Hi Gary, I am responding to your closed forum: Like a claw fossil or something. Your picture is upside down. Clean up your rock with a steel welding brush to remove the mineralized dirt and oxidation. This will bring out all the colors. I can see from your photos that the inside of this rock where it is exposed is agatized. A product of fast fossilization. From what I can see, you don't have a claw, rather, you have a turtle's front flipper. Hope this message finds you. Greg
Mathematician currently working for a gaming company as well as working externally for the science and engineering unit at Southern Cross university in Australia
Hi Borek. Is there something up with Chemical Forums? For the past week I haven't been able to connect, just get this error message. Applies to both laptop and phone. Any help appreciated.
Just joined Physics Forums and I'm looking forward to learning more about Black Holes, Worm Holes, White Holes and even even going down some Rabbit Holes. I'm a just a "Patent Clerk Wannabe."
fwiw I interpreted these other Ibix statements as meaning that someone here has to be able to look at both clocks, not that the clock at the BB last scattering itself also needs to be able to see our clock here. I am still not sure why it needs to. Perhaps Ibix should try to be clearer.
I enjoy Cosmology, but I only get a few hours a year to read about it. If you want to know anything about RF engineering you let me know
Hello Vanadium 50 - this is my first time using this forum, so I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly. I wanted to see if you'd seen my message from yesterday. I found two separate sets of conflicting data related to one of your old posts, and I am trying to understand how to reconcile the two - perhaps how the data was re-tabulated somehow? Thank you for any time you have.
Sorry for being 4 years late, but I read your thread about what you wanted to major in and I think if you like biology, chemistry and physics then go for chemical engineering, and then later you can work at various companies (like NASA) since you like aerospace. You could also minor in computer science along with this since you are interested in robotics/AI-related stuff.
Hi all,
I want to determine the lattice parameters (a, b, c and beta angle) for the thin film of a monoclinic system from the thin film XRD data. I have HRXRD data of epitaxial/oriented film. Is there any program or script to compute the lattice parameters?