This is the profile for member sophiecentaur. This page shows details about sophiecentaur like postings stats, blog posts, latest posts, trophies won and interests. If you want to follow or message this user you must register an account.
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  • Good evening sir, I was exploring the concept of a flywheel for a rocket I'm designing and I stumbled upon a posting from 2012 made through your account on this thread. I was wondering if you had a minute to chat about the concept? All the best.
    Hello I dont want to confuse the op, so I suggest that you would like to keep our descation we would do it here
    • Skeptical
    Likes sophiecentaur
    What's a descation?
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    "I used to be one of your greatest fans, Dave."
    Is there a missing a smiley in there, or did I really offend? :P
    I couldn't reach the button for smileys with my stick. And I see there are no available smileys for this message ;-)
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    Likes DaveC426913
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