Force and the Sin Wave - Exploring Average Force

In summary, the conversation discusses the application of a force over time to an object with a mass of 1kg. The force is represented by F=sin(t)N, which results in an acceleration of sin(t) and velocity of 1-cos(t). The conversation also addresses the importance of considering constants of integration and initial conditions when deriving these equations. It is explained that the velocity and displacement will continue to increase due to the constant positive velocity, despite the force averaging to 0. The concept of work is also discussed, with the understanding that it is the integral of the force and that it can be seen as being done over half cycles.
  • #1
Gold Member
This is just something I was thinking about the other day:
Lets say that we have an object with the mass of 1kg and at t=0: x=0m and v=0m/s. Now we apply a force over time t with the force: F=sin(t)N.
that means that a=sin(t). To get v we integrate and get: v = 1-cos(t).
Then we integrate for x and get x = t - sin(t).
That means that after a few seconds the mass will be way on the x+ side. But why should this be if on average the amount of force in that direction is 0?!
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  • #2
You're forgetting constants of integration when you integrate each time. Think about the answer you should get and what the constants could be.
  • #3
I got the answers I got when I included the constant:

v(t) = -cos(t) + C (t=0, v=0)
0 = -1 + C
C = 1 => v(t) = 1 - cos(t)

Then for x:
x(t) = t - sin(t) + C (t=0, x=0)
0 = 0 - 0 +C => C=0

And I get:
x(t) = t - sin(t) ?!
  • #4
ahh so you have. Sorry I'm just used to that as being such a common mistake that i didn't think to check (much embarrassment).

The error occurs in assuming an acceleration and initial conditions and working back over. If you assume a=sin(t) and then derive v=1-cos(t) you'll see that at t =0 acceleration is 0 while the velocit is max which cannot be a true statemnet since you've said the velocity is 0 to start off with. Thus a=cos(t) to give max acceleration and zero initial velocity.
  • #5
Kurdt said:
If you assume a=sin(t) and then derive v=1-cos(t) you'll see that at t =0 acceleration is 0 while the velocit is max
Why is the velocity max?
v(t) = 1 - cos(t) => v(0) = 1 - cos(0) = 1-1 = 0?
  • #6
I'm sorry, I may be missing something but when we integrate sin(t) do we not simply get -cos(t), not 1-cos(t)?
  • #7
The 1 comes from the constant C.
  • #8
daniel_i_l said:
The 1 comes from the constant C.

Ahh yes, didnt read the initial conditions.
  • #9
Argh I'm having a nightmare today I apologise to everyone. If you start from rest and begin to accelerat that acceleration will go through half a cycle, at which time you will be at your maximum speed then the rest of the acceleration is used to slow whatever it is to zero again all the while it has been traveling a certain distance x. When the acceleration repeats the cycle it travels further in the positive x direction.

I think you were thingin the velocity would oscillate between positive and negative values like the acceleration and thus the velocity and displacement should average zero.

Third time lucky i hope. Apologies again it has been a long day!
  • #10
Thanks, that sounds right but why isn't the work 0J? I mean, if we look at the sum of the force over t after n cycles the it is 0, and if the work is 0 then how can it effect the kinetic energy and cause the mass to speed up?
  • #11
For a general force work is the integral of the force in the direction it is applied between two points. As the force is a sine wave the integral will be a cosine and over one cycle the work done is zero because you've acceleratedthe block to a max speed then done the same amount of work slowing it down only in the opposite direction.

I guess its best to look at work as being done over half cycles or if you're interested in how much energy has been expended at the modulus of a cycle multiplied by n cycles.
  • #12
Your velocity, v = 1 - cos(t) is always postive, therefore you displacement is always increasing." . Yellow is the force, blue is velocity, pink is displacement.
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  • #13
Now I understand, from the graph (thanks Integral) it's clear that whenever the work is 0, so is the speed.

FAQ: Force and the Sin Wave - Exploring Average Force

1. What is the definition of force?

Force is a physical quantity that describes the interaction between two objects and their motion. It is measured in Newtons (N) and is represented by the formula F=ma, where F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration.

2. How does force affect an object's motion?

Force can change an object's motion by either speeding it up, slowing it down, or changing its direction. This is described by Newton's First Law of Motion, which states that an object will remain at rest or in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

3. What is the sinusoidal wave pattern and how is it related to force?

A sinusoidal wave pattern, also known as a sine wave, is a mathematical function that represents the oscillation of a wave over time. In the context of force, a sine wave can be used to represent the changing force applied to an object over time, as seen in experiments with springs and pendulums.

4. How is average force calculated?

Average force is calculated by dividing the total force applied to an object over a period of time by the duration of that time period. This can be represented by the formula Favg = Δp/Δt, where Favg is average force, Δp is the change in momentum, and Δt is the change in time.

5. Why is exploring average force important in science?

Exploring average force is important in science because it allows us to understand and quantify the effects of force on objects. This is crucial in fields such as physics and engineering, where the manipulation of force is essential for creating and improving technologies. Additionally, understanding average force can also help us predict and prevent potential dangers and accidents in our daily lives.

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