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Our Mission

Physics Forums aims to provide a community for students, scientists, educators or hobbyists to learn and discuss science as it is currently generally understood and practiced by the professional scientific community.

Our main focus is physics, but we also cater to other STEM fields including engineering, chemistry, biology, mathematics, etc.

STEM homework help for students is available, as well as academic and career guidance.


  1. Happy Birthday (1 point)

    It's your birthday!
  2. 1

    Marketplace Access (1 point)

    Congrats, you now have access to the Marketplace forum located in the Science and Math Textbooks forum!
  3. Hidden trophy (20 points)

    This trophy is hidden. Details are visible once it has been earned.
  4. 25

    Distinguished MHB Member (25 points)

    Migrated from mathhelpboards
  5. Hidden trophy (30 points)

    This trophy is hidden. Details are visible once it has been earned.
  6. Hidden trophy (35 points)

    This trophy is hidden. Details are visible once it has been earned.
  7. 50

    POTW Director (50 points)

    This member manages the math Problem of the Week program

Posting Activity

  1. First Post (1/8) (1 point)

    Welcome again to Physics Forums! Please share our community with your friends and on social media.
    1. 100 Post Mark (5 points)

      Congrats on posting 100 messages!
    2. 250 Post Mark (10 points)

      Congrats on posting 250 messages!
    3. 1000 Post Mark (20 points)

      Congrats on posting 1000 messages!
    4. 5000 Post Mark (40 points)

      Congrats on posting 5000 messages!
    5. 10,000 Post Mark (50 points)

      Congrats on posting 10K messages!
    6. 20,000 Post Mark (60 points)

      Congrats on posting 20K messages!
    7. 40,000 Post Mark (70 points)

      Congrats on posting 40K messages!

Reaction Score

  1. First Reaction (1/9) (2 points)

    A member reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep writing quality posts for more positive reactions!
    1. 50 Reaction Score (10 points)

      Members have reacted positively to your posts 50 times. Keep writing quality posts for more positive reactions!
    2. 125 Reaction Score (15 points)

      Members have reacted positively to your posts 125 times. Keep writing quality posts for more positive reactions!
    3. 500 Reaction Score (20 points)

      Members have reacted positively to your posts 500 times. Keep writing quality posts for more positive reactions!
    4. 1000 Reaction Score (30 points)

      Members have reacted positively to your posts 1000 times. Keep writing quality posts for more positive reactions!
    5. 2000 Reaction Score (50 points)

      Members have reacted positively to your posts 2000 times. Keep writing quality posts for more positive reactions!
    6. 5000 Reaction Score (60 points)

      Members have reacted positively to your posts 5000 times. Keep writing quality posts for more positive reactions!
    7. 8000 Reaction Score (65 points)

      Members have reacted positively to your posts 8000 times. Keep writing quality posts for more positive reactions!
    8. 12,000 Reaction Score (75 points)

      Members have reacted positively to your posts 12,000 times. Keep writing quality posts for more positive reactions!

Membership Length

  1. 1 Year as a Member (1/6) (10 points)

    Happy one year anniversary!
    1. 3 Years as a Member (20 points)

      Happy 3 year anniversary!
    2. 5 Years as a Member (25 points)

      Happy 5 year anniversary!
    3. 10 Years as a Member (30 points)

      Happy 10 year anniversary!
    4. 15 Years as a Member (35 points)

      Happy 15 year anniversary!
    5. 20 Years as a Member (45 points)

      Happy 20 year anniversary!

Video Additions

  1. 10 Video Additions (1/4) (5 points)

    Thanks for uploading 10 videos to the gallery!
    1. 25 Video Additions (10 points)

      Thanks for uploading 25 videos to the gallery!
    2. 100 Video Additions (15 points)

      Thanks for uploading 100 videos to the gallery!
    3. 500 Video Additions (20 points)

      Thanks for uploading over 500 videos!

Insight Author Articles

  1. 1 Insight Article (1/5) (25 points)

    You have written 1 blog entry at PF Insights!
    1. 3 Insight Articles (25 points)

      You've posted 3 Insights articles!
    2. 5 Insight Articles (50 points)

      You've posted 5 Insights articles!
    3. 10 Insight Articles (75 points)

      You've posted 10 Insight Articles!
    4. 15 Insight Articles (100 points)

      You've posted 15 Insight Articles!

User Status

  1. Education Background Profile (3 points)

    Thanks for setting your educational background in your profile!
  2. Academic Institution Member (5 points)

    You've signed up using college email. Welcome!
  3. The Sisterhood (5 points)

    Welcome to our group of female scientists (or future) :)
  4. Gold Member (15 points)

    Thanks for being a Gold Member!
  5. Science Advisor (75 points)

    Congrats, you're a Science Advisor!
  6. Homework Helper (75 points)

    Congrats, you're a Homework Helper!
  7. Education Advisor (75 points)

    You have been recognized for the frequency and quality of your advice in the education forums. Thank you!
  8. Mentorship (150 points)

    You have joined the ranks of the highly acclaimed Mentors!
  9. PF Emeritus (150 points)

    Staff who have retired on a beach somewhere in the south pacific!

Lifetime Achievements

  1. The Carl Sagan Award (30 points)

    You've hit all the high marks with 1500 Likes, 10,000 Posts, and 5 years a member. High praise for you!
  2. The Einstein Award (50 points)

    You've hit all the high marks with 3000 Likes, 15,000 Posts, and 8 years a member. High praise for you!
  3. The Marie Curie Award (70 points)

    You've hit all the high marks with 5000 Likes, 20,000 Posts, and 10 years a member. High praise for you!

Featured Threads

  1. 1 Thread Featured (1/5) (10 points)

    One of your threads has been featured on the homepage. Keep posting interesting threads to get more featured.
    1. 3 Threads Featured (25 points)

      3 of your threads have been featured on the homepage. Keep posting interesting threads to get more featured.
    2. 5 Threads Featured (45 points)

      5 of your threads has been featured on the homepage. Keep posting interesting threads to get more featured.
    3. 10 Threads Featured (65 points)

      10 of your threads have been featured on the homepage. Keep posting interesting threads to get more featured.
    4. 15 Featured Threads (75 points)

      15 of your threads have been featured on the homepage. Keep posting interesting threads to get more featured.