Physics Forums: Science Discussion, Homework Help, Articles

Featured Thread: Redshifts of nearby galaxies
We have had a number of threads lately on the redshifts of Local Group galaxies. Replies have focused on how these are not cosmological in origin. This is of course true, But there is something more basic. These redshifts are measured from Earth, not the center of the Milky Way. The Earth is in motion with respect to the galaxy as a whole and Galaxy X can be moving towards Earth but away from the galaxy as a whole or vice versa...

Homework Help Seek out and help with student's math and science homework help. Step by step help with coursework from high school to post grad. Please show your work and use the template. Submit your question in the correct forum.

Science Education and Careers Science education is the process of sharing scientific information with the goal of learning. Perspectives include, teachers, students and professionals. Find homework help, academic guidance and textbook reviews.

Astronomy and Cosmology Join in expert discussion on astronomy, cosmology and star gazing. Astronomy deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.
