This is the profile for member Paul Colby. This page shows details about Paul Colby like postings stats, blog posts, latest posts, trophies won and interests. If you want to follow or message this user you must register an account.
Paul Colby
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  • Hello sir. Is everything going well in California, given the news about the 2025 wildfires?
    Hey, at least you are far away from the fires. Reminds me of an episode of Star Trek Picard where LA was on fire. Prayers and hopes for California that these fires end.
    Paul Colby
    Paul Colby
    There have been several fires like this in our area last year. Once the wind kicks up, it goes house to house. Wind events are relatively rare in my town. But likely just a matter of time. Maybe we’ll be lucky.
    • Informative
    Likes AlexB23
    Just stay safe, brother. There has to be a way to reduce these wildfires. Carbon emissions are leading to more of these disasters.
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