
I see, it differs from course to course, some courses are 3 credit (9 hours of study per week outside of lecture) and some are 4 credit (12 hours of studying per week outside of lecture), my first and second term I will be taking 21 and 23 credit hours respectively (63 and 69 hours of study per week outside of lecture) that how it works here with Canadian Universities in British Columbia
  • #1,049
Would studying engineering on a part time basis (2 classes per semester) - while working - make the difficulty more manageable?
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  • #1,050
Derek Francis said:
Would studying engineering on a part time basis (2 classes per semester) - while working - make the difficulty more manageable?

I really depends on yourself and the kind of student you are.
It will definitely take longer to complete the degree, though at the same time you are less likely to burn out.
Also it will cost you more in the long run enrolling in more semesters as fixed rate student fees and activity fees (for some institutions) add up (these fees for my university are charged every semester regardless of how many credits or courses you take, it is about $150 every semester so if I enrolled full-time for a year I would have paid $300 as opposed to the $600 I would pay if I completed the same amount of course work as a part-time student)
Another factor that I have heard often is the notion that:
"employers would like to see a full course load that was well accomplished, showing that you can handle the rigor of the work."
or something of the sort. There are more factors to be taken into account.


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